
Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions
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Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

In 2013, a news that shocked the whole country was like thunder, pushing the Li Shuangjiang family to the forefront of public opinion. Their 16-year-old son, Li Tianyi, a teenager who has long been regarded by the public as a "second-generation star", was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the court for a serious violation of the law.

This news is like a hammer, not only shattering the good life that Li Shuangjiang and Mengge have been operating, but also causing an uproar in the society.

People can't help but ask: what is the reason why this superficially glamorous family has come to such a point? And as a mother, after experiencing this turmoil, did Dream Pigeon really realize the importance of education? The story of this family may bring us profound enlightenment.

Li Shuangjiang had two very different marriages in his life, and these two emotional experiences not only shaped his family life, but also derived very different educational philosophies, which ultimately led to completely different results.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

His first marriage was to Ding Ying, a talented dance artist. Ding Ying is not only outstanding, but also has a gentle and lovely character. Although Li Shuangjiang was just a young man from a poor family at that time, this did not stop Ding Ying's love for him.

Their union is like a moving love song, and soon ushered in the birth of their son Li He. However, the long separation and personality differences brought about by artistic work eventually led to the end of this marriage.

After the marriage broke down, Ding Ying poured all her efforts into the education of her son Li He. She has always maintained a rigorous attitude towards education, always reminding her son to maintain a humble and polite character.

Under the careful cultivation of his mother, Li He gradually grew into a young talent with good conduct and a successful career. What is commendable is that almost no one knows that he is the son of Li Shuangjiang, and all his achievements are due to his own efforts.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

In contrast, Li Shuangjiang's encounter with Mengge was full of drama. In the classroom of the Central Conservatory of Music, the young and beautiful dream pigeon won the favor of Li Shuangjiang with his excellent singing voice.

Although this relationship, which spanned the age difference of 27 years, was questioned, they still insisted on coming together. After marriage, Mengge experienced two difficult miscarriages, and finally gave birth to his son Li Tianyi when Li Shuangjiang was over half a hundred years old.

The joy of having a son made Li Shuangjiang and his wife ecstatic, and they loved Li Tianyi so much that they almost doted on him. In order to train their son, they spared no expense to hire top teachers, trying to improve their son's comprehensive quality in an all-round way.

However, this excessive pampering and protection has inadvertently buried hidden dangers.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

These two marriages, like two parallel lines in life, eventually made a world of difference in educational philosophy and results. On one side is a low-key outstanding young man who grew up under strict education, and on the other side is a troubled teenager who gradually loses his direction in doting.

Li Tianyi's birth brought infinite joy to Li Shuangjiang and his wife. As a long-awaited old man, Li Tianyi was regarded as a treasure by his parents from the moment he fell to the ground, holding it in the palm of his hand for fear of falling, and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting.

However, the excessive pampering and generous living environment are like a double-edged sword, gradually blinding Li Tianyi's perception of reality. As he grew older, he began to show a rebellious side.

In the face of his son's willful and reckless behavior, Li Shuangjiang held a tolerant attitude. "How can you be called a child if you are not rebellious? Don't offend your child easily. This sentence has become a portrayal of Li Shuangjiang's educational philosophy.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

This doting education method is like boiling a frog in warm water, which makes Li Tianyi gradually lose his awe of the rules. He began to think that with his parents' status and influence, he could do whatever he wanted.

This mentality, like a time bomb, may detonate at any time, causing irreversible consequences.

Looking back, Dream Pigeon's eyes were full of remorse and self-blame. She is deeply aware that she has made a major mistake in the process of educating her son. She failed to teach her children the qualities of kindness and humility like Li Shuangjiang's ex-wife.

By the time she really understood this, it was too late, and the tragedy had already happened.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

Mengge often falls into deep thought: If he could have been as strict with his son as Ding Ying had been, would he have been able to avoid today's tragedy? This question has become an eternal pain in her heart.

She began to reflect on her own way of education and realized that true love is not a bottomless doting, but teaching children the right values.

Li Tianyi's growth path is like a mirror, reflecting many problems in family education. Excessive pampering and protection not only do not give children happiness, but instead deprive them of the ability to face reality and take responsibility.

This case shows us that education should not only take into account the material aspects, but also pay attention to the cultivation of moral character.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

Today, Li Tianyi's case has become the focus of public discussion and a warning for many parents. It reminds us that while giving children quality resources, we should also teach them to cherish, be grateful, and how to correctly see their place in this society.

Only in this way can we cultivate human resources who can truly contribute to society.

In 2011, a shocking event became an important turning point in Li Tianyi's life. That year, at the age of 16, Li Tianyi made a serious mistake at the gate of his community, which not only exposed his behavioral problems, but also reflected his deep arrogance and ignorance.

The cause of the incident seems insignificant: a car owner's vehicle blocked the way of Li Tianyi and his friends. However, Li Tianyi's reaction went far beyond the normal range.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

Instead of politely begging the owner to move the car, he and his friends beat the owner. What's even more shocking is that Li Tianyi didn't even have a driver's license at that time.

In this case, Li Tianyi displayed disturbing tendencies for violence and a false perception of power. When the owner's wife tried to call the police, Li Tianyi shouted arrogantly: "Do you know who my father is?" I'd like to see who dares to report it! This sentence not only exposes his dependence on his father's status, but also shows his contempt for the law.

Eventually, with the intervention of Li Shuangjiang, the incident was quelled. Li Shuangjiang personally apologized to the victim and tried to make amends for the harm caused by his son. However, this incident did not serve as a valid warning.

On the contrary, it may have further strengthened Li Tianyi's misconception that with his father's protection, he could be lawless.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

Although Dream Pigeon was a little worried afterwards, she did not realize the seriousness of the situation. She still believes that this is just a "small episode" in the child's growing up.

This attitude undoubtedly laid the groundwork for greater tragedies in the future.

The incident should serve as a wake-up call for Mr. and Mrs. Li to reflect on their own approach to education. However, they missed this opportunity and did not correct their son's behavior in time and did not teach him the right values.

This lesson was eventually repeated two years later in an even more brutal way.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

In 2013, a case that shocked the whole country completely changed the trajectory of Li Tianyi's life and pushed Li Shuangjiang's family into the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. This time, Li Tianyi was brought to court for causing serious harm to a young girl.

The vile nature of the case has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions among the people across the country.

When the news broke, Li Shuangjiang and his wife were struck by lightning. They couldn't believe that their well-cultivated son could make such a serious mistake. Dream Pigeon's face was full of pain and confusion, and she kept asking herself: What exactly did we do wrong? This child, who was once regarded as the pearl of their palms, has now become the object of public spurning.

In the face of overwhelming public pressure, Mengge initially chose an attitude of denial and defense. She tried to shift some of the blame to the victim, claiming that although her child was at fault, the other party was also responsible.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted more criticism. The public expressed strong dissatisfaction with this kind of shirking of responsibility, believing that it reflected the Li family's lack of understanding of the seriousness of the incident.

Subsequently, perhaps realizing the inappropriateness of his remarks, Dream Pigeon changed his strategy. She said her son had come to realize his mistake and implored the public not to pay too much attention to the matter because they were public figures.

However, instead of calming public opinion, these statements have sparked even greater controversy.

In the end, the law decided the case fairly. Li Tianyi was sentenced to 10 years in prison. When the judge read out the verdict, Dream Pigeon's tears finally burst out.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

She suddenly realized how wrong her education had been for years. If he could have taught his children kindness and humility like Li Shuangjiang's ex-wife, he might not have come to this point.

This verdict is not only a punishment for Li Tianyi, but also a ruthless trial of the education methods of Li Shuangjiang and his wife. Their excessive doting and indulgence eventually led to irreparable tragedy.

For Li Shuangjiang and his wife, this is undoubtedly a painful lesson. They have to face the fact that their education has failed, and at the same time they have to endure tremendous social pressure and public condemnation.

This case is also a wake-up call for other parents, reminding people that educating their children should not only take into account the material aspects, but also pay attention to the cultivation of moral character.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

After this incident, Mengge began to deeply reflect on his own education methods. She realizes that true love is not doting without a bottom line, but teaching children the right values.

This painful realization came too late, but it may provide a valuable lesson for other parents.

After experiencing this turmoil that shook the whole country, Dream Pigeon began to deeply reflect on his education methods. She painfully realizes that true love is not a bottomless doting, but to teach children the right values.

Kindness and humility, qualities that she had once overlooked, were now incomparably precious in her heart.

Mengge: After Li Tianyi's accident, he clearly taught him that kindness and humility were the most correct decisions

With Li Tianyi about to be released from prison, Mengge waited for the opportunity to start again with apprehension and anticipation. She hopes that this painful lesson will help her son truly realize his mistakes and become a new person.

At the same time, she is also waiting for an opportunity to reshape her son's life, looking forward to guiding him to reintegrate into society in the right way.

This family story may serve as a mirror for all parents, reminding us of the importance of education and what it means to be love. It tells us that children should not only be given material satisfaction, but more importantly, they should be taught how to become a contributing person to society.

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