
In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

author:Onigiri says things

Yangsanbo, a place where heroes gathered, in addition to being a symbol of glory and strength, has also staged countless tragedies. Here, justice and ideals often cannot escape the tricks of fate, and "Water Margin" not only reveals the complex face of human nature, but also triggers deep thinking about everyone's fate choices.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

Although Lin Chong, Chao Gai, and Wu Yong have been portrayed as glorious heroes, are their endings really as good as people expect? Their decision to join forces to overthrow Wang Lun and support Lin Chong to ascend to the leadership throne was out of a call for justice, or did they have ulterior motives? The power struggle behind this is destined to set off a bloody storm in Liangshanbo.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

Lin Chong stepped on Liangshan with hatred and frustration, and a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart. He tried his best to serve the cottage and wanted to get a chance to settle down. But who would have expected that Lin Wuyi's high martial arts and rapid rise in popularity would make Wang Lun, the leader of Liangshan, feel deeply threatened.

Wang Lun took a lot of precautions against Lin Chong, and secretly deployed his henchman Du Qian to monitor Lin Chong's every move. At the same time, he publicly praised Lin Chong and awarded him important positions, trying to win over Lin Chong for his own use. Lin Chong knew Wang Lun's hypocrisy and grievances, but he could only pretend not to know and maintain his courtesy.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

At this time, the wise men Wu Yong and Chao Gai also joined Liangshan. They quickly saw through Wang Lun's short-sightedness and incompetence, and decided that only by using Lin Chong could they change the status quo of Liangshan. So, the two began to secretly instigate, intentionally or unintentionally revealing their dissatisfaction with Wang Lun, winning over Lin Chong and spreading distrust of Wang Lun among Haojie.

At a banquet, the conflict finally broke out. Wang Lun deliberately humiliated Lin Chong and questioned his loyalty, and the atmosphere was tense for a while, but fortunately it did not evolve into an armed confrontation. But in this battle, Lin Chong's reputation among the heroes rose, and Wang Lun's status was lost.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

As Lin Chong's prestige grew, Chao Gai and Wu Yong also stepped up their actions. They knew that the time had come, and they must take advantage of the victory to pursue and drive Wang Lun from the position of the leader of Liangshan in one fell swoop.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

Chao Gai lobbied many heroes in many ways, but Wu Yong lost no time in persuading Lin Chong to go out of the mountains to make trouble. "Brother Lin, can you be the overlord of Daliang Mountain to dominate the world? In just one word, I should help you. Wu used earnest and kind persuasion, and his words were profound.

Although Lin Chong had this idea for a long time, he hesitated. Chao Gai and Wu Yong saw that Lin Chong had clear ambitions, so they made persistent efforts and secretly sent gifts to show goodwill, instigating Lin Chong to be arrogant.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

Finally, Lin Chong was moved and determined to seize power. Overnight, the wind and clouds in the mountains surged, and the noise was endless. By the time dawn came, Lin Chong had gathered his cronies and supported his troops, and Wang Lun knew that the big thing was not good.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

Du Qian fled from the wind, and Wang Lun was alone and helpless. Chao Gai and Wu struck while the iron was hot, and ordered their cronies to bundle Wang Lun's five flowers and throw them far out of Liangshan, far away.

In the Water Margin, the three people who killed Wang Lun were all repaid in the end, and they didn't get a good end

In this way, Lin Chong sat on the lotus throne and monopolized the power of Liangshan. Chao Gai and Wu Yong were also reused and took charge of military affairs. The three of them joined hands and worked together, vowing to build Liangshan into a paradise for heroes in the deep mountains. #头条首发大赛#