
As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for reference and entertainment only, and it is intended to be a fun conversation after tea and dinner, aiming at the meaning of a better life, not superstitious!

Next, we will embark on a journey that is both traditional and mysterious, discovering the times of birth that have been given special meaning by ancient wisdom.

In the vast sea of folk customs, there is a saying: "The birth of a person determines the fate", which is like a stone gently thrown into the heart lake, stirring up layers of ripples.

One can't help but wonder: in this colorful time and space, is there really a few hours that can bring extraordinary blessings to the coming life?

"The right time, place and people show the true character of heroes." Since ancient times, it has been believed that harmony between heaven and earth is closely related to the destiny of individuals.

In the long river of culture, birthday not only records the moment when a person comes into the world, but also a metaphor for his character, destiny and even the trajectory of his life.

Let's unveil the mystery together in a relaxed and happy mood, and see why people born in these five hours are endowed with the reputation of "very good fortune".

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

1. Sub-hour (23 o'clock in the evening to 1 o'clock in the morning) - the pearl of the night, the wise man set sail

"The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, and Jiang Feng is sleeping." Zhang Ji's "Fengqiao Night Park" in the Tang Dynasty depicts the tranquility and profundity of midnight.

In this moment of silence, the hearts of the wise are as clear as a mirror, and they know how to find that light in the dark night, just as the ancients said: "The dark room is heartless, and the eyes of God are like electricity; The whispers of the world are like thunder. "The wise man of his son, with an open heart, illuminates the way forward with virtue, and is not afraid of the long dark night, just because there is light in his heart.

As the proverb goes, "The early bird gets the worm." It was the golden hour of the "night owl" wise men, who savored the pleasure of thinking alone while everyone was sleeping, as the modern poet Kitajima said: "The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to find light." ”

In the modern era of information explosion, the wise man of the time is better at sifting through the tranquility of insight, just like a deep-sea diver, searching for a bright pearl in the dark.

"When I dreamed back, my heart had a thousand knots." At this time, it is not only a time for the body to rest, but also a time for the deep thoughts of the soul.

Modern psychologists believe that midnight dreams often contain subconscious revelations, from which wise people can capture inspiration and solve the problems of life and work, just like Lu You Shiyun in the Song Dynasty: "On paper, you will eventually feel shallow, and you must never know that you have to do it." The contemplation and dreams of their children became a breeding ground for them to practice wisdom.

"Sit alone in the secluded grate, play the piano and howl." Wang Wei's poem is like a spiritual portrayal of a wise man in his childhood.

Outside of the hustle and bustle of modern society, they look for a quiet place for their souls, whether through reading, meditation, or late-night creation, in this moment of tranquility, they can have a dialogue with their souls and realize the spiritual voyage.

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

2. Ugly time (1 a.m. to 3 a.m.) - gold is hidden in the soil, perseverance

"Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and ten thousand trees spring in front of the sick tree." This poem by Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty aptly reflects the spiritual outlook of the son of the ugly time. Although they are facing adversity, they can wait for the opportunity with perseverance and perseverance, and finally usher in the spring of life.

As "Caigen Tan" said: "Those who have been in the bush for a long time will fly high, and the pioneers will be Xie Duzao." "Their patience and perseverance are indispensable cornerstones for achieving great things.

In Western classical literature, Odysseus in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey", after ten years of wandering, faced with various temptations and challenges, showed perseverance and wisdom, which coincided with those born when he was ugly.

His phrase, "I would rather die in a storm than live in peace," is the most vivid illustration of this resilience.

As the proverb goes: "A drop of water pierces through a stone, and it is not powerful, and it will be true over time." "The people of the ugly time, just like this drop of clear water, although inconspicuous, can penetrate the hard rock under the baptism of time and show amazing power.

In modern times, such a spirit is also highly praised, as Ma Yun said: "Today is cruel, tomorrow is even more cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but the vast majority of people die tomorrow night and cannot see the sun the day after tomorrow." These words inspire everyone who perseveres in the face of adversity, reminding them that only with perseverance can they see the light of day.

"The jade in the stone will come out when the time comes, and the gold in the sand will see the real chapter." This sentence is not only a portrayal of the son of the ugly time, but also an encouragement to all those who have worked tirelessly in difficult situations.

"Zhuangzi Inner Chapter" says: "The big piece carries me in shape, works me to live, I am old, and I am dead." "The meaning of life lies in continuous efforts, no matter what the environment, can be like gold hidden in the soil, waiting to be unearthed and shine.

"The softest in the world, the strongest in the world." Those souls born in the ugly time may not be inconspicuous at first, but it is this silent perseverance and perseverance that enables them to bloom the most dazzling brilliance in the face of adversity, prove their worth, and become a rare treasure in the torrent of the times.

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

3. Chenshi (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.) - the dragon is prosperous, and the blessings are profound

"The morning light is faint, and the dragon is prosperous." At the beginning of the day, the dawn of the day dawns, and everything recovers, just as the modern poet Haizi described: "Facing the sea, the spring flowers are blooming." "People born at this time, like the rising sun, carry hope and vitality, and their attitude to life and style of behavior can often inspire those around them to welcome every new day full of possibilities.

"When the dew drops, moisturize things silently." This proverb, which blends natural scenery and philosophy, aptly describes the influence of the son of Chenshi.

The English writer Charles Dickens said in A Tale of Two Cities: "This is the best of times and the worst of times." "The people of Chenshi can always become the leader of the times with their wisdom and blessings in a complex and changeable environment, bringing positive changes to the people around them, just as the ancient poem says: "Good rain knows the season, when spring happens." Dive into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently. ”

"When the sun rises, life is like a song." This proverb, which combines modern language and classical artistic conception, conveys the love and expectation of the people of Chenshi.

They believe that every day is a new beginning, as the American writer Maya Angelo said, "You can't look at me today the way you saw it was yesterday." "They have a positive and optimistic attitude, constantly reinventing themselves, and at the same time bringing positive energy to the world around them.

People born in Chenshi, like dragons in the morning light, not only have unlimited potential and blessings themselves, but also bring light and warmth to the world around them with their existence, interpreting a magnificent chapter of the dragon's prosperity.

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

4. Noon (11 p.m. to 1 p.m.) - the sun in the middle of the day, shining brightly

"At noon, the dragon is soaring, and the yang energy is at its peak." At noon, also known as the sun and the sun, the ancients said: "The middle of the day is the sun, and the moon is eclipsed." This fashion is at the most abundant time of the day, as contained in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing": "Pingdan is popular, and the yang is prosperous in the middle of the day." ”

People born at noon inherit the most vigorous masculinity in heaven and earth, have a heroic personality, strong action, and often have the ambition to make meritorious contributions.

"At noon sunshine, everything shows its true chapter." Just like the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan said: "If you want to be poor, go to the next level." "The children of noon, with lofty hearts and the courage to explore the unknown, their life trajectory is like that of the traveler who climbs the top of the mountain just to see the superb scenery of the world.

In modern times, this spirit can be compared to the enthusiasm and tenacity of entrepreneurs, as the popular saying goes: "Dreams still have to be had, what if they come true?" ”

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, the ghosts and gods avoided it." In ancient folk customs, three o'clock in the afternoon was regarded as the time when yang energy was at its peak, and even ghosts and gods did not dare to get close.

This traditional concept gives people born at noon a natural majesty and righteousness, and they seem to have an inviolable force on their bodies, just like Zhong Kui in ancient legends to catch ghosts, protect justice and dispel haze.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" also mentions: "Yang Qi, if the sky and the sun, lose its place will lose its longevity." "The sun at noon is not only the outer brilliance, but also the symbol of the inner vitality.

People born at noon can often illuminate their path with full enthusiasm and firm faith, as the proverb says: "There is sunshine in the heart, why not be afraid of wind and rain." ”

"Feast at noon, share the prosperity of the world." Noon is also an auspicious time for ancient banquets, symbolizing reunion and abundance. Born at such a moment, it means that there is no shortage of delicious food and good friends in a lifetime.

As the Song Dynasty lyricist Xin Qiji wrote: "The fragrance of rice flowers says a good year, and listens to the sound of frogs." "Their lives can always bloom with unique brilliance in laughter and harvest.

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

5. Midnight (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) – Quiet at dusk, with a good heart

"When the time is quiet, there are thousands of knots in the heart."

As the old saying goes: "Leaning on Zhu Yan alone at dusk, the southwest crescent moon bends the eyebrows." As the modern poet Kitajima said, "Dusk is the most beautiful time of the day, and may every wandering heart find the warmth of home at that moment." This quiet beauty not only nourishes the keen hearts of those born in the early days, but also makes them masters of emotional communication and know how to convey deep meaning tacitly.

"The lights light up the way home." Ancient literati and writers often used this moment as a source of inspiration, such as Du Fu's poems: "The drum breaks the pedestrian line, and the sound of a goose in the autumn is heard." As the modern writer Lin Qingxuan said: "In the light and shadow of dusk, every lamp is like a gentle wait, which makes people feel warm, knowing that there is always a place to put the tired in this world." ”

"When the wind is light, the heart is as calm as water." The ancients believed that the time of the intersection of yin and yang is suitable for self-cultivation, as the Tao Te Ching says: "To the extreme, keep quiet." Although modern life is busy, the tranquility of the time still reminds us that "quiet to self-cultivation, thrift to cultivate virtue", to find a piece of tranquility in the fast pace, as the saying goes: "busy in the busy, quiet in the noisy." ”

"The galaxy of time, the place where dreams begin." The ancients looked up at the starry sky and looked for the sustenance of the soul, and there were clouds: "The stars are brilliant, if they are out of it." Modern people are no exception, under the starry sky, countless dreams are quietly sown, as the modern lyrics sing: "In every heart and a certain place, there is always a memory that lingers, and every late night in a certain place, there is always the deepest thought." "The tranquility of the time has given wings to the dream.

With their unique artistic perspective and profound emotional understanding, they weave dreams that connect the past and the future, so that the soul can find resonance and home in this tranquility and harmony.

As the saying goes: "The birth of a person determines the fate": those born in these five hours are particularly blessed

"Time comes and goes, and things are man-made." Although the old saying paints a beautiful picture of birth and destiny intertwined for us, it is still everyone's choice and effort that ultimately determines fate.

These five hours may paint different colors for life, but what really makes life shine is the pursuit and practice of a better life.

Let us have the awe and love of life, grasp the present, no matter when we are born, we can live our own wonderful life and create our own happy legend.