
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming responded to the marriage

author:Juxian Entertainment

He Ziming publicly announced the good news of his remarriage, and cleverly took advantage of He Jie's participation in the popularity of popular programs, which showed his foresight. In all fairness, I have always felt that the combination of He Jie and He Ziming back then had a bit of a "marriage" connotation. At the age of twenty-six, she was in the prime of her youth, and under the enthusiastic pursuit of He Ziming, she quickly made her relationship public, and the following year she entered into marriage hand in hand, and then ushered in the crystallization of love.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming responded to the marriage

When it comes to He Jie, she has a straightforward and enthusiastic personality, excellent professional ability, both singing and dancing, and at the same time, she can easily move between career and family, and she cares for her children. For such an all-round woman, we should give more understanding and respect, just ask those "keyboard warriors" on the Internet, how many people can match her?

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming responded to the marriage

Looking back on He Jie's divorce incident, online public opinion was once critical of the man, and the relevant articles were widely disseminated, and the man fell into isolation. When the turmoil calmed down, the truth gradually surfaced - it turned out that the woman had started a new relationship and was pregnant, and had to use the name of "family photo", but in fact, she covered up her relationship with others. He Ziming had tried to clarify through the testimony of a third party's ex-wife, while He Jie and his new partner, the drummer, insisted on their innocence in front of the public.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming responded to the marriage

At first, the accusations on the Internet were mostly based on one-sided words, and then the news of He Ziming's remarriage and childbirth came, as if the past entanglements had gone with the wind. The two have appeared in variety shows hand in hand, showing intimacy, which is enviable, and now He Ziming has announced his remarriage in a high-profile manner, which inevitably leads to reverie.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming responded to the marriage

Many years ago, He Ziming was still famous as an actor, but their marriage trajectory reflected the normality of many couples in the entertainment industry: love is sweet, but marriage cannot escape the test of reality. If people from the two worlds lack sufficient run-in and understanding, separation seems inevitable.

After He Jie divorced, she often blamed her ex-husband, but marital problems are often complex and multifaceted, and it is not the fault of one party. She once revealed her true feelings on the show and won sympathy, but she quickly entered a second marriage and may even be pregnant. The controversy surrounding her, such as the accusations of the drummer's ex-wife, the mood swings in the show, and her attitude towards Shang Wenjie, have all sparked widespread public discussion about her behavior.

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