
Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

author:Big Fish Quest
Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet
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Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

In 2011, the set of "Independent Column" became a turning point in Qin Hailu's life. , the actress who once stumbled on the emotional road, met Wang Xinjun who could give her a sense of security.

The two gradually fell in love during the filming process, and they both felt an unprecedented fit with each other.

However, just as they were about to enter the marriage hall hand in hand, fate presented the lovers with a problem. Wang Xinjun's family had a series of accidents, his father was seriously ill and hospitalized, his younger brother died unexpectedly, and then his father also died of depression.

This flurry of blows has put the newcomers to a severe test.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

At this time, Qin Hailu was already pregnant and faced a difficult choice: should she retreat and leave, or should she stand up and support this crumbling home in her own way? Her decision will completely change the trajectory of her life.

Qin Hailu's childhood was not all smooth sailing. This girl from the Northeast has a bold and straightforward personality, but her living environment is full of challenges. In order to improve the family conditions, the parents chose to change careers and start business, and had to send Qin Hailu and her sister to boarding school.

There, the young Qin Hailu learned to be independent and also developed a tenacious character.

Although school life was hard, Qin Hailu found her artistic talent here. When she saw her sister's graceful dancing, the artistic spark in her heart was ignited.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Although her family was not wealthy, her parents fully supported her to pursue her artistic dreams. Qin Hailu began professional dance training and went through rigorous training. Every painful stretch, every sweaty exercise, paved the way for her future success.

With her excellent dancing skills, Qin Hailu was successfully admitted to the Peking Opera Troupe. However, the intensity of the training here is far beyond imagination, and it can be called "purgatory". The amount of training every day is several times that of before, and even stretching exercises are done before bed.

In the face of such a difficult environment, Qin Hailu did not retreat, but worked harder. She firmly believes that only her own excellence can be invincible.

Qin Hailu's efforts were not in vain. After graduating from high school, she was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama. In this prestigious school, she eagerly absorbed the essence of acting and laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

However, after graduation, Qin Hailu did not immediately usher in the glory of her career.

Her first film "Durian Piaopiao", although it won her the queen laurel, it was followed by a years-long trough. Faced with the predicament, Qin Hailu did not give up.

She tried other jobs, opened a restaurant and a beauty salon, but all ended in failure. These experiences made her realize that acting is her true passion.

The road back to showbiz has not been smooth. Qin Hailu let go of the aura of the past and started over with a humble attitude. She told every director that as long as she can act, she can be paid as much as she wants.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

It is this attitude, coupled with her solid acting skills, that has made her once again recognized in the industry.

Qin Hailu's story tells us that the road to success is never easy. Only through continuous efforts and persistence can we achieve a real transformation on the road of art.

From a Northeast girl to a professional actor, and then to a movie queen, Qin Hailu has walked hard and firm in every step, and it is this persistence that has created her future glory.

Qin Hailu's acting career is like a roller coaster, full of dramatic ups and downs. Her first film "Durian Piao" brought her the title of actress, but this glory did not start her star journey as expected.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

On the contrary, in the next few years, Qin Hailu experienced a long period of low point, and almost no one cared about it.

Faced with the stagnation of her career, Qin Hailu decided to leave the entertainment industry for the time being and try ordinary working life. However, the cruelty of reality is far beyond her imagination. She was surprised to find that she had nothing but acting.

In the company, she was unable to use basic office equipment, and even the coffee machine in the pantry left her at a loss. To add to her dismay, she gradually realizes that she is only being used as a company ornament to satisfy the vanity of her boss.

This experience hit Qin Hailu hard, but it also made her re-examine the direction of her life. Unwilling to give up, she began to try her hand at entrepreneurship. He opened a restaurant and then tried to run a beauty salon, but these efforts ended in failure.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Every failure made Qin Hailu more aware of his strengths and weaknesses.

After hitting a wall again and again, Qin Hailu finally understood that acting is her true passion. She decided to return to acting, but this time, she let go of the aura of the past and started with a fresh mindset.

She humbly told every director that as long as she can act, the remuneration is acceptable. It is this attitude, coupled with her solid acting skills, that has made her once again recognized in the industry.

Slowly, Qin Hailu's career began to climb again. The TV series "Fly Like Chicken Feathers" starring her was widely praised as soon as it was broadcast, and the audience spoke highly of her acting skills.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

This success allowed Qin Hailu to regain her self-confidence, and also allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry again.

However, at the same time as her career took off again, Qin Hailu's love life suffered repeated setbacks. Her love affair with jewelry magnate Li Houlin ended because of her dedication to her career.

Li Houlin once tailored a rare diamond ring for her, but Qin Hailu chose to refuse. She knows that her career has just started, and choosing to return to her family at this time is tantamount to repeating the mistakes of the past and losing her self-worth again.

The end of this relationship caused great harm to Qin Hailu, and even caused her to have to be hospitalized. After that, she had a brief relationship with Liu Yan, who was known as "central air conditioning", but suffered emotional setbacks again.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

These experiences made Qin Hailu lose confidence in love for a while and decided to close himself off.

When recalling this past in a variety show, Qin Hailu admitted frankly that he has not been able to completely come out of the shadows until now. These emotional setbacks not only brought her pain, but also made her cherish her hard-won career achievements even more.

Qin Hailu's story tells us that there will always be setbacks and difficulties on the road of life. But it is these setbacks that give us the opportunity to know ourselves more deeply and find our true direction in life.

For Qin Hailu, every failure is an opportunity to grow, making her more determined to follow her acting dreams. And this spirit of continuous self-adjustment and growth in the face of setbacks is also the key to her being able to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Wang Xinjun's story is a vivid portrayal of an ordinary person chasing his dreams. Born in an ordinary family, Wang Xinjun has shown a sense of responsibility and diligence since he was a child.

As the eldest son in the family, he not only has to take care of his younger brother, but also aspires to improve his family's life by learning a skill.

With a love for performing arts, Wang Xinjun tried to apply for the famous Qin Opera Troupe in his hometown for the first time. However, fate played a joke on him - the interview teacher rejected him on the grounds that he had a short neck.

This blow did not dampen Wang Xinjun's enthusiasm, and he joined the school's repertory troupe instead and began his own acting path.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

With his outstanding performance, Wang Xinjun was successfully admitted to the professional drama troupe. However, with the rise of the television industry, the drama industry gradually declined. Even so, he maintains a positive attitude and is known for his diligence and tenacity in the team.

He was always the first to arrive at the rehearsal venue and the last to leave, showing his boundless love for acting.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. By chance, Wang Xinjun was selected by a director to work as the logistics of the crew. His conscientiousness and positive attitude won the appreciation of the director, and finally won the opportunity to participate in the film.

This experience made him realize that he had to keep up with the pace of the times and enter the film and television industry.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

With his love for acting, Wang Xinjun was successfully admitted to Beijing Film Academy. After graduating, he struggled in the entertainment industry, and finally waited for the turning point in his career - the TV series "Lu Brothers".

In the play, he was not only recognized for his acting skills, but also met actor Tang Jing, who would become his wife in the future.

However, the ten-year marriage eventually came to an end due to regional differences and less gathering and more separation. Despite this, for the sake of their children, they chose to temporarily hide the fact of their separation from the outside world.

This experience made Wang Xinjun cherish his family even more, and also laid the groundwork for him to know how to manage his relationship when he met Qin Hailu in the future.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Wang Xinjun's story tells us that there are no shortcuts on the road to chasing dreams. It is only through constant effort that you can seize the opportunity when it comes. His experience also shows how an actor adapts and grows in the changing industry, presenting us with a vivid picture of the struggle in the entertainment industry.

In 2011, the set of "Independent Column" became the stage where the fates of Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun intersected. When they first cooperated, Wang Xinjun was inevitably a little apprehensive about this actress, worried that she would be arrogant and difficult to get along with.

However, Qin Hailu's humility and professionalism quickly dispelled his concerns. In the process of discussing the script and figuring out the role, the two gradually developed feelings that transcended the working relationship.

Wang Xinjun's careful and considerate actions made Qin Hailu feel an unprecedented sense of security. Whether on the set or in private, he always took care of her silently.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

A warm cup of hot tea, a gentle shoulder massage, these seemingly insignificant small details, but they warmed Qin Hailu's once wounded heart. She felt that the wall of her heart that had been erected over the years was being melted by this man little by little.

However, just when the two were about to enter the marriage hall hand in hand, fate suddenly gave them a problem. Wang Xinjun's father suddenly fell seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital.

Qin Hailu didn't say a word, and took the initiative to take care of her father-in-law. She pushed her wheelchair from department to department in the hospital, taking care of her future father-in-law.

Unfortunately, bad news followed. Just when Wang Xinjun's father's condition was improving, his younger brother died in an accident. The blow was devastating for the entire family.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Wang Xinjun's father finally died of depression because he couldn't bear the pain of losing his son.

This series of events pushed the lovers to a severe test. Wang Xinjun fell into deep self-blame and sadness, and was unable to handle family affairs separately. At this time, Qin Hailu was already pregnant, but she did not hesitate to step forward and take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her mother-in-law and dealing with the aftermath.

While preparing for the wedding, Qin Hailu also had to calm her husband's emotions and take care of her grief-stricken mother-in-law. She carried the burden of the whole family on her thin shoulders.

In order to distract her mother-in-law and alleviate her pain, Qin Hailu specially invited her mother-in-law to take care of her confinement instead of hiring a nanny. This decision not only made the mother-in-law feel warm, but also laid the foundation for their close relationship with mother and daughter in the future.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

This experience not only tested Qin Hailu's will, but also deepened her relationship with Wang Xinjun. They tide over the difficulties hand in hand, and their love for each other is sublimated in the midst of adversity.

Qin Hailu proved with practical actions that she is not only an excellent actor, but also a responsible wife and daughter-in-law.

This experience made Qin Hailu and Wang Xinjun deeply realize that true love is not only sweet, but also able to face the ups and downs of life together. Their stories tell us that adversity sees true love, and love that can overcome difficulties hand in hand is the most precious.

Today, the 43-year-old Qin Hailu still retains her enviable vitality and charm. The years seem to favor this actress who has experienced ups and downs, her smile is still as bright as a girl, and her eyes are full of happiness.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

The relationship between Qin Hailu and her mother-in-law seems to have gone beyond the traditional boundary between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and is more like a mother and daughter. The two often go out together to travel, shop, and enjoy family fun.

The mother-in-law cares for Qin Hailu meticulously, and often prepares delicious dishes for her in different ways, as if she wants to make up for the love owed in the previous difficult years.

Wang Xinjun is as supportive of his wife's career as ever. Once, he even quietly took over a play for Qin Hailu and gave her a surprise. This thoughtfulness deeply touched Qin Hailu and strengthened her determination to balance family and career.

In her career, Qin Hailu is still radiant; In the family, she is a gentle and virtuous wife, as well as a filial and considerate daughter-in-law. She uses her actions to interpret the true meaning of "home" - mutual understanding and growing together.

Qin Hailu, who supported the whole family with a big belly, treated her like a daughter after giving birth, and she is still happy and sweet

Qin Hailu's story tells us that true happiness is not the absence of wind and rain, but the ability to work together to overcome difficulties. Her life experience, from hardship to glory, from setbacks to happiness, all shows a truth: as long as there is love in her heart, no matter how big the difficulties are, she can face them with a smile.

And this may be the secret of her youth and vitality at the age of 43.

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