
The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

author:I love noodle fish

It is said that in the mountains in the south, there is such a broken temple, the years are not short, the incense used to be very prosperous, but now it is good, the walls have collapsed, spider webs are everywhere, and the statue of the god is still sitting upright, with bottomless eyes, as if recalling the scenery of the year.

One day, the sky was as cloudy as the bottom of the pot, the thunder shook the sky, the rain was loud, and on the path in the mountains, a butcher named Li Tiezhu was in a hurry, and his face was anxious and tired. This Li Tiezhu is a rectum, he usually kills pigs and sheep, although he mixes in the market, he has a good heart and is very chivalrous.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Li Tiezhu was in a hurry, looking around, trying to find a place to shelter from the rain. Just then, he saw the ruined temple. Although he knew that the temple was broken, in this wilderness, he could only go inside.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

The temple was dark and rumbling, but fortunately there was no rain. Li Tiezhu found a clean place to sit down, took out a fire fold from his bag, and lit a candle. The flames flickered and lit up a corner of the temple. He took off his soaked coat, hung it on the doorbeam, looked at the idol, and said silently: "God, if you have a spirit, bless me with peace and security, and don't let this heavy rain soak my goods." ”

Suddenly, a gloomy wind blew, and the candles in the temple flickered, as if something was secretly watching. Li Tiezhu's heart tightened, and he unconsciously clenched the butcher knife in his hand. "Crunch-" broke the silence in the temple, and he turned to see that the temple door was slowly open, and the cold wind blew in with rain. He was shocked in his heart, and thought to himself, is there anyone else in this temple who can't do it?

Li Tiezhu mustered up his courage and walked towards the door. As soon as he took two steps, a black shadow "swished" past, so fast that he didn't even react. Immediately afterwards, a terrible cry echoed in the temple, and it was terrifying to hear. Li Tiezhu was frightened, and hurriedly retreated, holding the butcher's knife tightly, ready to deal with it at any time.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

At this moment, he noticed that the coat hanging on the door beam was slowly moving! "Could it be...... Is it a ghost? Li Tiezhu was shocked, although he was a butcher, what he was most afraid of was these ghosts. He felt a cool breeze behind him, and a cold sweat broke out.

But at this moment, the outer garment suddenly stopped moving, and then, a faint golden light came out of the garment, illuminating the entire temple. Li Tiezhu took a closer look, and a vague figure slowly emerged from his clothes, a woman in ancient costume, very delicate, but with a little sadness in her eyes. The woman spoke slowly, and her voice was sad and gentle: "Engong, thank you for saving my life." Li Tiezhu was stunned and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

Li Tiezhu listened to what happened to Liu Er, and his heart was mixed. How could he have thought that a small act of his unintentional action would save a ghost who died unjustly. He stepped forward and said respectfully, "Miss Liu'er, since you have been liberated, let's leave quickly." The things of this world have nothing to do with you. Liu Er nodded, glanced at Li Tiezhu deeply, and then turned into a golden light, and disappeared into the air with a whoosh. Since then, nothing strange has happened to the ruined temple. Li Tiezhu also became more kind and brave because of this experience. He often reminded himself that he had to do good deeds in order to avoid calamity. This is the story of Li Tiezhu taking shelter from the rain in the broken temple. He used his kindness and courage to defuse a possible disaster. We also have to learn from him and always maintain a kind heart in order to go further in this world.

At the moment when Miss Liu'er turned into golden light and disappeared, Li Tiezhu felt that the entire ruined temple was quiet. He took a deep breath, although he was still a little scared in his heart, but more of a gratitude to Liu'er. He looked up at the coat that hung on the doorbeam, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that if he hadn't hung it up casually, he might not have escaped this catastrophe today. Li Tiezhu walked out of the broken temple, the rain outside stopped, and a little light appeared in the sky. He patted the dirt off his body, sorted out his package, and prepared to continue on his way. Just then, he heard a rush of footsteps. Looking back, a young scholar was hurrying over. The scholar was dressed in a green shirt and his face was pale, obviously frightened. "Brother, are you in trouble?" Seeing this, Li Tiezhu hurriedly stepped forward and asked. The scholar saw that Li Tiezhu was very kind, so he stopped, gasped and said, "Thank you brother for your concern, I got lost in the mountains, and I don't know how to get to this broken temple." I wanted to come in and take shelter from the rain just now, who knows...... Who knows......" What's wrong? "Li Tiezhu read the scholar and vomited, and he also guessed in his heart." I...... I heard the cry, and ...... There was also the laughter of the woman, which frightened me and ran out quickly. The scholar said, a frightened expression on his face. As soon as Li Tiezhu heard this, he understood in his heart that eight or nine are not far from ten. He patted the scholar lightly on the shoulder, and gently comforted him, "Friend, don't panic, those are just wandering lonely ghosts. As long as you always have good intentions in your heart, they will naturally not cause you harm. With a hint of doubt, the scholar looked at Li Tiezhu with flickering eyes, and asked uncertainly, "Really?" Li Tiezhu nodded affirmatively, and as he spoke, he took out a piece of talisman paper from his bag and handed it to the scholar, "This is a talisman I got from a Taoist master, and if you hold it, you can keep you safe all the way." The scholar took the rune paper, was so moved that he almost cried, and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you for saving your life!" Please ask the benefactor to have a big name, and he will definitely repay him in the future. Li Tiezhu smiled heartily, waved his hand to indicate that he didn't have to, and introduced himself: "I'm just an ordinary butcher named Li Tiezhu. You don't have to repay it, you go quickly. With that, he turned to leave. The scholar suddenly stopped him: "Brother Li, you are so generous and righteous, I have nothing to repay, only this jade pendant, please accept it." As he spoke, he took off a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Li Tiezhu. Li Tiezhu saw that the texture of the jade pendant was crystal clear, and a lifelike dragon was carved on it, and he knew that this was by no means an ordinary thing. Although he wanted to decline politely, but seeing the scholar's sincerity, he accepted the gift: "Then I might as well be respectful." Go quickly, be careful on the way. The scholar thanked him again and hurried away. Li Tiezhu held the jade pendant in his hand, and his heart was full of emotion. He didn't expect that he, a butcher, would encounter such an adventure. He carefully packed the jade pendant into his bag and continued his journey home.

A few days later, Li Tiezhu returned to his hometown. He told the villagers about this experience, and everyone listened to it with relish and praised his good luck. As a result, Li Tiezhu became a celebrity in the village, and people affectionately called him "Iron Pillar Hero". Despite this, Li Tiezhu did not become complacent because of this. He still works hard every day and lives an unpretentious life. But he always remembered the kindness of Miss Liu Er and the kindness of the scholar in his heart. With the passage of time, Li Tiezhu's life has returned to its former tranquility. However, one night, just as he was about to rest, he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. He quickly got up and opened the door, only to see a young man in ragged clothes standing outside the door. Li Tiezhu asked suspiciously, "Who are you?" The young man said excitedly: "Brother Li, it's me, I'm the scholar who met you in the broken temple!" After Li Tiezhu carefully identified it, he recognized the young man in front of him, and hurriedly invited him into the house and poured him a cup of hot tea. How did you find here? Li Tiezhu asked in surprise. The scholar sighed and began to tell about his journey, "It's a long story, since I left the ruined temple, although I have encountered many difficulties along the way, fortunately, I have been blessed by the amulet given to me by Brother Li, and I am safe. "Oh, that's a god! My buddy, an authentic Northeast Taoist priest, told me the story of this jade pendant, it turned out that it was not an ordinary thing, it was a treasure that could make people avoid disasters. "What? And such good things? Li Tiezhu was holding a jade pendant in his hand, his eyes were wide, and his face was incredible. That's right. The scholar nodded, and then said, "I came this time to return the jade pendant to you." You saved my life, and I will remember this love for a lifetime! With that, the scholar handed the jade pendant to Li Tiezhu.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

Li Tiezhu took the jade pendant, and said a mixed flavor in his heart: "Since this jade pendant is a treasure, it should stay with you to keep you safe." As he spoke, he handed the jade pendant back to the scholar. Don't don't, don't! The scholar hurriedly waved his hand, "This jade pendant was left to you by the life-saving benefactor Miss Liu'er, how can I ask for it!" "The two of you pushed me to let me, and in the end Li Tiezhu still accepted the jade pendant. But he knew in his heart that this jade pendant had to be passed on so that more people could get it.

The scholar saw that Li Tiezhu was dead or alive, and he also understood that this jade pendant was not only a treasure for Li Tiezhu, but also a responsibility and mission. Li Tiezhu thought for a while, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "Dude, since this jade pendant is so godly, why don't we use it to do something serious and help those who need help, what do you think?" When the scholar heard this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again: "Brother Li, this is a good idea!" If this jade pendant can be used to accumulate virtue and do good, that is its true value! ”

The two hit it off and decided to use the power of the jade pendant to do something practical for the people in the village. Although Li Tiezhu is a butcher, he is a decent person, kind-hearted, and has a lot of prestige in the village. He pulled up the people in the village and set up a "Jade Pendant Mutual Aid Association" to help those who were in difficulty and encountered misfortune. Whoever is in trouble, Li Tiezhu takes the jade pendant, prays silently, and then according to the guidance of the jade pendant, finds the person in need and lends a helping hand. Sometimes it's to help poor students go to school, sometimes it's to help the elderly repair their houses, and sometimes it's to raise money for the sick...... Over time, the reputation of the "Jade Pendant Mutual Aid Association" has become more and more famous, and it has helped many people.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

The villagers were very grateful to Li Tiezhu and the scholars, and they all said that the jade pendant brought them good luck and happiness. But Li Tiezhu and the scholar were not proud, they knew that the power of the jade pendant was limited, and it had to be used on the blade in order to play the maximum effect. Therefore, they still pay silently and interpret "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue" with practical actions.

He said to the scholar: "Dude, I feel that our jade pendant is getting stronger and stronger!" It seems to be telling us that as long as we continue to do good things, it can help us achieve more wishes! When the scholar heard this, his heart was also happy: "Really? That's great! We've got to work harder! As a result, the guys of the "Jade Pendant Mutual Aid Association" worked harder, and they brought one surprise after another to the villagers with their sweat and hands.

Once, Li Tiezhu and the scholar were wandering around the village when they suddenly heard someone shouting for help. They hurriedly ran over and looked, oh my god, a child had fallen into the river. The river was so anxious that the child was about to be swept away by the water. Li Tiezhu saw this situation, and jumped into the water without saying a word. He swam as fast as he could, grabbed the child by the arm, and pulled him ashore with all his might. The child's face turned white with fright, hugged Li Tiezhu's legs tightly, and cried profusely: "Thank you, uncle!" You saved me! Li Tiezhu touched his head and comforted him: "Little guy, don't be afraid, we are here!" You have to be careful in the future and don't run around. ”

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped

The scholar also rushed over, and when he saw that the child was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Li Tiezhu: "Brother Li, you are really good!" If it weren't for you, this kid would be hanging! Li Tiezhu smiled: "Isn't this what our 'Jade Pei Mutual Aid Association' does!" The two of them looked at each other and smiled, the beauty in their hearts, full of pride and satisfaction.

They know that as long as they continue to do good deeds, this jade pendant will always accompany them, help them realize more wishes, and bring happiness and peace to more people. Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Tiezhu and the scholar had gray hair, but they were still working in the "Jade Pendant Mutual Aid Association" and paying silently. The rescued child also grew up and became a doctor in the village, giving back to the society with his medical skills and love. Every time he thinks about the events of that year, he is grateful.

That magical jade pendant has also been passed down and has become a treasure in the village. Whoever is in trouble, they take out the jade pendant and pray, and then follow the guidance of the jade pendant to help. In this way, the "Jade Pendant Mutual Aid Association" has become a scenery in the village, and it is also a warm light in everyone's hearts.

The temple was ruined to shelter from the rain, and the butcher hung his clothes on the door beam, so he escaped