
15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

author:Foreign French

01. The monkey was bitten by a crocodile when crossing the river, and its situation was very dangerous, either it died, or endured the pain and broke its arm to survive.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

02, the long-tailed gray-jawed monkey, looks very strange, I can't say what is strange, but it is always a little strange.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

03. If there is a beauty contest for birds, this bird is likely to be ranked first-to-last. It's a New Guinea honeyeater with a strange tumour on its head, and you might not believe it, it's not a carnivorous or scavenging bird, but a nectar bird that loves nectar just as much as a hummingbird.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

04, ah

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

05. At the moment when he was caught up by a killer whale and bitten, the seal's eyes were full of despair and a kind of sadness.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

06. If you want to say which bird hairstyle is the coolest among birds, then the pearl chicken - this strange bird must be on the list, with red eyes and curled hair, making them look like charter women.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

07, a domineering black jaguar

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

08. Giant Siberian unicorn

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

09, the three-headed cobra vs. rodent, it seems that his life is in danger today

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

10. The crayfish at the bottom of the black plastic bucket looks like a cosmic monster that has taken over the entire planet under the stars.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

11. The Eagle's Anger - An eagle is fed up with the buzzing of the drone, stretches out its claws, and kicks over the drone with one claw......

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

12. A vegetarian shark - the narrow-headed hammerhead shark, which feeds mainly on seaweed

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

13. The heron prepares to catch the fish in Shekou

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

14. A stone comparable to a human brain

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

15. The skin of the anglerfish's body is mottled, as if it has been scalded by boiling water, which is very ugly.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

16. An owl blends perfectly with the surrounding tree trunks!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

17. The Japanese army that had been planning to invade China for a long time was strong and well-trained. The Japanese army dispatched 12 armored vehicles and thousands of Japanese infantry to storm the Anyang railway station.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

18. The head of a tarantula.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

19. Its body seems to be pieced together with patches.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

20. An adult marine sunfish is compared to when they were born

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

21. I understand, this is the life of a noblewoman.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

22. Can you see it - these two lifelike butterflies are made of scrap metal, which is a handicraft made from scrap recycling.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

23. You think it's a piece of rotten wood, but it's actually a bird!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

24. He used all the strength of a brain cell and sat firmly in this special box.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

25. When I saw this photo, I realized that I had made a serious mistake!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

26. All kinds of breads, honey cakes, cakes, etc., as for dumplings - Chinese dumplings are really much better than Russian dumplings.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

27. The wildebeest was bitten by the throat by a lion, and its eyes were cloudy when it was suffocated.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

28, there is a duck rebellion, let's see how many are there!?

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

29. The hedgehog is a cute animal that is very insecure, but it doesn't curl up when it sleeps, so you have to leave a space to breathe.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

30. This gorilla should have a strong ability to reproduce

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

31. "Saved it from the brink of death and died a few weeks later due to an accident, but its brief existence was a gift." ”

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

32. I don't know why, there have been more and more lobsters with several pincers in the news recently.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

33. After seeing a lot of all kinds of strange and exotic animals, let's take a look at the sweet-looking quokkas, which are small kangaroos that live on small islands in Western Australia, and its biggest feature is that it is known as a mobile emoji, and its smile is very charming.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

34. In the waters of the Gulf of California, 400~500 meters underwater, someone caught a pink shark, its appearance is very strange, round and a bit like an alien, scientists analyzed, this is an albino fluffy shark.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

35、锈斑豹猫(Leopardus Pardalis)

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

36. Does Red still have a chance to turn the tables??!!!!!!!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

37. The fight between these two animals is quite fierce

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

38. It's time to test your intelligence, do you know how to do this?!!!!!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

39. Such a huge bird's nest is like a hill, you have ever seen it

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

40. My mother, who is this prank? The statue of Mahatma Gandhi in India, with red light bulbs on its eyes, is as terrifying as an alien.

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

41. These five little fish seem to have long-nosed witch faces, which is terrifying!

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

Daily brain teasers that only a person with a high IQ can come up with! Hit the answer in the comments section

15 photos of dangerous creatures: monkeys crossing a river and losing their arms, fleas with small fleas in their stomachs

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