
The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

author:Lu Xiaoliu notes

On July 2, according to a report by the national community, a female patient in Tieling, Liaoning Province, tried to injure her heart with a sharp knife in the hospital, and several male nurses quickly stepped forward to grab the knife at the last moment, successfully preventing this possible tragedy. During the incident, a male nurse suffered a cut on her arm.

What exactly did a young woman go through that made her want to harm herself?

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Do not imitate dangerous images, and seek medical attention if you feel unwell

The woman was injured and taken to the hospital for treatment

Unfortunately, the woman suffered a broken ankle in a car accident, and her family was far away from home and could not make it to her. Alone in the hospital bed, perhaps because the pain and helplessness in her heart gradually accumulated, and finally chose this extreme path.

However, what is touching is that the hospital treated her as soon as possible without charging a penny, showing the brilliance of the doctor's benevolence. Kudos to the hospital!

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

What if the patient's actions are detected in the first place?

During the treatment process, the male nurses noticed that the woman's behavior was abnormal, and they always remained vigilant. When the woman suddenly picked up the knife and was about to injure herself, a male nurse reacted quickly and stepped forward to grab the woman's arm. Immediately after that, several other male nurses hurriedly helped take the knife from the woman's hand.

In this life-and-death battle, a male nurse was cut on the arm with a knife, and the male nurse said:

Even if I get hurt, I don't regret it. can save a life, what is this injury!

This spirit of selfless dedication and self-sacrifice to save others has deeply touched everyone.

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Video of the event


Reflection and appeal

This incident shows us the importance of family support. When people are faced with great changes, the companionship and support of family members are very important. If the woman's family had arrived in time, perhaps she would not have felt so lonely and helpless.

At the same time, this incident also brings us to mental health issues. When a person encounters a major accident, the psychological blow is often more difficult to bear than the physical pain. We need to pay more attention to and help those who are psychologically traumatized, giving them adequate care and support.

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

The profile picture is not related to the event

Netizen comments

Netizen: This patient, I'm very sick, you can get it!

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Netizen: This is too scary! You guys are so brave! While saving people, he is also an uncle in hats!

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Netizen: Fortunately, she has no intention of hurting others, praise for the brave male nurse!

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Netizen: I'm not even afraid of death, what are you afraid of.

The female patient wanted to hurt her heart with a knife, and the male nurse was injured after snatching the knife with all her might, and the cause of the self-injury was exposed!

Write at the end

This incident not only shows us the heroism and selflessness of medical staff, but also makes us reflect on the responsibility of family and society in mental health issues.

Everyone deserves the care and support they deserve, especially when they need it most.

"Love and care are the warmest strength of human beings."

I hope that everyone can get the attention and help of the society in the difficult situation, and I also hope that each of us can become the light in the lives of others, illuminating their way forward.