
Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

author:Xiaozo Naogon
Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

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Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

In 1984, the Chinese film industry ushered in an important moment. In Beijing, the 1st China Film Golden Rooster Award and the 4th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award jointly held a grand celebration.

Many film and television stars gathered together, and one of them, a tall actor with extraordinary temperament, was particularly eye-catching.

He is Da Shichang, who just won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actor. When he took the stage to accept the award, the audience applauded. However, Da Shichang did not gush about his path to success, but said in an affectionate tone: "I am a person forged with loyalty.

These sincere words not only moved the audience, but also aroused people's infinite reverie about the story behind the "Hundred Flowers Actor".

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Da Shichang's life journey can be called a legendary story from a poor boy to a superstar in the film industry. He was born in Shanghai, his ancestral home is Nanjing, and he is a descendant of the Hui Da family with a long history.

In a large family of 12 siblings, Da Shichang is the ninth in line, and he has deeply experienced the hardships of life since he was a child.

The family's financial situation is extremely tight, and the parents' meager income is difficult to support the expenses of such a large family. In Da Shichang's childhood memories, there was even a time when the family had to rely on handout food to survive.

However, this predicament did not crush the young Da Shichang, but instead stimulated his strong desire for a better life.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

With the help of family and friends, Da Shi was often able to enter the door of the school. He cherishes every opportunity to learn and is hungry for knowledge. In his spare time, he worked tirelessly to earn money and gave his meager income to his mother to subsidize the family.

Whenever he has a little spare money, he can't wait to run to the cinema, dreaming of being one of them one day in front of the screen.

In order to improve his Mandarin skills, Dashi often quietly went to the neighbor's house and listened carefully to the standard tone of the radio with his ears close to his ears. He also often soaked in the library, borrowed heavy performance books, and carefully studied them word by word.

This tireless spirit of learning laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

After graduating from high school, with excellent grades, Da Shichang was successfully admitted to Shanghai Film College. In this cradle of cultivating film talents, he is like a fish in water and devotes himself to the study of film art.

In every class, every rehearsal, and every performance, he poured all his enthusiasm into making full preparations for his future acting career.

However, fate always comes up unexpectedly. In this school, Da Shichang not only found his own direction in life, but also met the love of his life. This love, which began on campus, will compose a moving movement for his life.

Da Shichang's growth process is like a sapling growing tenaciously on barren land. Despite the difficult environment, he relied on his diligence and perseverance to finally break through the shackles and shine in the sky of acting.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

His story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational legend about dreams and perseverance.

In the library of Shanghai Film College, a love destined to be recorded in the film industry quietly sprouts. Da Shichang met his destined other half here - Wang Wenhao.

She is a beautiful and touching woman, and is affectionately called "school flower" by her classmates because of her outstanding appearance. However, Wang Wenhao's charm is far more than her beauty on the surface, but also in her perseverance.

Wang Wenhao's childhood was more bumpy than Da Shichang. She lost her parents when she was a child, and was raised by her brother and sister-in-law. This experience shaped her introverted and contemplative character.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

On campus, she rarely participates in lively social activities, and spends more time in the library, immersing herself in the ocean of knowledge to find solace and strength.

Fate seems to have been arranged. Due to the large number of people in the family, it is difficult to find a quiet learning environment, and he often wanders around the library. In this way, two young people from poor families who are eager to change their fate through knowledge meet in the sea of books.

When they first met, they might just be strangers nodding to each other. Over time, they come to discover that they share similar backgrounds and common ideals.

Under the influence of knowledge and the nourishment of art, the two young hearts got closer and closer, and finally wrote a moving love concerto.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

In 1966, Da Shichang and Wang Wenhao entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Their new house has only one room with an area of only 6. 8 square meters cottage, all furnished only a bed, a square table and a chair.

On their wedding night, the two had dinner with two bowls of plain Yangchun noodles and a plate of home-cooked pickles and dried radish.

Faced with such rudimentary conditions, many people may feel lost. But Da Shichang said to his wife with deep affection: "The theme of our wedding is 'sharing weal and woe', and this unforgettable moment will be etched in our memories forever!" This simple and sincere vow is not only a calm acceptance of the status quo, but also a beautiful hope for the future.

Since then, the young couple has joined hands to face life's challenges together. Their love, like the classic literature in the library, is more and more mellow over time.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

This innocent relationship that began on campus has become a powerful driving force to support their common growth and support each other, and has also laid a solid emotional foundation for Da Shichang's acting career in the future.

After marriage, Da Shichang, with his love for performing arts and his yearning for a better life, officially embarked on the road of acting. In 1965, the opportunity came, and he played the leading role of Lin Yusheng in the movie "The Young Generation".

With his solid acting skills and unique personal charm, Da Shichang became famous in one fell swoop, laying a solid foundation for his star career.

Da Shichang was born with the conditions to be an excellent actor:1. With a tall figure of 83 meters, bright and determined eyes, and a magnetic voice. These innate advantages have earned him opportunities in numerous roles.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

In the movie "The Return of Yan", he played the role of Lin Hanhua, the director of surgery, and interpreted the inner world of this character with a delicate and nuanced performance, which deeply moved the audience.

This work won him two heavyweight honors: the Best Actor Award at the 2nd Wenhui Film Awards and the Best Actor Award at the 4th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards.

However, what really makes Da Shi often among the ranks of "top male gods" is the movie "People to Middle Age". In this film, he partnered with the famous actress Pan Hong to play Lu Wenting's husband Fu Jiajie.

The film caused a sensation after its release, setting a staggering 1. 500 million moviegoers, becoming a box office miracle at that time. Especially when Lu Wenting was seriously ill, the scene of Fu Jiajie reciting poems affectionately in front of the hospital bed was deeply touching and became an indelible classic picture in the hearts of generations of audiences.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Just as the career is in full swing, Da Shichang is not satisfied with the status quo. He deeply realized: "The road of acting is getting more and more difficult. If you always stay in the inherent performance mode and image, not only will you not be able to improve, but the audience will also have aesthetic fatigue.

With this belief in mind, he was determined to break through and try out different types of roles.

In 1984, at the age of 44, Da Shichang took on a huge challenge to play the famous historical figure in the movie "Tan Sitong". He threw himself into the role, delved into historical sources, and finally created a lifelike image of Tan Sitong.

This performance not only won warm applause from the audience, but also won high praise from senior actor Wang Xingang. Wang Xingang praised that Da Shichang has successfully broken through the past screen image and presented the image of a knowledgeable and thoughtful intellectual, thinker and politician vividly and admirably.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Just three years later, Da Shi often challenged himself again. In "The Book of Swords and Enmity" directed by the famous Hong Kong director Xu Anhua, he played the role of Emperor Qianlong.

With his superb acting skills, he was successfully shortlisted for the Best Actor selection at the 7th Hong Kong Film Awards, becoming the first actor in the mainland to receive this honor, winning honor for Chinese films on the international stage.

Da Shichang's acting career is like a rising star, constantly breaking through and innovating. From a young newcomer to a superstar in the film industry, from a single handsome image to a versatile actor, he has written a strong stroke in the history of Chinese film with his efforts and talents, and has become an irreplaceable screen idol in the hearts of countless audiences.

As Da Shichang is thriving in his acting career, his marriage with Wang Wenhao is inevitably facing unprecedented challenges. As a high-profile actor, Da Shi often needs to have intimate emotional exchanges with many actresses every day, and even stages "love" and "marriage" scenes in front of the camera.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Gradually, rumors about his possible change of heart and empathy began to circulate inside and outside the circle, and finally reached Wang Wenhao's ears.

In the face of these disturbing rumors, many may choose to question, blame, or even doubt. However, Wang Wenhao's reaction was unexpected. Without showing the slightest uneasiness or suspicion, she firmly stated: "I firmly believe in him!" These short but powerful words not only reflect her absolute trust in her husband, but also show her wisdom and heart as a mature woman.

Wang Wenhao not only gave her husband 100% support emotionally, but also helped Da Shichang eliminate his worries in the performance from a professional point of view. She encouraged her husband to pursue boldly in his artistic creation, and not to affect his acting skills because he was afraid of her feelings.

This kind of understanding and support has always touched Da Shichang.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

In an interview, Da Shichang said emotionally: "Everything I have is inseparable from her dedication." She sacrificed almost everything she had for me and the child.

These words are full of gratitude to his wife and the secret of the strength of their marriage.

Wang Wenhao's understanding and trust not only made their marriage withstand the tests of Vanity Fair, but also made Da Shichang more confident and brave in his career. They used practical actions to explain what it is to be truly in love with each other and what it means to be a partner in times of adversity.

In this showbiz full of temptations and challenges, their love is like an impregnable fortress, providing each other with the most solid backing and the warmest harbor.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Time is like a song, and time is like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, Da Shichang and Wang Wenhao have gone through fifty-four spring and autumn together. From the green years of acquaintance and love, to the golden period of career take-off, and then to today's calm and calm, they have always supported each other and grown together.

The love story of this couple is like an epic that spans more than half a century. From the poor student days to the pinnacle of the film industry, from obscurity to the limelight, they have experienced too many ups and downs and glory.

However, no matter how the outside world changes, the sincere relationship between them remains the same.

Today's Da Shichang and Wang Wenhao are still in love with each other, and they are old together. Their love story, like the warm sunshine of spring, warm and bright, has become a good story in the film industry, symbolizing a happy married life.

Da Shichang, the "Hundred Flowers Actor" who walked out of the poor door, married a college classmate, and loved each other for a lifetime

Dashi often said: "The relationship between my wife and I is like a peach and a plum concentric, the two hearts are closely intertwined, and there has never been doubt." This love, which has lasted for more than half a century, has not only witnessed the development of Chinese films, but also become a model of beautiful love in the hearts of many people.

Their stories tell us that true love can transcend wealth and poverty, withstand the test of time, and become more mellow in mutual support and trust. As Dashi often said in that acceptance speech, even if life shatters their love, every fragment still shines with loyalty.

This may be the true meaning of their long-lasting marriage.

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