
Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Zhang Songwen Hundred Flowers Award: Double affirmation of acting skills and honor

Zhang Songwen, this name is no longer unfamiliar in the film and television industry. With his outstanding performance in "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", he was nominated for "Best Supporting Actor" at the 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

As soon as the news was announced, it attracted widespread attention and discussion on social media. Zhang Songwen's studio also quickly posted a message to celebrate, expressing its joy at this honor and gratitude for the audience's support.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

Nomination is affirmation: Zhang Songwen's acting career

For Zhang Songwen, this nomination is not only a recognition of his acting skills, but also an affirmation of his unremitting efforts on the road of acting over the years. In "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", he played the role of Wu Xiuquan, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing the complexity and depth of the role.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

The shaping of this kind of role not only requires the actor to have deep acting skills, but also needs to have a deep understanding and perception of the role. Zhang Songwen's performance undoubtedly achieved this.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

Netizens are hotly discussed: Zhang Songwen's acting skills and nomination

Zhang Songwen's nomination also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people said that Zhang Songwen's acting skills have always been excellent, and this nomination is well deserved.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

Some people also believe that Zhang Songwen's performance in the movie is indeed worthy of an award. These positive comments are not only support for Zhang Songwen, but also encouragement for him to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

Zhang Songwen's future: Looking forward to more wonderful works

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

For Zhang Songwen, this nomination is just the beginning. He has more characters to create and more stories to tell. We look forward to his ability to continue to show the charm of his acting skills in his future works, bringing us more surprises and touches.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

Hundred Flowers Award nomination: a double test of acting skills and honor


As one of the important film awards in China, the nomination and award of the Hundred Flowers Award is not only a recognition of the actors' acting skills, but also an affirmation of their acting career. Zhang Songwen's nomination is undoubtedly a high evaluation of his acting skills.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

But at the same time, this is also a test for him, to see if he can stand out among many outstanding actors and finally win this honor. Zhang Songwen's nomination is not only a recognition of his personal acting skills, but also an affirmation of his unremitting efforts on the road of acting.

Behind Zhang Songwen's Hundred Flowers Award nomination: Is it the victory of acting or the preference of the judges?

We look forward to his ability to continue to show the charm of his acting skills in his future works, bringing us more surprises and touches. At the same time, we also look forward to the Hundred Flowers Award to select truly outstanding actors fairly and fairly, and contribute more to our film industry.

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