
No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

author:Onigiri says things

In the rivers and lakes, there are often some martial arts masters who suffer injustice and suffering for various reasons. Guo Xiang is a typical example of this. She was originally the head of the Emei faction, with strong martial arts and a prominent family background. But when her beloved Yang Guo was murdered, she was desperate and decided to give up everything and escape into the empty door. There must be a sad story hidden behind this, which is worth exploring deeply.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

Could it be that Yang Guo really died like this for no reason? And who, and what despicable means took his life? What kind of pain and struggle did Guo Xiang go through to make the difficult choice to become a monk? More importantly, how did she regain her courage in despair and avenge Yang Guo?

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

Yang Guonai is a legendary figure in the martial arts, with superb martial arts and outstanding virtues, and can be described as a hero admired by thousands of people. As the head of the Emei faction, Guo Xiang has a lofty status and extraordinary martial arts, and he is Yang Guo's confidant and lover. The love between the two is like a wildfire, warm and pure, which makes the entire martial arts look sideways.

No one expected that in an ordinary experience in the rivers and lakes, Yang Guo would encounter an accident and be poisoned, and his soul would be ruined. When the news came, Guo Xiang was in pain, and since then his soul has been scattered, and he can no longer regain his former vitality and fighting spirit. She announced that she was a monk, escaped into the empty door, and completely gave up the position of head of the house, causing an uproar in the martial arts.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

It turned out that the moment he learned the truth about Yang Guo's murder, Guo Xiang's heart was completely dead. She witnessed the scene of Yang Guo's tragic death, he was covered in bruises, lying in a pool of blood, and that familiar figure had become unrecognizable. Yang Guo said a few words to her with the last bit of strength before he died, Guo Xiang couldn't hear it clearly, and only vaguely saw his mouth moving, as if he was saying something. Guo Xiang held his hand, tears rolling down, and let out a heart-rending cry, in pain.

After that, Guo Xiang was depressed all day long, and it was difficult to support his daily life. She wanted to die several times in this life, but she gave up because she missed Yang Guo's entrustment before her death. In the end, she chose to become a monk, let go of everything in the world, and only wanted to follow in the footsteps of Yang Guo and practice martial arts, so as to seek solace in her soul.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

In the Emei faction, Guo Xiang told Yang Guo's experience several times before his death, so that the disciples could understand the demeanor and personality of this senior master. She personally created a set of swordsmanship, incorporating the happiest bits and pieces of their lives, in order to forever remember their beloved. With the passage of time, this set of swordsmanship gradually spread widely in the Emei faction and became a generation of good stories.

What made Guo Xiang even more unrelieved was the mastermind behind Yang Guo's murder back then-the Hundred Losses Daoist. This ruthless devil not only destroyed the rivers and lakes, but also cruelly took the life of her lover. By chance, Guo Xiang learned the truth about Yang Guo's murder. It turned out that Yang Guo wanted to help...

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

... It turned out that Yang Guo wanted to help a martial arts senior get out of trouble, but he unexpectedly fell into the trick of a hundred damaged Taoists, was led into a trap, and finally suffered a lot of injustice. After learning the truth, Guo Xiang was furious and immediately organized the elite disciples of Emei to seek revenge.

A thrilling life-and-death showdown began. Guo Xiang led a group of masters to pursue Baiyuan to the ancient temple where he had been hidden for a long time. It is secluded by winding paths and towering trees, like a paradise isolated from the world. The Hundred Losses Daoist has always been ruthless and vicious, and his subordinates are like clouds, so they don't take Guo Xiang and the others seriously at all.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

The two sides fought each other with force, you came and went, and the scene was very stale. Guo Xiang relied on his skillful swordsmanship and extraordinary courage to repeatedly defeat his opponents. But who knew that the Hundred Damage Daoists actually used a vicious secret weapon to sneak attack several Emei disciples, and the situation suddenly reversed.

Just when the people of Emei were retreating, Guo Xiang spoke violently and offered the peerless knowledge granted to her by Yang Guo before his death, and he actually forced the Hundred Losses Daoist to a desperate situation. At that moment, Guo Xiang's sword light was like lightning, and he was embarrassed. In the end, Guo Xiang pierced the opponent's chest with a sword, and the Hundred Damaged Daoist fell to the ground with hatred, and his soul was scattered.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

After this battle, the Emei faction almost collapsed, and Guo Xiang was also seriously injured. But the wish for revenge finally came to an end, and she bowed nine hundred and eighty-one times in front of Yang Guo's posthumous statue, and she burst into tears. From that moment on, Guo Xiang completely let go of the burden in his heart, learned from the pain, and decided to dedicate the rest of his life to martial arts and Buddhism.

The affairs of the Emei faction, large and small, she handed them over to her confidant disciples to take care of. He practiced asceticism alone in the mountains, did not ask about the world, and lived a poor life as a monk. Until she was eighty years old, when she was dying, she said her last words to her eldest disciple, and her words were solemn: "Yang Guo has gone, but his heroic deeds and martial arts spirit will live forever." You must carry it forward and let the top of Huashan shine forever. With that, he passed away with his palms together, as peaceful as ever.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

Since then, the Emei faction has become a famous and authentic family in the martial arts, and it is famous. And the story of Guo Xiang and Yang Guo has also been recorded in history and has become an eternal story for future generations. Whenever the sun sets, shining on the top of Huashan Mountain, the heroic spirits of the two beautiful couples seem to be still gazing at each other. Although they are no longer human, this eternal love legend will always remain in the martial arts.

No wonder Guo Xiang suddenly became a monk, you see who killed Yang Guo, Guo Xiang was disillusioned when he learned about it

The story of Guo Xiang and Yang Guo can be described as the most tragic and touching story in martial arts. With their blood and lives, they composed an unparalleled swan song of love and became a model for future generations. And Guo Xiang used his life to witness the indelible wisdom of true love and martial arts. In the martial arts, their couple will always be shining stars, illuminating the future of countless descendants. #头条首发大赛#