
There are many misunderstandings in coronary heart disease angina first aid, and such operations may be life-threatening! Wary!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart diseaseAngina pectoris is a common symptom of cardiovascular disease, and the correctness of first aid measures is directly related to the life safety of patients. However, in the process of daily first aid, many people have the misconception that such an operation can be life-threatening! Let's uncover these misconceptions and let you know the correct first aid method for angina.

There are many misunderstandings in coronary heart disease angina first aid, and such operations may be life-threatening! Wary!

Myth 1: When angina attacks, pat your chest hard

When angina attacks, there is a strong pressure sensation in the chest, and some people subconsciously pat their chest with their hands in the hope of relieving the symptoms. However, this practice is not beneficial and may worsen the condition. The correct course of action is to take nitroglycerin immediately and call the 120 emergency number.

Myth 2: When angina is attacked, take a large amount of nitroglycerin

Nitroglycerin is a common first aid drug for angina, but that doesn't mean more is better. Excessive consumption of nitroglycerin may cause blood pressure to drop too quickly, causing dizziness, palpitations and other adverse reactions. The correct course of action is to take it according to the instructions or the doctor's advice, and closely observe the changes in the patient's condition during the first aid process.

There are many misunderstandings in coronary heart disease angina first aid, and such operations may be life-threatening! Wary!

Myth 3: When angina attacks, exercise vigorously

When angina occurs in an attack, patients should immediately stop their activities to avoid increasing the burden on the heart. Some people think that strenuous exercise can relieve angina, but this is not the case. The correct course of action is to take immediate rest, take nitroglycerin, and call the 120 emergency number.

Myth 4: When angina attacks, drive yourself to the hospital

During an angina attack, patients and their families should avoid driving themselves to the hospital to prevent the condition from getting worse on the way. The correct way to do this is to call the 120 emergency number and have a medical professional perform first aid and transport.

There are many misunderstandings in coronary heart disease angina first aid, and such operations may be life-threatening! Wary!

Myth 5: After the symptoms of angina are relieved, it is no longer taken seriously

Angina pectoris attacks are often a manifestation of coronary heart disease, and patients should pay attention to their own health status after the symptoms are relieved, follow the doctor's advice, standardize medication, and adjust lifestyle. Do not ignore the condition and cause it to worsen.

Summary: There are many misunderstandings in the first aid of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease, and patients and their families should master the correct first aid methods for angina pectoris to avoid incorrect operation in the first aid process, which is life-threatening. At the same time, pay attention to your own health status, follow the doctor's advice, standardize medication, and adjust your lifestyle to reduce the risk of angina attacks.

Wary! There are many misunderstandings in coronary heart disease angina first aid, and such operations may be life-threatening! I hope that everyone can master the correct angina first aid method and escort life safety. #头条创作挑战赛#