
Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

author:Cereal bars talk about the past and the present
Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"
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Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

In 2011, in a theater in Beijing, a large-scale cross talk drama called "China's Centennial Cross Talk History" was being staged. On stage, Yu Qian and his partner Guo Degang are fully engaged and looking forward to the enthusiastic response from the audience.

However, the expected applause and laughter did not come as expected, and were replaced by impatient boos and heckling from the audience.

Yu Qian was smiling professionally, but his heart was like falling into an ice cave. When the curtain finally fell, it was as if he heard the voice of some shattering faith in his heart. "The rise and fall of cross talk has nothing to do with me.

This sentence kept echoing in his mind, marking that the "cross talk queen" had a deep disappointment and helplessness in the art she loved all her life.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

At this moment, Yu Qian realized that the hope of reviving the former glory of cross talk may be slim. The audience seems to only regard cross talk as pure entertainment, rather than the art form he has been pursuing.

This huge gap in perception has made this leader in the cross talk industry fall into unprecedented confusion.

In 1975, a 6-year-old boy strolled leisurely with a birdcage in the hutongs of Beijing. This seemingly "little old man" child is Yu Qian.

Due to his parents' busy work, he was fostered at his grandmother's house, where he lived a carefree life under the pampering of his five aunts.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Unlike his peers, the young Yu Qian developed a strong interest in flowers, birds, fish and insects. He often holds the crickets in his left hand and a well-tended birdcage in his right hand.

This innate leisurely self-satisfaction laid the groundwork for his future cross talk performances.

The gears of fate turned quietly in an accident. Xiao Qian overheard a cross talk performance and was deeply attracted by this traditional art. He is keenly aware that cross talk and his favorite flowers, birds, fish and insects have something in common - they are eager to win the love and recognition of the audience.

With this dream in mind, Yu Qian resolutely decided to devote himself to the career of cross talk. However, this decision was immediately met with strong opposition from the grandmother. In grandma's opinion, Yu Qian's dedication to the cross talk world before he finished his studies is tantamount to going astray.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

But the stubborn Yu Qian showed firmness beyond his age, and he insisted on carrying out the cross talk career to the end. In the end, under his persistence, his grandmother compromised and sent him to the cross talk class of the Beijing Opera School to study.

However, reality is not a fairy tale. Due to his loose habits in the past, Yu Qian's thinking was not agile enough to fully understand and grasp the knowledge he had learned. In the face of teacher Wang Shichen's criticism and persuasion, he was not discouraged, but inspired a stronger fighting spirit.

"If you don't work once, you will do it twice, and if you can't do it twice, you will do it eight times", Yu Qian continued to study cross talk skills with such tenacity.

During this difficult learning process, Yu Qian became acquainted with Li Jindou. Moved by Yu Qian's perseverance, Li Jindou took him under his command and carefully guided him. With the help of Li Jindou, Yu Qian not only learned cross talk skills, but also developed the habit of "smoking, drinking, and burning his hair", which laid the groundwork for the image of "Uncle Qian" in the future.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

In the end, under the recommendation of Li Jindou, Yu Qian worshiped Shi Fukuan as a teacher and officially stepped into the door of the cross talk world. This marks that the young Yu Qian's cross talk dream has finally taken a key step, and it also lays the foundation for his future glory in the cross talk industry.

With the official entry into the cross talk world, Yu Qian's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. He successfully entered the system and lived an enviable life: tasting tea, eating food, reading newspapers, and occasionally giving a few wonderful cross talk performances for everyone.

This period is undoubtedly the most leisurely stage of Yu Qian's life, and he seems to have found his own rhythm in life.

However, Yu Qian was not satisfied with a comfortable life. He began to look for new breakthroughs and expand his artistic horizons. With his love for music, he set foot in the field of rock music, and with his unique voice and stage charm, he was eventually appointed vice president of the Beijing Rock Association.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

At the same time, in order to improve his acting skills, he chose to study at the Beijing Film Academy.

These cross-border attempts not only enriched Yu Qian's life experience, but also brought him unexpected opportunities. He rose to prominence in films such as "Wolf Warrior" and "Good Teacher", showing his versatile side.

Yu Qian's career has been expanding, and it seems to be developing in a broader direction.

In 1998, fate favored Yu Qian again. During the filming of the TV series "Red Print", 29-year-old Yu Qian met 19-year-old Bai Huiming. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Despite the age difference of ten years, they admired each other, and two years later they joined hands to form a small family and start a new chapter in their lives.

However, life after marriage is not as good as imagined. Yu Qian, who used to be alone, now needs to shoulder the burden of supporting his family. The sudden increase in living expenses forced him to take on frequent performances to make ends meet.

The once laid-back life was gradually replaced by a busy work schedule, and Yu Qian began to feel the pressure of life.

At this moment, by chance, he learned that a young man named Guo Degang was looking for a partner. Yu Qian agreed to this cooperation with the mentality of making money, but he didn't know that this decision would completely change the trajectory of his life.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

This fortuitous collaboration resulted in a wonderful chemistry. Yu Qian and Guo Degang cooperated tacitly on the stage and cherished each other. A few years later, when Guo Degang founded Deyun Club, he did not hesitate to invite Yu Qian to join and become a regular partner.

In the process of the development of Deyun Club, Yu Qian showed rare loyalty. Even at the difficult moment when Deyun Club encountered the "storm of Taizhu's departure", he still stood firmly by Guo Degang's side.

"As long as Guo Degang is still there, I will not leave Deyun Club", this sentence not only reflects Yu Qian's dedication to the cross talk career, but also shows his personality charm of valuing love and righteousness.

However, fate is always full of drama. Just when Yu Qian thought that he had found the direction of his life and his cross talk career was thriving, an unexpected blow made him shake the career he had always insisted on.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

This blow not only made Yu Qian re-examine his career choice, but also made him think about the status and future development direction of cross talk art in contemporary society.

On the long road of cross talk, the encounter between Yu Qian and Guo Degang can be called fate. At first, Yu Qian only saw the cooperation with Guo Degang as an ordinary performance opportunity, a way to relieve financial pressure.

However, when the two first performed on the same stage, an unexpected chemistry was immediate.

On the stage, Yu Qian's calm and restrained typhoon and Guo Degang's active and jumping style are in stark contrast, but they complement each other perfectly. The audience burst into laughter and applause, as if confirming the pair's match made in heaven.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

After the performance, the two looked at each other and smiled, and their eyes flashed with sympathy. Yu Qian felt the long-lost passion for the stage, and Guo Degang found a partner who could have a good heart.

This accidental cooperation has become a golden partner in the cross talk industry. A few years later, when Guo Degang came up with the idea of founding Deyun Club, the first thing that came to mind was to invite Yu Qian to join.

Yu Qian did not hesitate at all and readily agreed. On the stage of Deyun Club, the tacit understanding between the two is more proficient, and they have created many popular cross talk works, which have won the love of the audience.

However, the development of Deyun Club has not been smooth sailing. In the face of the crisis of "the departure of the pillars", Yu Qian showed rare loyalty. When many people chose to leave, he stood firmly beside Guo Degang and publicly stated: "As long as Guo Degang is still there, I will not leave Deyun Club."

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

This sentence not only reflects Yu Qian's dedication to the cause of cross talk, but also shows his personality charm of valuing love and righteousness.

In the cooperation with Guo Degang, Yu Qian found a new starting point in his career. They have worked together to develop Deyun Club into a banner in the cross talk industry, injecting new vitality into traditional cross talk.

However, just when his career was booming, an unexpected blow made Yu Qian begin to waver in the career he had always adhered to. This blow not only made Yu Qian re-examine his career choice, but also made him think about the status and future development direction of cross talk art in contemporary society.

2011 was an important turning point for Qian. This year, he and his partner Guo Degang poured their hearts and souls into planning a large-scale cross talk drama "A Hundred Years of Chinese Cross Talk History" aimed at promoting the art of cross talk.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

This work embodies the duo's deep understanding and love for the art of cross talk, and they are looking forward to presenting it to the audience, hoping to arouse the public's attention and appreciation for this traditional art.

However, reality gave Yu Qian a blow in the face. When the curtain opened, the audience's reaction was far from their expectations. There is no expected attentive listening, no in-depth thinking about the art of cross talk, replaced by impatient boos and heckling.

Yu Qian stood on the stage, smiling and laughing, but his heart was like falling into an ice cave.

At this moment, Yu Qian seemed to hear the sound of something breaking in his heart. He suddenly realized that for most viewers, cross talk seemed to be just a form of entertainment, not an art form he had been pursuing.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

This huge gap in cognition made him sigh "The rise and fall of cross talk has nothing to do with me".

From then on, a fierce struggle began in Yu Qian's heart. On the one hand, he felt a deep sense of disappointment and powerlessness in the future of cross talk.

But on the other hand, cross talk has been integrated into his blood and has become an inseparable part of his life. Although he often expresses his disappointment with cross talk, his actions have never stopped insisting on and inheriting cross talk.

This contradictory psychological state has become a portrayal of Yu Qian's second half of his life.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Under this complex psychology, Yu Qian chose to continue to persevere. He knows that as the backbone of the cross talk industry, he shoulders the responsibility of inheriting and developing this art.

Even if the road ahead is difficult, even if his heart is full of disappointment, he still chooses to stand on the stage and interpret the charm of cross talk in his own way.

This kind of persistence is not only a love for the art of cross talk, but also a responsibility for one's life choices. Yu Qian's ambivalence reflects the dilemmas and challenges faced by the entire cross talk industry to a certain extent.

In the collision of tradition and modernity, how to rejuvenate the ancient art of cross talk has become a topic that Yu Qian and many cross talk artists have to face.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Although his heart is full of contradictions, Yu Qian has never given up his love and persistence for cross talk. His story has become the epitome of contemporary cross talk artists finding a balance between tradition and modernity.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Yu Qian has entered the age of 55. In 2024, his sideburns have turned white, and there are a few more traces of time in the corners of his eyes, but his eyes are still flashing with love and persistence for cross talk.

Despite all kinds of setbacks and disappointments, Yu Qian still sticks to the cross talk stage, interpreting the responsibilities and responsibilities of the "cross talk queen" with actions.

Every time he performs on stage, Yu Qian can still create amazing sparks with his partner Guo Degang. Their tacit cooperation and witty and humorous jokes can always cause bursts of laughter and applause from the audience.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Although there are still worries about the future of cross talk, Yu Qian chooses to inherit and develop this art with practical actions.

Outside the stage, Yu Qian is also actively exploring new forms of cross talk. He tried to integrate cross talk elements into film and television works, participated in variety shows with the theme of cross talk, and strived to let more young people understand and love this traditional art.

He firmly believes that as long as there is still one person listening, the life of cross talk will not end.

Between disappointment and persistence, the 55-year-old Yu Qian found his own balance. In his own way, he continues the vitality of cross talk and interprets his love for this art.

Unable to return to heaven! "Cross Talk Queen" Yu Qian has embarked on a "road of disappointment"

Perhaps, it is this contradiction and persistence that has achieved Yu Qian's unique position in the cross talk industry, allowing him to move forward on the "road of disappointment" and contribute his strength to the future of cross talk.

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