
The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

author:Idle Little Fish 4w6

Mr. Wu from Suzhou encountered an elderly man in the park who was insulting a female doctor, and he advised the old man not to swear. Unexpectedly, the old man held a grudge because of this, which eventually led to his imprisonment for two years and the loss of nearly 300 million.


(Video source: Jiupai News)

The cause of the incident can be traced back to January 31, 2017, when Mr. Wu worked in Suzhou Industrial Park and was a senior executive of the company. On this day, he saw an old man surnamed Chen in Fangzhou Park in the park, insulting a female doctor in a hospital in Suzhou, and his words were very difficult to hear.

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

Wu persuaded the old man to stop insulting her, the impact was not good. Unexpectedly, the old man held a grudge and waited for an opportunity to take revenge. But in the park, the old man surnamed Chen didn't dare to mess with him, so he had to walk away.

At about 5 o'clock in the morning on May 26, Wu practiced in the morning and met Chen unexpectedly. Chen pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and the two quarreled. Chen relied on his age, leaned on Wu's body and tore it up.

accidentally tripped on the balance beam next to him, both of them fell, and the old man appeared to be injured. Wu hurriedly called him to take him to the hospital, but after 19 days of treatment, he unfortunately passed away.

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

Chen's family sued Wu to the court, demanding compensation for funeral expenses, mental damages, and so on. Wu was detained on charges of intentional injury, and his family and lawyer have been on the move.

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

In May 2019, the results of the first trial came out, and Wu was sentenced to 2 years in prison for intentional injury. But Wu's lawyer and family found new evidence that there was a medical problem with Chen's treatment after he died in the hospital.

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

Wu appealed, and the case was remanded for retrial in April 2020. During Wu's imprisonment, his stocks and Dogecoin lost nearly 300 million, his real estate was auctioned, and his mother had nowhere to live; After divorcing his wife, his son's eyes on him have also changed! It hurts to think about it, and he decided to appeal to the end!

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

After the retrial, the prosecution withdrew the lawsuit, and Wu then appealed, demanding that his reputation be restored and that he be compensated for various losses totaling 300 million yuan.

The 34-year-old man was nosy and involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned for 2 years, the lawsuit was withdrawn after a retrial, and the man applied for 300 million compensation!

On June 28, 2024, the court's compensation decision showed: compensation of 100,000 yuan for spiritual solace, 730 days of detention, about 462 yuan per day, a total of more than 430,000 yuan; Go to the workplace and the community to restore their reputation.

The court is not responsible for other losses! What do you think about this?