
Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

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Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular
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Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

In the Chinese comedy world, Ju Zhaojie's name is like a rising star. The actor, whose stage name is "Full Stop", has left a deep mark on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with his unique sense of humor and superb acting skills.

What is less well known, however, is that his path to success has not been easy.

From Zhao Benshan's assistant to Jiang Kun's protégé, Ju Zhaojie's career trajectory is full of dramatic turns. He not only shines on the stage, but also experiences ups and downs in his emotional life.

The second marriage tied the knot with the 11-year-old "girl" Guo Yadan, which added a touch of color to his life.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

The story of Ju Zhaojie is a moving melody about dreams, perseverance and love. Let's unravel the mystery of the legendary life of this master of comedy.

In 1962, the land of Liaoning ushered in an ordinary but unusual new life - Ju Zhaojie. Born in a well-off family, the young Ju Zhaojie soon showed a talent like no other.

Northeast China, a fertile land that has nurtured countless artistic talents, has also become the cradle of Ju Zhaojie's artistic dreams. The colorful folk art forms such as cross talk, sketches, and two-person turns, which he has been exposed to since he was a child, are deeply imprinted in his heart.

As a child, Ju Zhaojie was always able to vividly imitate the characters in TV dramas, and his exaggerated expressions and funny movements often made his family and friends laugh.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

As he grew older, Ju Zhaojie's love for acting grew day by day. In a local performance competition, he won the crown in one fell swoop with a superb allegro performance at a young age.

This success not only gave Ju Zhaojie a taste of the sweetness of the stage, but also strengthened his determination to pursue art.

With an infinite love for performance, Ju Zhaojie resolutely joined the local quyi team. Here, he began to receive systematic professional training, which laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

However, the tireless pursuit of art has prompted Ju Zhaojie to take it to the next level.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

With his outstanding acting talent and hard work spirit, Ju Zhaojie was successfully admitted to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Art Academy. In this prestigious art school, he eagerly absorbed knowledge and constantly improved his acting skills and artistic accomplishment.

In his career in military art, Ju Zhaojie knows that in this highly competitive industry, only by constantly improving oneself can we firmly grasp the opportunity when it comes.

He is diligent and assiduous, pondering every detail of his performance, and strives to shape himself into a well-rounded artist.

In this way, with his love and dedication to performing arts, Ju Zhaojie is moving towards his dream step by step. His story, like the epitome of thousands of dream-chasing teenagers, paved the way to the palace of art with sweat and enthusiasm.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

And this is just the prologue of his legendary life.

When Ju Zhaojie's military career was about to come to an end, an opportunity quietly came. A friend's recommendation gave him a valuable opportunity to appear on the stage of the local Spring Festival Gala.

For this once-in-a-lifetime stage, Ju Zhaojie poured all his enthusiasm and energy.

For this performance, Ju Zhaojie almost forgot to sleep and eat. He scrutinized every detail and perfected his performance. During rehearsals, he often repeats the same movement over and over again in order to present the perfect effect on stage.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

This almost demanding self-demand stems from his persistent pursuit of art.

Hard work pays off. The moment Ju Zhaojie stood on the stage, his performance instantly ignited the atmosphere of the audience. The laughter and applause of the audience came and went, as if giving him infinite strength.

This successful appearance not only made Ju Zhaojie taste the sweetness, but also strengthened his determination to continue to move forward on the road of comedy.

However, the real turning point is yet to come. Ju Zhaojie's unique acting style and outstanding comedic talent have caught the attention of a heavyweight - the famous comedy artist Zhao Benshan.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

Zhao Benshan saw the potential of Ju Zhaojie at a glance and decided to take him under his command.

In this way, Ju Zhaojie became Zhao Benshan's assistant. This role is both a challenge and an opportunity. As an assistant, Ju Zhaojie needs to deal with all kinds of trivial daily affairs, from arranging trips to coordinating work.

But instead of feeling aggrieved by this, he saw it as a rare learning opportunity.

By Zhao Benshan's side, Ju Zhaojie was like a sponge, greedily absorbing every drop of nectar of knowledge. He carefully observed Zhao Benshan's performance skills, carefully figured out his creative ideas, and even did not let go of the tone and actions of his speech.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

This spirit of hard work has allowed Ju Zhaojie to make remarkable progress in a short period of time.

Gradually, Ju Zhaojie emerged in Zhao Benshan's team. He has participated in the creation and performance of several classic sketches, many of which are well-known. The audience began to remember this young man who always brought laughter, and Ju Zhaojie's name gradually became more and more well-known.

However, Ju Zhaojie was not satisfied with this. He is eager to make a bigger breakthrough and create his own brilliance on the comedy stage. In order to achieve this goal, he needs more accumulation and higher guidance.

After careful consideration, a bold idea sprouted in Ju Zhaojie's heart: why not apprentice to cross talk master Jiang Kun and further improve his artistic attainments? This decision is undoubtedly full of challenges and risks, but Ju Zhaojie believes that only by constantly challenging himself can he achieve greater breakthroughs.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

With an infinite love for art and a vision for the future, Ju Zhaojie embarked on a new journey. From an unknown Northeast boy to Zhao Benshan's right-hand man, to a dreamer seeking a higher artistic realm, Ju Zhaojie's every step is full of courage and determination.

And this is just another beginning of his legendary life.

With the persistent pursuit of art, Ju Zhaojie made a bold decision: to worship the disciple of cross talk master Jiang Kun. This choice is full of challenges, after all, Jiang Kun is the champion of the contemporary cross talk industry, and it is still unknown whether he can be accepted.

But Ju Zhaojie firmly believes that only by constantly challenging oneself can we achieve greater breakthroughs.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

Luck favors the brave. Jiang Kun admired Ju Zhaojie's diligence and talent, and gladly accepted this new apprentice. Under Jiang Kun's careful guidance, Ju Zhaojie's artistic attainments are like riding a rocket, advancing by leaps and bounds.

He not only mastered more exquisite cross talk skills, but also learned how to flexibly apply these skills to the creation of sketches, and gradually formed a unique performance style.

Ju Zhaojie's efforts soon paid off. His performance in the field of sketches is getting better and better, and he frequently appears on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, becoming a frequent visitor to the audience. Every time he takes the stage, he can use his witty and humorous performance to arouse a warm response from the audience.

Ju Zhaojie's name began to be equated with laughter and wonderful.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

However, Ju Zhaojie is not satisfied with success in one field. With an infinite love for art, he began to extend his tentacles to the film and television industry. With the rich experience accumulated on the stage and Professor Jiang Kun's superb performance skills, Ju Zhaojie has also handed over a brilliant report card in film and television works.

His popularity grew day by day, and he gradually grew into an all-round comedy artist.

Just as his career was booming, Ju Zhaojie's private life experienced a turmoil. His first marriage came to an end for various reasons, leaving behind a son that he had to raise alone.

This experience undoubtedly hit Ju Zhaojie hard, but it also made him cherish life more and learn to find a balance between his busy career and family responsibilities.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

In the face of life's challenges, Ju Zhaojie did not back down. He turned this bitterness into motivation and devoted himself to artistic creation. In this process, his works have more of a taste of life, less exaggerated, and more sincere.

This change not only did not affect the effect of his performance, but made the audience feel a deeper resonance.

From Zhao Benshan's assistant to Jiang Kun's apprentice, to a comedy master in his own right, Ju Zhaojie's every step is firm and powerful. He used his own experience to prove that as long as you have dreams and keep working hard, there is no mountain that you can't climb and no hurdle that you can't overcome.

However, the gears of fate are still turning, and new opportunities and challenges await this relentless artist.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

While his career was climbing to the peak, Ju Zhaojie's love life encountered a trough. The failure of his first marriage was a huge blow to him, leaving behind a son to raise alone.

As a single father, Ju Zhaojie has to juggle family responsibilities in addition to his busy work. During this period, he often felt powerless, but he never gave up his yearning for a better life.

Fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when Ju Zhaojie thought that he might die alone, love quietly came again. He got acquainted with Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger than him, with the stage name "Yadan", who was also a talented sketch actor.

At first, the two were just working partners. But in the process of getting along day and night, they gradually developed feelings that transcended friendship. Ju Zhaojie was attracted by Guo Yadan's energy and talent, and Guo Yadan admired Ju Zhaojie's maturity and humor.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

The age gap did not become an obstacle, but made the relationship between the two more complementary.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. Guo's parents are opposed to the relationship, fearing that the age gap and Ju Zhaojie's divorced status will affect their daughter's happiness.

In the face of many obstacles, Ju Zhaojie and Guo Yadan showed firm determination. They proved each other's sincerity with practical actions and worked hard to resolve their family's concerns.

After a period of running-in and communication, Ju Zhaojie finally won the approval of Guo Yadan's parents. With the blessings of family and friends, the combination of "uncle with little flowers" tied the knot.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

This much-talked-about marriage not only added a new color to Ju Zhaojie's life, but also allowed him to regain the warmth of his family.

From a frustrated single father to a happy groom, Ju Zhaojie's emotional experience is like a sketch full of ups and downs, full of laughter and tears. This experience not only enriched his life experience, but also provided more inspiration for his artistic creation.

After marriage, Ju Zhaojie seems to have entered the golden age of life. In his career, he continued to shine on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and film and television works, and became a comedy star loved by the audience.

His performances have become more and more mature, and every time he appears, he has aroused enthusiastic responses, and firmly occupies a place in the comedy world.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

In family life, Ju Zhaojie and Guo Yadan are in love and harmony, and their relationship is getting deeper and deeper. They support each other, face life's challenges together, and have a happy married life.

When he was about to enter the year of knowing the destiny of heaven, Ju Zhaojie ushered in another surprise in his life - Guo Yadan gave birth to a son for him. The joy of becoming a father for the first time made Ju Zhaojie feel very happy, and he began to devote more energy to family life.

The arrival of this little life not only brought joy to Ju Zhaojie's family, but also gave him new inspiration and motivation in his artistic creation.

As he grew older, Ju Zhaojie gradually faded out of public view, but he did not regret it. Instead, he enjoys a peaceful family life, passing on the experience and wisdom he has accumulated over the years to the younger generation of comedy artists.

Ju Zhaojie: He once served as Zhao Benshan's assistant, and apprenticed to Jiang Kun, and married Guo Yadan for the second time after becoming popular

He often appears in various artistic exchange activities and contributes to the development of comedy.

Looking back, Ju Zhaojie's life is like a wonderful sketch: there are laughter, tears, ups and downs, and finally a double harvest of career and love.

From an unknown Northeast teenager, to a star on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, to a happy family life, Ju Zhaojie's story has inspired countless people who pursue their dreams, proving that as long as they persevere, their dreams will eventually come true.

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