
How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

author:Humor cookies MQ

How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

Hey, impatient players, I heard that the international server of "Jeopardy Zero" is about to be launched? Do you want to grab a beautiful UID and become the first batch of big guys in the server? Come on, come on, I'll give you a few tricks, so that you can easily seize the opportunity with the help of Dolphin Accelerator!

How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

Step 1: Prepare in advance, and the dolphin accelerates first

Grabbing UIDs is not a joke, the network has to be powerful. Download and install "Dolphin Acceleration" in advance, and set up the acceleration node of the "Jeopardy Zero" international server. It's like you have to put on your running shoes before you race, and Dolphin Acceleration is your "light-speed running shoes".

How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID
How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

Step 2: Wait for the rabbit and keep an eye on the start time

A few minutes before the launch of the server, you have to keep an eye on the game server launch notification like a cheetah staring at its prey. Don't miss out on those precious seconds, because UID is on a first-come, first-served basis!

Of course, manual is definitely not as good as connecting the dots, Xiaobian heard that many players are in a hurry to find the dot tool, in fact, you can download it on the acceleration page of Dolphin, you remember to prepare in advance, when the time comes, open the dolphin to optimize the network environment, with the dot connector, you don't have to worry about not grabbing the best UID.

How to grab the Jeopardy Zero UID Teach you how to grab the Jeopardy Zero Superb UID

Well, the above is all the strategies for the "Jeopardy Zero" international server UID battle.

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