
After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife
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After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

In 2009, a news that shocked inside and outside the entertainment industry was like a bolt from the blue: the marriage between cutting-edge and powerful actor Li Guangjie and Hao Lei ended after only two years.

When media cameras captured Hao Lei in tears on the street, the public began to speculate about the truth about the breakdown of the marriage. Immediately afterwards, Li Guangjie's affair with a mysterious woman surfaced, adding more drama to the divorce.

Why did the husband and wife who were in love in the past go from sweetness to separation in just two years? What kind of reef did their marriage encounter? The sudden breakdown of this celebrity marriage has triggered people's deep thinking about the nature of love and marriage.

In 2005, the set of the TV series "Secret Order 1949" became the cradle of Li Guangjie and Hao Lei's emotions. At that time, the 27-year-old Hao Lei had already made a name for herself in the entertainment industry, while the 24-year-old Li Guangjie was still on the rise in her career.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Despite the age and status gap, this has not become a stumbling block that prevents the two from falling in love.

In the play, they play a pair of lovers who are difficult to stay together due to their different identities and positions. The day and night relationship between the two in and out of the play made the relationship between the two gradually sprout. Hao Lei was attracted by Li Guangjie's gentle and considerate thoughts, and Li Guangjie was captivated by Hao Lei's talent and charm.

In order to maintain this relationship, Hao Lei often worked tirelessly to travel to various crews, just to be able to get together with Li Guangjie for a short time. Even if it was only a few hours together, she cherished it.

Li Guangjie tried her best to create warm and romantic moments for Hao Lei in between busy shooting.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

However, the nature of the actors' work makes them get together less and leave more, which undoubtedly brings a test to the budding love. But the two did not back down because of this, but cherished every opportunity to get together even more.

They try to find a balance in their busy schedules and maintain the relationship with mutual support and understanding.

As time passed, the relationship between the two grew deeper. They began to look forward to the future and imagine a common blueprint for life. Although the outside world has questioned their age gap, in the face of love, these seem insignificant.

Li Guangjie and Hao Lei firmly believe that as long as two hearts are closely intertwined, they can face all kinds of challenges in the future together.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Hao Lei is very ambitious, but she is also willing to make sacrifices for Li Guangjie. She resolutely terminated her contract with her original employer and created a studio for both of them.

This decision is undoubtedly a reflection of Hao Lei's dedication to this relationship.

Although Li Guangjie is young, he has a strong sense of responsibility for his family. Not only does he have to take care of his own career, but he also has to support his parents and even help his brother-in-law and his wife.

This kind of concern for the original family made Hao Lei see Li Guangjie's mature and stable side.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

In 2007, Li Guangjie and Hao Lei quietly received their marriage certificate and officially entered the palace of marriage. However, from the very beginning, this marriage was overshadowed by a special atmosphere.

There were no expensive wedding rings, no fancy wedding dresses, not even a simple wedding ceremony to take place. Such a beginning seems to indicate that this marriage will face many challenges.

Hao Lei's choice to marry Li Guangjie was not a wise move in the eyes of others. At that time, Li Guangjie's career had not yet reached its peak, and his economic situation was not well-off. However, Hao Lei firmly believes that Li Guangjie is a "stock" with great potential, and believes that their future will get better and better.

She doesn't care about the difficulties of the moment, she just hopes to get through them hand in hand with her beloved.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

After getting married, Hao Lei devoted herself more wholeheartedly to supporting Li Guangjie's career. She poured her contacts and resources accumulated over the years into their common studio, hoping to help Li Guangjie's acting career.

This kind of selfless dedication shows Hao Lei's deep love and expectation for this marriage.

However, the reality is always more cruel than imagined. Although Li Guangjie is grateful for his wife's dedication, she insists on relying on her own efforts to maintain the family's livelihood. He refused to accept financial support from Hao Lei, and this stubborn attitude put pressure on the relationship between the two to some extent.

Li Guangjie hopes to play the role of husband in the traditional sense, but the reality of the economic situation makes him feel powerless.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Li Guangjie's family responsibilities also added a lot of burdens to this marriage. He took his laid-off parents to live in Beijing, and even helped his brother-in-law and his wife gain a foothold in Beijing.

This sense of responsibility to the original family, although it reflects Li Guangjie's filial piety, also invisibly distracts him from his energy investment in the new marriage. Although Hao Lei understands her husband's filial piety, she inevitably feels aggrieved and neglected.

Hao Lei's parents have reservations about the marriage. They are worried that their daughter will "suffer" because of this, but in the face of a marriage that has become a foregone conclusion, they can only reluctantly accept it and help their daughter's life in private.

This kind of pressure from the family of origin also brings an invisible burden to the newlyweds.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Life after marriage is not as good as the two imagined. The firewood, rice, oil and salt in reality, the ups and downs of their careers, and the burden of family responsibilities are all testing the newcomers.

They struggle to adapt to each other's lifestyles, trying to find a balance between love and reality, but contradictions and differences quietly breed in their daily lives.

Li Guangjie hopes to become the pillar of the family, but the real financial pressure makes him feel pressure. Hao Lei wants to maintain her independence and career pursuits in marriage, which conflicts with Li Guangjie's traditional beliefs.

Both are trying to maintain this marriage, but the gap between their ideals and reality is getting wider and wider.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

As time passed, the contradictions between the two gradually became apparent. They found that love alone could not solve all their problems. All kinds of difficulties in real life have made this once loving couple gradually lose their initial sweetness.

The burden of marriage made them begin to doubt whether they had made the right choice in the first place.

As time passed, more and more contradictions began to emerge in the married life of Li Guangjie and Hao Lei. On the surface, couples who seem to be in love have frequent arguments in private because of personality differences and conflicting values, which has a serious impact on their relationship.

Li Guangjie, as a man with deep-rooted traditional concepts, is deeply influenced by his father's idea of "male dominance and female dominance". In his ideal marriage blueprint, the husband should be the breadwinner of the family, while the wife should focus on taking care of the family and children.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Li Guangjie expects that she can take on the burden of supporting her family, and at the same time hopes that Hao Lei can be a full-time wife with peace of mind. This traditional division of family roles is the cornerstone of a happy marriage in Li Guangjie's view.

However, the reality is very different from what Li Guangjie expected. Hao Lei is a modern woman with a strong sense of dedication, she is unwilling to give up her pursuit in the entertainment industry and only be a full-time wife.

In her opinion, women should have their own careers and pursuits, rather than pinning their life values entirely on their families. This modern woman's way of thinking has a strong collision with Li Guangjie's traditional concept.

Hao Lei's strong personality also made Li Guangjie feel pressure. Hao Lei, who is accustomed to independence at work, often shows a dominant side in family life.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

She has her own ideas and plans for family affairs, which makes Li Guangjie, who is also strong, feel that her position has been challenged. When two people with strong personalities live together, conflicts are naturally inevitable.

Li Guangjie once said frankly in an interview: "Her acting skills are indeed excellent, but her acting career and daily life are two completely different fields after all." Her overly aggressive personality made me feel pressured, and it was inevitable that there would be conflicts between me and her.

These words speak to the heart of their marriage.

In addition, Li Guangjie's sense of responsibility to the original family also brings additional pressure to the marriage. Not only does he have to take care of his parents, but he also has to help his brother-in-law and his wife.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

This concern for his original family distracted him from his new family to some extent. Although Hao Lei understands her husband's filial piety, she inevitably feels aggrieved and neglected.

As time went on, the contradictions between the two accumulated. They try to reconcile their differences, but they always backfire. Li Guangjie hopes that Hao Lei will understand and support his traditional ideas, and Hao Lei expects Li Guangjie to respect her career pursuits.

However, this expectation has always been disappointed, leading to a deepening estrangement between the two.

These contradictions and conflicts in marriage are like a time bomb that can detonate their feelings at any time. Although both men have tried to salvage, trying to repair the relationship through communication and compromise, they have struggled to bridge the chasm in the end.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

They gradually realize that the marriage can no longer be sustained by the love they had at the beginning. The differences in values, lifestyles, and expectations for the future have all become insurmountable obstacles to this marriage.

Eventually, these contradictions accumulated to a tipping point, forcing the once-loving couple to face the reality of parting ways.

In 2009, Li Guangjie and Hao Lei's marriage finally came to an end. This marriage, which lasted only two years, finally failed to overcome the obstacles of reality.

The two officially announced their divorce and started a new chapter in their lives.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Regarding the failure of marriage, Li Guangjie and Hao Lei each have their own interpretations. Li Guangjie said frankly in an interview: "I am a very traditional person, deeply influenced by the concept of my parents' generation of male dominance and female dominance.

I want my wife to be a stay-at-home wife and enjoy life with peace of mind. However, her overly aggressive personality made me feel stressed. These words reveal the core contradiction in their marriage, and also reflect the gap between Li Guangjie's expectations of traditional family roles and reality.

Hao Lei, on the other hand, expressed her state of mind with a meaningful rhetorical question: "If you meet a partner who betrays you, what choice will you make?" Implicit in her words is the disappointment and pain of the marriage, and also hints that there may be other unknown reasons for the breakdown.

After the divorce, both began a new journey in life. In 2012, Hao Lei and outsider Liu Ye entered the marriage hall and ushered in a pair of lovely twin sons.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

Although this new marriage did not escape the test of the "seven-year itch" in the end, this experience proved that Hao Lei still has the courage to pursue happiness.

Li Guangjie married his wife, who was 10 years younger than him, in 2019 and became a new father. In his new marriage, Li Guangjie seems to have found a partner who can meet his heart's traditional expectations.

The two often show affection in public, showing a happy and contented appearance.

Although their first marriage ended in failure, the experience undoubtedly brought valuable life lessons to both of them. They have learned to face up to their own needs and the importance of compromise and understanding in marriage.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

The end of this marriage is not only an end, but also the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

The marriage story of Li Guangjie and Hao Lei provides us with profound inspiration. It tells us that marriage requires not only love, but also mutual understanding and tolerance.

In marriage, both parties should learn to respect each other's values and life pursuits, rather than blindly demanding changes from each other.

This story also reminds us to be cautious about marriage. Before entering into marriage, both parties should fully understand each other's personalities, values and lifestyles, so as to avoid irreconcilable conflicts after marriage.

After two years of marriage, they parted ways, Li Guangjie: Hao Lei is too strong, I want a full-time wife

The collision of traditional and modern concepts, the balance between personal pursuits and family responsibilities, are all challenges that couples need to face together.

At the same time, even if the marriage fails, the pursuit of happiness should not be lost. Just like Li Guangjie and Hao Lei, we should have the courage to face failure, learn from it, start over, and find our own happiness.

Every experience, whether successful or unsuccessful, is a valuable asset in life.

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