
Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

author:Junma Basketball 8

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling!

On July 2, Beijing time, just as July was in the hot season, Liao Basket officially announced the first warm-up opponent of this summer, the Shanghai team, at 8 o'clock in the morning, which means that the drama of the Liao-Shanghai war will be the first to be staged.

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

Judging from the promotional video released by Liao Basket, it can be regarded as a sharp game, led by the number one star Guo Allen, and the 6 generals Han Dejun, Li Xiaoxu, Fu Hao, Zhao Jiwei and Yang Ming have appeared to warm up for the warm-up game between Liao Basket and the Shanghai team. Because except for Zhang Zhenlin, who is about to leave for special training, the other main forces are all there, the key is that the popular CBA coach Wang Yang Ming is also there, plus the unrivaled player representative Guo Allen, the double king bonus, the tickets are absolutely sought-after, and Liao basketball fans are too blessed!

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

I think that Allen personally promoted the Liaoning-Shanghai warm-up match this time, not only for the three host cities of Liaoning, Shenyang, Jinzhou and Huludao, but also for the three host cities of Liaoning, Shenyang, Jinzhou and Huludao, he should be on the field to play the game, and the playing time should not be too long, but it will definitely be on it.

There are two reasons: one is that Allen has played fewer and fewer official games in the past two years, especially in the 23-24 season, when he only played three games, he obviously felt that he was suffocated, so he wanted to play, after all, that was the stage that really belonged to him; The second is that the Liao Basketball Club also wants to know what his competitive state is after recovering from injury, because this year is Allen's contract year, and the management of Liao Basket needs to measure Allen's state first, and then decide whether to renew the contract.

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

I always believed that Liao Basket would not trade Allen easily.

First of all, from the analysis of the age of professional players, Allen is still at the peak of his career.

Secondly, Allen's box office appeal is unmatched, and part of the reason why the ball market of Liao Basket has been extremely hot in the past ten years is Allen's existence.

Third, Allen can also help Liao Basket drive the sales of peripheral products such as players' jerseys. According to the statistics of the CBA, Allen's jersey sales were far ahead last season. As a player who only played three games a season, his jersey sales can still be the best in the league, which can be called a miracle, and it is also a reflection of his strength, you can't admire it!

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

To make a simple comparison, Hu Mingxuan, the all-star ticket king, not only can't bring the all-star box office, but the jersey sales are far inferior to Guo Allen, this is the gap. If Guo Allen also participated in this year's All-Ming Competition, it is guaranteed that the competition site is full, so the ticket king generated by swiping tickets is very watery and can't support the scene.

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

Finally, let's briefly talk about the series of warm-up matches between Liao Basket and the Shanghai team, and there are a lot of highlights, because the Shanghai team has Wang Zhelin, a former friend of Guo Allen and Zhao Jiwei, and Luo Hanchen, a former teammate who Allen used to play in the national youth, but because Liao Basket regretted losing to the Shanghai team one year, with the unfriendly remarks made by Wang Zhelin and Luo Hanchen in the locker room leaked, the friendship for many years was severed.

Official announcement at 8 a.m.! The Liaohu battle was the first to be staged, and Guo Allen led 6 generals to appear: the fans were boiling

Because the naïve and innocent Allen Guo has always been a sincere friend, but what he really got in exchange for someone else's rumors and smears, even said that Allen was not injured, he just didn't want to play, and his psychology was too dark! Do you think so?


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