
Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

author:Xingwen wants to say


Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bathroom turmoil

In the variety show "Travel with Me", Xu Yiyang needs to use the bathroom, and Huang Zitao said that he also wanted to go after learning that it was an open bathroom.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Xu Yiyang refused, and Huang Zitao tried to persuade her on the grounds of "I am your boss". This scene was captured by the show and sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Xu Yiyang's refusal and Huang Zitao's insistence

Xu Yiyang faced Huang Zitao's request and responded directly: "The boss can go to my bathroom?" This sentence not only indicates her position, but also makes the audience feel the delicate relationship between the two.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Huang Zitao's "boss" identity does not seem to have the desired effect here, but makes the scene even more embarrassing. Jiang Chao and Zhang Dada's speechless expressions added a bit of comedic effect to this scene.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Netizens' reactions and speculations

Netizens reacted differently to this matter, some felt that these two people had a "CP sense", and some thought that Huang Zitao's behavior was inappropriate. Some netizens joked: "Is this going to turn a variety show into a love reality show?" ”

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Another person said: "This kind of behavior really ruins the popularity of passers-by and hurts the hearts of fans." What's more, they think that this is a topic deliberately created by the program team to attract the attention of the audience.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Whether Huang Zitao's behavior is appropriate

Huang Zitao's behavior in the show sparked a wide range of discussions. Some people believe that as a public figure, he should pay more attention to his words and deeds, especially in public.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Others, however, believe that this is just a show effect and that there is no need to take it too seriously. But in any case, this incident undoubtedly added a lot of topicality to the show.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Xu Yiyang's position and reaction

Xu Yiyang's performance in the show won the appreciation of many audiences. She firmly rejected Huang Zitao's request, showing her independence and self-esteem. This attitude is particularly rare in the current entertainment industry. Some netizens commented: "Xu Yiyang did the right thing, no matter who the other party is, he should have his own bottom line." ”

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

The effect of the show is still a real reaction

Whether this incident is the effect of the program team's careful planning, or the real reaction of the guests, has become the focus of discussion among netizens. Some people believe that variety shows often create some controversial topics for the sake of ratings. While others believe that the performance of the guests on the show largely reflects their true personalities and behavior patterns.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

The relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang

The interaction between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang in the show makes people speculate about the relationship between the two. Although they are not lovers, this subtle interaction undoubtedly adds to the highlight of the show. Some netizens said: "This extreme sense of pulling makes people can't help but want to continue to pay attention to their dynamics." ”

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Huang Zitao's public image

Huang Zitao's behavior in the show had a certain impact on his public image. Although he has always presented himself as a straightforward and truthful person, this incident has undoubtedly brought him some negative comments. How to pay attention to his words and deeds while remaining authentic has become a problem he needs to face.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

The future of Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao


The interaction between Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao in the show undoubtedly adds a lot of highlights to their future. Whether as colleagues or friends, this delicate relationship between them is full of anticipation. And the audience also said that they will continue to follow their dynamics to see what they will do next.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

This bathroom turmoil not only added a lot of topicality to the show "Travel with Me", but also made the personal images of Xu Yiyang and Huang Zitao attract widespread attention.

Huang Zitao's bathroom incident detonated the Internet: Can the identity of the boss really do whatever he wants?

Whether it is the effect of the show or the real reaction, this incident has undoubtedly become a hot topic in the entertainment industry recently. The audience also expressed their views and expectations through various social media platforms. This turmoil may be just the beginning of their story.

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