
The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

author:I love noodle fish

Let's go to the northeast of Gada, there are so many stories like stars, let's pick a bright one to talk about today. It's about a small village in our mountains, and there is a young man named Li Tiezhu. This iron pillar looks like an iron tower, and his personality is as straight as a line, and he is famous for his warm-heartedness. He had an uncle who went to the city to do business in his early years, and he heard that he made a lot of money. But in the past few years, my uncle's business has been like a roller coaster, and he owes a lot of debt to the Tiezhu family. Tie Zhu's mother was not in good health, and the little savings at home were not enough to support it, so Tie Zhu pondered going to the city to find his uncle to see if he could get the money back.

Early in the morning, Tie Zhu packed his luggage, said goodbye to his mother, and set out on the road to the city. Along the way, the mountain road was crooked, and he walked so fast, and he was thinking about how to open his mouth when he saw his uncle. As I walked, the sun was about to set, and the trees on both sides were getting denser and denser. Suddenly, Tie Zhu heard a rapid wheezing, and he followed the sound to glance, good fellow, a white fox was being entangled by a big snake, and it was struggling so badly. Tie Zhu is a kind-hearted person, how can he look at it, pick up the stick on the side of the road and rush up, and beat the big snake indiscriminately. The big snake screamed in pain, let go of the white fox, turned its head and pounced on the iron pillar. Although the iron pillar is brave, compared with this poisonous snake, it is still almost hot, and after a few rounds, he is as tired as a dog, and he is in danger.

At this moment, the white fox suddenly jumped up and bit the seven inches of the big snake in one bite. The big snake rolled in pain, let go of the iron pillar, and turned its head to bite the white fox. The white fox was agile, dodging left and right, and after a few rounds, the big snake was bitten all over the body, and finally the big snake wailed, turned around and ran, and disappeared as soon as it slipped through the smoke. Tie Zhu took a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then turned his head to look at the white fox. This white fox is snow-white, with bright eyes, and it is awe-inspiring to look at. Tie Zhu squatted down and asked softly, "Little guy, what's wrong with you?" The white fox seemed to understand, and walked up to him and rubbed his head against his trouser leg as if to thank him. Tie Zhu's heart was warm, and he took out some dry food from his baggage and fed it. The white fox ate with relish, and after eating, he looked up at the iron pillar, as if to say, "Thank you, kind big brother." ”

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

Tie Zhu stood up, patted the soil on his trouser leg, and was about to continue his journey, when he suddenly heard the white fox speak: "Engong, don't be in a hurry to go!" Tie Zhu was startled, looked around, and made sure that there was no one else around, only then did he realize that the voice came from the mouth of the white fox. Although he was surprised, he also understood that this white fox was not an ordinary fox, so he hurriedly arched his hand and said, "I don't know what advice the White Fox Great Immortal has?" The white fox said, "Engong, I see your face, I'm afraid it's a little bad for you to go to the city this time." "Oh, Iron Pillar, you have to listen, your uncle's house, we can't spend the night there." As soon as Tie Zhu heard this, he "chuckled" in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?" The white fox sighed and said, "I looked at your uncle's house, it seemed a little unusual, that demonic aura was around, there must be something unclean." If you're spending the night, be careful not to put your life in there. When Tie Zhu heard this, his heart was full of emotions, but when he thought that the old lady at home was still waiting for him to take money for treatment, he gritted his teeth and said, "I came here to recover some debts, if I don't stay, how can I see my uncle?" The white fox thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll give you a baby, maybe I can help." As he spoke, he spit out a crystal clear bead from his mouth and handed it to the iron pillar. Tie Zhu took the beads, felt a cool breath rushing to his head, and immediately felt more energetic. He hurriedly thanked the white fox, carefully put away the beads, and continued on his way.

It was getting darker and darker, and the iron pillar finally reached the city where his uncle lived. He followed the path of his memory and found his uncle's home. When I looked at the house, it was brightly lit and magnificent. Tie Zhu was overjoyed in his heart, and he quickened his pace and passed. When he reached the door, the iron pillar knocked on the door, and in a few moments, the door opened. The one who opened the door was a middle-aged man, who was Tiezhu's uncle. When he saw the iron pillar, he was stunned for a moment, then squeezed out an unnatural smile and said, "Yo, iron pillar, come in, come in." When the iron pillar entered the door, he saw that the yard was full of treasures, and his eyes were glazed. I secretly thought in my heart that this uncle had really made a fortune.

I followed my uncle into the house, and the house was also glittering with gold, and everything was worth a lot of money. The uncle asked the iron pillar to sit down, and let the maid serve tea. Tie Zhu picked up the teacup, blew it gently, and when he smelled the fragrance of tea, he dried it up. After drinking tea, he said directly: "Uncle, the family is not having a good time now, and my mother's health is not good, you owe us our family, can you ......" When the uncle heard this, his face immediately sank, interrupted Tiezhu's words, and pretended to be embarrassed: "Tiezhu, it's not that I don't want to pay it back, it's really that something has gone wrong in business, and my money is very tight." You give me some more time, and when the business is good, I will definitely pay you back with interest. Although Tie Zhu was not happy in his heart, he thought that his uncle was an elder, so he didn't say much. He stood up and was about to leave, when he suddenly felt the heat in his chest, and when he looked down, it turned out that the beads given by the white fox were glowing. His heart moved, and he thought, "Is there something about this bead?" At this moment, the uncle said, "Iron pillar, it is not too early, so you can stay here, and it is not too late to leave tomorrow morning." Tie Zhu listened, remembered the white fox's reminder in his heart, hesitated for a moment, and politely refused: "Uncle, there is still something at home, I won't stay, I'll come back another day." The uncle noticed that Tiezhu was determined to leave, so he did not force him to stay, but ordered the maid of the family to send him out. As Tie Zhu stepped out of the courtyard, he felt a cold wind blowing from behind, and when he looked back, he saw his uncle standing by the door with an unusual smile on his face, which made him feel a chill in his heart. Tie Zhu did not dare to linger, and hurried out of his uncle's house. He walked alone on the streets, but his heart was turbulent. He recalled the white fox's reminder, and felt more and more that his uncle's home was a little unusual. He gently touched the beads in his arms, and a plan sprouted in his heart. He found an inn and decided to stay for a while, and that night he took out the beads and examined them carefully. The beads are crystal clear and exude a soft glow, which is particularly magical. Tie Zhu's heart moved, and according to the legend he heard as a child, he silently recited a few incantations to the beads. Unexpectedly, the bead actually reacted, and its light suddenly became intense, illuminating the entire room as if it were daytime. Tie Zhu felt a powerful force flood into his body, making him feel refreshed, as if he had infinite power. At this moment, the image of the white fox appeared in the beads, which was the same white fox that rescued him during the day. The white fox looked at the iron pillar and said, "Benefactor, I have poured my mana into this bead, as long as you carry it with you, I can keep you safe." Tie Zhu was very happy when he heard this, and hurriedly thanked the white fox. He carefully put away the beads, and with confidence in his heart, he decided to go to his uncle's house again to find out the truth.

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

At that moment, the shadow of the white fox swooped to the iron pillar. She flicked her hand, and a white light rushed towards the monster. The monster screamed, like smoke, and the smoke dispersed. When Tie Zhu saw this posture, he quickly bowed to the white fox and thanked him repeatedly. The white fox waved his hand and said, "Dude, you're welcome, that monster was originally injured by me, and now I can be regarded as clearing this account." Tie Zhu suddenly realized that the monster was raised by his uncle, and he used witchcraft to confuse people and do some shady things. Thanks to the white fox, otherwise Tiezhu really didn't know what to do. The white fox looked at the iron pillar and said, "Dude, now that you have nothing to do, I should also withdraw." As soon as she finished speaking, she flashed and disappeared without a trace. Tie Zhu looked at the direction in which the white fox disappeared, and the gratitude in his heart was lifted. He turned around and went back to the inn. Early the next morning, Tiezhu hurried home with the silver in his hand. Since then, the Tiezhu family has lived happily. And that uncle, because of the broken witchcraft and his reputation, no longer dared to come out to harm people. This matter also spread in the village and became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Tiezhu held the silver he had brought back from his uncle's house in his hand and walked briskly towards the village. On this trip to the city, he experienced life and death, and also saw the true face of demons. Now, he can finally go back with the money to treat his mother, and he can't say how happy he is in his heart. Along the way, Tie Zhu was thinking about how to explain the origin of the money to his mother. He knew that his mother was an honest person, and if he knew that the money was "snatched" back from his uncle's house, he wouldn't have to worry about death. So, he decided to make up a nonsense, and said that he had found a job in the city and earned some money. Back in the village, Tiezhu saw his mother standing at the door from a distance. He walked forward quickly, hugged his mother, and said, "Mother, I'm back, you see, I also brought you some money back, our family is saved now!" The mother looked at the silver in Tiezhu's hand, with tears in her eyes, patted Tiezhu's back, and said, "Good boy, my mother knows that you can do it." Come into the house and rest, my mother will make you something to eat. The iron pillar went into the house, and put the silver on the table, but his heart was heavy. He knew that although this money could solve the family's urgency, his uncle would definitely not just forget it. However, now that he has the beads given by the white fox, he is much more at ease. A few days later, Tie Zhu used the money to hire a doctor for his mother and bought some medicinal herbs. Under the careful treatment of the doctor, my mother's illness slowly improved. Tie Zhu watched his mother get better day by day, and he couldn't say how happy he was in his heart. But the good times didn't last long, and one night, the iron pillar was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. He put on his clothes, went to the door, and asked, "Who?" "It's me, your uncle." There was an eerie call outside, and when Tie Zhu heard it, his heart jumped. He hurriedly opened the door and took a look, only to see his uncle's face blue and iron, standing outside the door, followed by a few fierce followers.

"Iron pillar, why are you so ignorant? took my money and slipped away without even saying hello. "Uncle didn't smile on his face, and there was a thorn in his words.

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

Tie Zhu knew in his heart that something was wrong, but he still stubbornly pretended to be innocent: "Uncle, which pot are you not opening and mentioning?" When did I touch your money? ”

"Hmph, don't pretend to be garlic! I know you took my money! If you don't return the money today, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone! As soon as the uncle's words fell, he waved his hand, and the gang of men rushed towards the iron pillar with great vigour.

Tie Zhu was prepared, he took out a bead from his bosom, and said something in his mouth. The bead "snorted" and emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the uncle and them so that they couldn't open their eyes. Taking advantage of this moment, as soon as the iron pillar turned around, he ran away and disappeared into the night.

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

Uncle and they were dazzled by the light, and when they came to their senses, the iron pillar was long gone. They were so angry that they jumped to their feet, but they didn't have a problem with the iron pillar.

The iron pillar ran all the way to a cave outside the village. He knew he was safe for the time being, but he couldn't keep hiding. He had to think of a way to get rid of his uncle's entanglement completely.

Just as he was pondering, the white fox suddenly appeared in front of him. She looked at Tie Zhu's panting appearance and said with a smile: "Engong, you are really fast!" ”

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

When Tie Zhu saw that it was a white fox, he hurriedly saluted: "Thank you White Fox Immortal for saving your life!" Do you have any advice? ”

The white fox waved his hand: "I can't talk about advice." However, I can show you a way to make your uncle never dare trouble you again. ”

When Tie Zhu heard this, his eyes lit up: "What's the way?" ”

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

The white fox smiled slightly: "The reason why your uncle dares to be so arrogant is because he has monsters behind him." Now that I've cleaned up that monster, your uncle has nothing to rely on. All you have to do is tell the people in the village about the bad things your uncle has done. ”

Tie Zhu slapped his thigh: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that? Thank you Daxian for your advice! ”

The white fox stopped him again: "Wait, I still have something for you." As she spoke, she spit out a pill from her mouth and handed it to Tie Zhu: "This is the pill I refined, you take it to your mother, and her illness will be cured." ”

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

Tie Zhu took the pill, and his tears of gratitude were about to fall: "Thank you, Daxian!" Your great kindness, I will always remember in my heart. ”

The white fox waved his hand: "You're welcome." Go quickly, remember my words, your uncle will never dare to trouble you again. ”

Tiezhu said goodbye to the white fox and returned to the village. He told the villagers about the bad things his uncle had done. When the people in the village heard this, they were so angry that they said that they wanted to ask for an explanation for Tiezhu. Tiezhu damn it, I took the pill given by the white fox, hey, the illness is really all cured! Since then, the days of the Tiezhu family have been called a boom, and they are as happy as anything. Tie Zhu's uncle, because of the lack of morality he did, let the villagers drive him out, and he never dared to show his face again. As for the iron pillar, the kindness to the white fox is in his heart, and when he mentions it, his emotion is simply tearful.

The man went to his uncle's house to ask for the debt, and on the way to save the white fox, the white fox: Don't stay at his house

This matter spread in the village and became a hot topic after dinner. Tie Zhu, this kid, has also become a celebrity in the village, and everyone praises him for being brave and smart. That magical bead, as well as the story of the white fox, have become treasures in the hearts of the villagers, passed down from generation to generation, and will never be forgotten.