
2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

author:Yin Yin talks about sports
2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

In the upcoming Paris Olympics, the Chinese track and field team has attracted much attention. Major sports commentators have focused on Chinese athletes who have shown strong competitiveness in traditional strengths such as the men's long jump and triple jump. At a press conference, a sports reporter asked the coach of the Chinese track and field team what he thought.

Reporter: "Coach, we noticed that the Chinese athletes performed well in the men's long jump and triple jump events, what do you think of their results?" ”

The coach smiled and replied, "Indeed, the development of our team in these two events is encouraging. For example, although the young Shu Heng did not make it to the Paris Olympics, he has reached the ranking of 19th in the world, which is a very remarkable achievement. ”

The reporter continued to ask: "So, veterans like Wang Jiannan and Shi Yuhao, what do they think about the upcoming Olympic Games?" ”

The coach thought for a moment and said, "Wang Jiannan and Shi Yuhao are our mainstays. Wang Jianan's victory at last year's World Championships stabilized his position in the world rankings; Shi Yuhao, on the other hand, has been able to return to top-level competitive form after an injury, and this resilience and stability are extremely important to the team. ”

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

At just 20 years old, Shu Heng, who is already ranked 19th in the world rankings and one of the highest-ranked players in the Chinese team and No. 2 in Asia, faces a major regret – he will not be able to participate in the sporting event because he did not meet the criteria for the Paris Olympics. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for a young player.

In a training break, Shu Heng sat alone on the long jump track, with a hint of loss and helplessness in his eyes. He silently recalled his hard work and training along the way, every training day in the morning, every challenge to surpass himself, but now he missed the Olympic stage because of a little gap. He knows in his heart that competitive sports are never smooth sailing, and behind every success, there may be countless setbacks and dedications.

Meanwhile, 27-year-old Wang Jiannan and 25-year-old Shi Yuhao are on another training ground where they have already secured their place in Paris. With pride and satisfaction in his eyes, Wang Jianan's victory at last year's World Championships not only cemented his position at 50th in the world rankings, but also earned the Chinese track and field team a valuable Olympic qualification.

Shi Yuhao is facing the process of returning from injury, his eyes reveal a firm and unyielding will, and every training and competition is an opportunity for him to prove himself.

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

Under the guidance of the coach, Wang Jiannan and Shi Yuhao competed with each other in training, encouraged each other, and the tacit understanding and cooperation between each other was enviable. They understand that every figure standing on the Olympic stage is the crystallization of countless hard work and sweat. Although Shu Heng was unable to participate in the competition this time, he also knew that this experience would be an important step in his future growth and progress.

In addition to Shu Heng, Wang Jiannan and Shi Yuhao, other athletes in the Chinese track and field team such as Li Chengliang, Zhang Mingkun and Huang Changzhou have also shown excellent competitive form in their respective events, and their rankings and standards are also interesting.

Li Chengliang, a dynamic and energetic young player, although he has not yet broken through to the top of the world rankings, has performed well in domestic competitions and has gradually become a stable force. He has gradually improved his international ranking in recent competitions with his outstanding performances, and although he is still a little short of the standard for the Paris Olympics, he is not discouraged and trains hard every day in the hope of making a breakthrough in future competitions.

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

Zhang Mingkun, on the other hand, is another high-profile young player who has excelled in the Asian rankings and has won many great results in domestic competitions. His technical delicacy and consistency have made him a shining star in the Chinese track and field team. Despite the intense competitive pressure, Zhang has always stepped up at critical moments, showing maturity and calmness beyond his years.

Huang Changzhou, as an experienced player, has accumulated a wealth of experience and achievements in his many years of competitive career. Despite his age, he has maintained his excellent form and has steadily maintained his position at the top of the international rankings. Every time he competes, it is a challenge for himself and his opponents, and his persistence and hard work have also added a lot of confidence and strength to the Chinese track and field team.

In a team meeting, coaches and players sit around to discuss upcoming games and training schedules. Li Chengliang humbly shared his recent training experience, Zhang Mingkun expressed the importance of teamwork to his teammates, and Huang Changzhou revealed a deep sense of pride and responsibility when he talked about his experience on the field.

In the triple jump, Su Wen and Fang Yaoqing became the highlights of the Chinese track and field team. Their stable ranking and good form have added a lot of advantages to the Chinese team in this event.

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

Su Wen, only 25 years old, is a young player with full energy and potential. He is currently ranked 10th in the world rankings and is the top player in the Asian rankings. In the past games, Su Wen has shown excellent skills and stable performance, and has become the hope star of the Chinese team in the future. With every jump, he gives it his all, hoping to earn more glory for himself and his country.

Fang Yaoqing is a little older, 28 years old, but he still has enthusiasm and desire for the game. He is currently ranked 26th in the world rankings, and although he is yet to qualify for the Paris Olympics, he has shown his quality and determination through his recent performances. In the team, Fang Yaoqing is an experienced player who exists not only to pursue individual honors, but also to work hard for the overall performance and glory of the team.

In between a training session, Su Wen and Fang Yaoqing were exchanging each other's training experience and competition feelings on the side of the venue. Su Wen excitedly shared his recent progress, he felt his skills improve, and realized that he still has a lot to work on and improve in front of the world's top players.

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

When Fang Yaoqing listened to Su Wen's story, he deeply realized the vitality and motivation of the young players, and he encouraged Su Wen to continue to work hard, believing that he will be able to achieve greater achievements in the future.

Su Wen thought in his heart that the Paris Olympics were coming, and he hoped to show his best form there and win glory for his country. Fang Yaoqing silently vowed that no matter what, he would win that precious qualification through his own efforts and draw a new peak for his career.

They know that every training session, every competition, is a step to the top, and they are standing on this path, meeting challenges and pursuing glory.

2024 Men's Long Jump and Triple Jump World Top 10 Players: 10th in Suwen, China!

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