
Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

author:Gather in the big community
Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly
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Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

In the spotlight, a hilarious sketch was staged on the stage of "The Happy Comedian". Shen Teng and Ma Li had just completed a wonderful performance that included a kissing plot, and the applause of the audience had not subsided, and an unexpected voice suddenly sounded.

"He actually kissed Ma Li just now, his mouth must be dirty, he has to clean it well when he goes back!"

This sentence came from Wang Qi in the audience, Shen Teng's wife. As soon as the words fell, the whole scene instantly fell silent. Ma Li smiled awkwardly, and Shen Teng's expression became a little unnatural.

The audience looked at each other, not knowing how to react.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

This seemingly casual joke is like a bomb, detonating a storm of love, loyalty, and misunderstanding. From that moment on, the three names of Shen Teng, Wang Qi and Ma Li were pushed to the forefront of the public eye.

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, the love story of Shen Teng and Wang Qi flows quietly like a clear spring. Their fate began on the campus of the Military Art Academy, when Shen Teng was the male god in the hearts of many girls, and Wang Qi stood out with excellent results.

The gears of fate quietly turn in a rehearsal, and two young hearts collide with sparks of love under the stage lights.

After graduating, Shen Teng joined the little-known Happy Twist with a dream. Despite the sparse chances, he stuck to his choice. Wang Qi chose another challenging path and bravely stepped into the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

In those difficult years, Wang Qi became Shen Teng's most solid backing.

Whenever Shen Teng felt frustrated because of the lack of performance opportunities, Wang Qi always comforted him gently: "Believe in yourself, your talent will eventually be recognized." She not only encouraged with words, but also supported Shen Teng with practical actions.

Wang Qi put every penny of his hard-earned money into the lives of the two without reservation, silently supporting Shen Teng, who has a meager income, to chase his dreams.

Sometimes, Shen Teng will retreat because he has not seen hope for a long time, but Wang Qi can always use her firm eyes and warm smile to rekindle the fire of hope in Shen Teng's heart.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

She believed that Shen Teng's talent would eventually bloom and patiently waited for that day to come.

This twelve-year-long love run has witnessed their transformation from youth to maturity, from hardship to success. When Shen Teng finally made a breakthrough in his career, he did not forget Wang Qi, who accompanied him all the way.

After an important performance, Shen Teng knelt on one knee in front of everyone and affectionately proposed to Wang Qi. At that moment, the audience applauded thunderously, and Wang Qi's eyes were full of tears of happiness.

However, behind happiness lies doubts and criticisms from the outside world. Some people say that Wang Qi is a stepping stone before Shen Teng becomes famous, and some people question whether Shen Teng really loves her.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

In the face of these voices, Wang Qi chose to be silent, interpreting her loyalty to this relationship with her actions.

Whenever someone mentioned these gossips in front of her, Wang Qi always smiled indifferently: "I believe in our feelings, and I don't need to prove it to anyone." This calmness and confidence stems from her understanding and trust in Shen Teng, as well as from the bits and pieces that the two have experienced together in the past 12 years.

This love, which has gone through 12 years of ups and downs, finally came to fruition. Their story has become a rare story in the entertainment industry, and it has also set an example for many young people to adhere to true love.

With the rise of Shen Teng in Happy Twist, his frequent cooperation with his partner Ma Li has become the focus of the entertainment industry. The tacit understanding on the stage and the affection in front of the screen made many viewers and the media begin to speculate whether there is a relationship between the "gold medal partners" that goes beyond friendship.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

This speculation is like an invisible sword, hanging above Wang Qi's head.

Every time Shen Teng and Ma Li's new works are released, they will attract media coverage. The intimate interaction under the camera and the tacit answers in the interview have become hot topics in the entertainment page.

When Wang Qi faced these news, his heart inevitably rippled. She struggled to maintain a proper smile, but the uneasiness in her eyes was hard to hide.

Once, backstage in "Happy Comedian", a reporter directly asked Wang Qi what he thought of the intimate interaction between Shen Teng and Ma Li. Wang Qi smiled indifferently and replied: "This is a work need, and I fully understand and support it."

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

Still, her fingers unconsciously twisted together, revealing the tension inside.

The outside world's evaluation of Wang Qi began to become sharp. Some accused her of having a small belly and not being able to tolerate her husband's normal work dealings with other women. What's more, she is portrayed as a "wicked wife" who is jealous and hinders her husband's career development.

These remarks were like a sharp blade, deeply piercing Wang Qi's heart.

In this seemingly complicated triangular relationship, Shen Teng has always maintained his loyalty to Wang Qi. At an awards ceremony, he said affectionately in front of everyone: "The person I want to thank the most is my wife Wang Qi."

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

She is my strongest backing and my most precious treasure. These words are not only a response to the doubts of the outside world, but also an affirmation of Wang Qi's years of dedication.

Still, whenever Shen Teng and Ma Li have a new collaborative project, negative comments about Wang Qi come back. Some people say that she obstructs the cooperation between Shen Teng and Ma Li behind her back, and some people say that she often makes a face to Ma Li.

In the face of these voices, Wang Qi chose to remain silent. She understands that in the complex environment of the entertainment industry, it is the wisest choice to remain rational and restrained.

In a private gathering, Wang Qi once confided in a friend: "I believe in Shen Teng and respect his work. But sometimes, I do feel hurt and helpless in the face of those false statements.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

These words express her helplessness and pressure as the wife of a public figure.

As time passed, the relationship between Shen Teng, Ma Li and Wang Qi gradually found a balance. In public, they respect each other and keep an appropriate distance; In private, they are still good friends who talk about everything.

This balance is the result of their joint efforts, and it is also the best response to the doubts of the outside world.

Shen Teng's public marriage proposal was supposed to be a romantic moment, but it unexpectedly sparked a new round of controversy. On a starry night, Shen Teng knelt down on one knee in full view of everyone and proposed to Wang Qi, who had been in love for many years.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

The audience was all moved and applauded. However, this seemingly perfect moment was overshadowed by some doubtful voices.

Some people began to speculate whether this marriage proposal was due to Shen Teng's sincerity, and there were even rumors that it was caused by pressure from Wang Qi's family. An interview video circulating on the Internet added fuel to the fire.

In the video, Shen Teng said: "If I don't marry Wang Qi, I will become a sinner." This sentence was interpreted by some people as Shen Teng's reluctance, thinking that he decided to propose out of guilt and a sense of responsibility.

However, the truth is far from that simple. According to people familiar with the matter, Shen Teng put a lot of effort into this marriage proposal and carefully planned every detail. He had planned a grand fireworks display, hoping to give Wang Qi an unforgettable memory.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

However, due to the local ban, this link was not realized. Shen Teng's slightly stiff expression when proposing marriage stemmed from the frustration that the plan was not fully realized.

Wang Qi's true feelings about this marriage proposal have never been expressed to the outside world. She just silently accepted the ring that symbolized the promise, and responded to Shen Teng's deep affection with a gentle gaze.

In her opinion, this ring is not only a proof of love, but also a testimony of 12 years of common struggle.

Faced with doubts from the outside world, Shen Teng said frankly in an interview: "My relationship with Wang Qi does not need to be proved to anyone. We have come through so many years, we know each other and trust each other.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

This ring is the continuation of our love, not the end.

Despite the controversy, both Shen Teng and Wang Qi chose to use actions to prove the sincerity of this relationship. They walked hand in hand through every day after the proposal, responding to those unfriendly speculations with practical actions.

At a charity event, the two tacitly appeared hand in hand, Wang Qi gently arranged the tie for Shen Teng, and Shen Teng gently hugged Wang Qi's shoulder, this scene was captured by the media and became a strong proof of the sincerity of their feelings.

After entering the palace of marriage, Shen Teng and Wang Qi thought that they could start a new chapter in their lives and enjoy their sweet time. However, the reality is not so rosy.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

Rumors about their imminent divorce have always lingered, and every time Shen Teng and Ma Li have a new cooperation, these speculations will be rampant.

In order to avoid unnecessary speculation, the number of collaborations between Shen Teng and Ma Li gradually decreased. Although this decision has quelled the rumors to a certain extent, it has also made some fans regretful.

It wasn't until many years later that they joined forces again in the movie "Lonely on the Moon". However, even during the publicity period, the two deliberately kept their distance and carefully avoided certain sensitive topics.

This cautious attitude was misinterpreted by some people as Wang Qi obstructing and obstructing the cooperation between Shen Teng and Ma Li. For a while, Wang Qi's social media comment area was occupied by angry "Shen Ma CP" fans, full of unbearable abuse.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

Some people accused her of "small belly chicken intestines", and some people cursed them for "early divorce", these remarks were like sharp knives, which deeply pierced Wang Qi's heart.

In the face of these malicious attacks, Wang Qi chose to remain silent. She understands that in this age of information explosion, explanations can sometimes lead to more misunderstandings. She just silently supported Shen Teng's career and interpreted her love with her actions.

After a performance by Shen Teng, Wang Qi quietly handed him a glass of warm water, a detail that was captured by sharp-eyed fans and sparked a wave of heartwarming discussions on the Internet.

Shen Teng responded to these doubts with practical actions. He has expressed his love for Wang Qi many times in public, emphasizing the deep affection between them. At an awards ceremony, Shen Teng said affectionately: "My greatest luck is to meet Wang Qi.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

She is my wife, my friend, and my strongest support. These words moved the audience and moved many netizens.

However, in the eyes of some people, these sincere confessions have become evidence of "acting". Some people questioned that Shen Teng was "acting", and some people said that it was just a "public relations ploy".

In the face of these voices, Shen Teng and Wang Qi chose to respond with a bland and happy daily life. They occasionally share some moments of life on social media, such as photos of cooking together, or videos of playing with their children, these heartwarming pictures have become the best proof of their happy marriage.

In this era of rapid information dissemination, the damage of online violence to a happy marriage should not be underestimated. The story of Shen Teng and Wang Qi is a typical case of this kind of injury.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

Their love, from the campus to the stage, after twelve years of ups and downs, should have been blessed, but it was frequently questioned and attacked.

In fact, the relationship between true love and professional is not irreconcilable. The tacit cooperation between Shen Teng and Ma Li does not contradict Shen Teng's deep love for Wang Qi. We should learn to be more tolerant of other people's feelings, rather than making judgments or making malicious comments.

For those keyboard warriors who hide behind the Internet, it's time to awaken their inner conscience and stop harming the innocent.

Let's work together to create a social atmosphere that respects others and cherishes sincere feelings. In this complex world, being able to find true love and stick to it is a blessing in itself.

Only now do I understand why Wang Qi and Ma Li are secretly competing, it turns out that she is not the one with the small belly

Whether it is Shen Teng and Wang Qi, or the feelings of other people, they all deserve our kind blessings and respect.

After all, the true meaning of love does not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in the trust and persistence of two people in each other. Let's learn to respect every sincere relationship and give them the space and blessings they deserve.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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