
No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

author:Onigiri says things

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, this resounding name has long spread throughout the martial arts rivers and lakes and has become a classic legend familiar to countless people. However, today, I accidentally opened an old martial arts cheats book, only to find that there is such a thrilling historical prototype hidden behind the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan! It turns out that they are not fictional martial arts characters, but real heroes with flesh and blood.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

And these heroes not only suffered ill-fated deaths, but also experienced tragic ends in the final moments. What is puzzling is why six of these seven legendary knights must have suffered a tragic fate? What did they do to incur such an unjust result? Could it be that it is this heart-wrenching history that has made the Jiangnan Seven Monsters famous and legendary to this day? Let's trace the origins and experiences of these knights!

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

Looking back at the source of the legend of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, it turned out to be a chance encounter. Back then, an orphan Guo Jing was homeless and strayed into the mountains, but was fortunate to be rescued by seven chivalrous warriors. These seven chivalrous warriors valued Guo Jing's extraordinary talent, so they decided to take him as an apprentice, devote themselves to teaching martial arts, and pass on the chivalrous spirit from generation to generation. As a result, a chivalrous and Taoist combination gradually took shape, and they acted chivalrous and righteous, turned the tide, and made great contributions.

These seven knights are excellent in martial arts, brave and good at fighting, and their men have solved countless dangers. It is often said that chivalry is fearless, but even chivalrous warriors cannot escape the dangerous pursuit. That time, in order to protect Guo Jingquan, they unfortunately encountered the villain in the martial arts "Black Wind Double Evil". This pair of masters and apprentices can be regarded as demons-level masters in martial arts, and their moves are ruthless, and a battle of life and death unfolds in the vast desert.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

The two sides are life and death, and it is difficult to separate. At this critical juncture, Zhang Asheng, a member of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, was not afraid of danger, stepped forward, and used his body to resist a fierce attack for his brothers and sisters, and finally died heroically. At this time, everyone mourned and wept, and the sadness of losing a brother can be imagined. Zhang Asheng's death is undoubtedly the first major blow to the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, and the cost of his life indicates that the road ahead will be more and more difficult.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

The test of fate for the heroes is far from over, and not long after, Zhu Cong, the Zhiduoxing of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, suffered a life and death catastrophe. At that time, he encountered Ouyang Feng, a martial arts master, and accidentally fell into the other party's poisonous hands, and has been sick in bed ever since. Although Zhu Cong is a commander-in-chief with both wisdom and bravery, he is still helpless in the face of such a danger. Looking at the weak and powerless appearance of this leader who had always been calm and calm, the other brothers felt extremely sad. Fortunately, Zhu Cong was not seriously injured by the poison, and gradually recovered under the careful care of others. However, this episode also made Zhu Cong deeply understand the impermanence of life, and where the road of Wulin Jianghu is, it will be even more difficult in the future.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

Just when the Jiangnan Seven Monster Brothers' front was hit hard, more treacherous changes followed. One day, Ke Zhenwei, the leader of the group, went to the main altar of the Iron Spear Temple alone to investigate the news, but unexpectedly encountered a group of murderous traitors ambushed there. After some difficult maneuvers, although Ke Zhenwei resolved the crisis, he also lost almost all his skills. Since then, this former righteous hero has suddenly fallen into the grass and spent the rest of his life in the temple. Looking at the once heroic Ke Zhenxi's lonely and desolate situation, the rest of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters were heartbroken.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

But at the critical moment when they lost their leader, fate seemed to finally start to play a blind role in them. It turned out that Guo Jing, who was rescued by Zhang Asheng in time in the early years, has now become a generation of martial arts masters, he is heroic, commanding the martial arts, sheltering the benefactors who have saved him, and finally letting the life of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan get a short period of peace. It's a pity that this well-being didn't last long, just when everyone was still relaxing their vigilance, the ruthless Grim Reaper came to the door again, and this time it was Zhu Cong who was cruelly taken away!

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

When he was under siege, Zhu Cong's life and death were at stake, and the relatives and friends of the six monsters in Jiangnan came to the rescue. But no one expected that at the critical moment of this last fight, Zhu Cong would not be in danger and resolutely choose to die. This decisive move was to avoid the six monsters being more seriously implicated, so they had to go to the soup as a last resort. Although the brothers shed tears for Zhu Cong, they also had to admire his detached and calm spirit and decisive spirit. In this way, the second heroic figure passed away, and there were only five members left in the team of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

And that's not the worst outcome. Before everyone could recover from their grief, even more heartbreaking doom followed. Even Taishan Beidou Han Xiaoying and Quan Blonde, who once supported everyone, these two brothers who have achieved martial arts and shared weal and woe, have also died in adventures and battles one after another! Looking at the seven monsters of Jiangnan who were famous in the past, now only Nan Xiren and Ke Zhenxi, two old men who broke the jar and broke the pot, are left, and the glory of the year is really embarrassing.

No wonder the Jiangnan Seven Monsters must die six, who do you think their historical prototype is? The end was terrible

It turns out that this is the little-known thrilling truth behind the widely spread legend of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan! Reading this, I'm sure everyone must be extremely shocked. A chivalrous group that dominated the martial arts and became famous all over the world suffered such a heavy price in life due to the ruthless tricks of fate. At the end of the day, perhaps this is the reason why the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan are so remembered and worshiped by the world. From the very beginning, they were a group of good brothers who shared weal and woe. No matter how much they suffered, their dedication to chivalry and their loyalty to each other never wavered in the slightest. Because of this, the spirit of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan has been immortalized, allowing their stories to be passed down to this day and become eternal classics in the martial arts. #头条首发大赛#

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