
Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

author:Onigiri says things

Imagine if you were a veteran general with great achievements, who had saved the country from danger several times, and when you were getting older, would you also want to enjoy your old age? However, as can be seen from the stories of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng and Wang Qian, things do not always go as we would like.

According to the records of the "Historical Records" and the "Zizhi Tongjian", in 226 BC, Qin Shi Huang intended to attack the state of Chu. In the court, there was a young general Li Xin who was full of confidence, believing that only 200,000 troops could capture the Chu State. However, Wang Jian wisely pointed out that the attack on Chu had complex terrain and tenacious people, and it would take 600,000 troops to win. It's a pity that Yingzheng followed Li Xin's advice at that time, and as a result, the Qin army suffered heavy losses in the state of Chu. Only then did Ying Zheng come to his senses and personally asked Wang Jian to go out of the mountains and forests again and lead the troops to the south.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

Wang Jian put forward the condition of 600,000 troops, what was the result? How did the scheming Wang Jian command the army to attack Chu? In the end, Yingzheng listened to Wang Qian's advice and won the victory, what kind of arrangements did he make? The ending of the story is amazing, let us follow the traces of the history books and relive this magnificent conquest of the past.

The smoke of war was filled with gunpowder, and the horns were bursting. In the spring of 226 BC, Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng was determined to pacify the southern state of Chu in one fell swoop. Up and down the court, the atmosphere was solemn. His gaze was like lightning, sweeping over the generals and advisers present, and his eyes flashed with the ambition of conquest.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

As a young general, Li Xin's self-confidence is bursting. He held his head high and said categorically that only 200,000 troops would be needed to capture the state of Chu. Firm in speech, fearless and confident. The court was boiling, and whispers came and went. Ying Zheng likes Li Xin's self-confidence very much, which is exactly what he thinks.

But at this moment, the scheming Wang Jian spoke. He calmly analyzed that the terrain of Chu was complex and the people were tenacious, and it would take at least 600,000 troops to capture it. Although the words were simple, they poured cold water on Yingzheng. He obviously didn't expect Wang Jian to be so cautious, and even had the idea of "old dragon clock".

"Wang Qian, do you think 200,000 troops are not enough?" Ying Zheng asked unhappily. Wang Jian replied crisply: "Your Majesty, the state of Chu is not trivial, and 600,000 can ensure victory." The scene was silent and the atmosphere was delicate. Although Li Xin is still confident, he can't hide his worries.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

In the end, Yingzheng still chose Li Xin's strategy. The 200,000 Qin army marched south to attack the Chu State, and the momentum was like a rainbow. But when the actual firefight came, the situation was unexpected. The Chu army was heavily defended, and the Qin army was locked in a stalemate. With heavy losses, Li Xin's prestige was discredited, and he finally had to retreat in disgrace.

When the news came, Ying Zheng's face was gloomy. This slap finally made him realize Wang Qian's military talent. He personally visited Wang Qian, who had lived in seclusion for many years, and sincerely asked the old general to return to the mountains and forests and personally command the army. Wang Jian was well aware of the heavy task of capturing the state of Chu, and put forward the condition that he must be given an army of 600,000. Ying Zheng agreed.

Next, Wang Jian relied on years of experience and excellent command to display well-planned tactics. He first ordered the Qin army to camp on the border of Chu for adequate rest, and carefully instructed them in actual combat drills and team building. The morale of the Qin army was gradually rising, but the Chu army continued to be nervous and vigilant.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

Once the time was ripe, Wang Jian carried out an ingenious feint. He ordered a part of the army to launch a false attack to the east, and the Chu army moved troops to defend it. In the middle of Wang Qian's arms, he took the opportunity to lead the army to storm the Chu defense line from the front, and the Chu army was exhausted and unable to counterattack. The Qin army was angry and fought all the way to the heart of the Chu State. The king of Chu was captured, and the state of Chu was finally destroyed.

Ying Zheng personally greeted Wang Jian who returned triumphantly, and his joy was beyond words. Above the court, the scene of the hero's return is exciting. Wang Jian was calm and indifferent, as if the previous hardships were just a drop in the bucket. He made a salute and asked in public to be relieved and returned to the field, so as to enjoy his old age.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

Who would have thought that Ying Zheng would laugh out loud when he heard it. He smiled heartily and said boldly: "If I don't kill you, you can stay!" This seemingly ridiculous sentence is actually an affirmation of Wang Qian's highest specifications. Ying Zheng knew that Wang Jian was not only brave and good at fighting, but also had extraordinary wisdom and was a valuable talent for the country.

This battle not only completely settled the great trouble of the Chu State, but also ended the wars and disputes of dozens of spring and autumn periods. Since then, the Qin State has dominated the world and entered an era of peace and prosperity. With the foresight of Wang Jian as the mastermind, the long-cherished wish of the government to unify the six countries can be successfully achieved. Therefore, he naturally happily retained this unborn veteran.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

It is not difficult to see from this past incident that Wang Jian is the best among a generation of famous generals and ministers. When you go into battle, strategize and win a thousand miles. In the face of danger, the commanders followed the battle. After being discharged from the army, he was highly respected but always indifferent to fame and fortune. With this mental outlook, it is no wonder that Ying Zheng favors it.

Those who are familiar with history naturally know that Qin Shi Huang was indeed a very controversial monarch. However, judging from the treatment of the old minister, he is not benevolent and virtuous. To be honest, a mastermind like Wang Jian is still alive, and Yingzheng naturally has to be reused. The powerful veteran has put in so much effort, and it is natural for him to enjoy his old age in peace.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

Ying Zheng's attitude towards meritorious ministers is in the same vein as his skill in unifying the six countries. Zhang Liang and Meng Tian were all valued and conceded by him. Although Qin Shi Huang is awe-inspiring, the way of employing people is very superior, so that the capable generals can enjoy their lives in peace, and make up for the regret that the past dynasties did not take care of talents.

Therefore, when historians evaluate Qin Shi Huang, they often acknowledge his outstanding military command skills and the wisdom of employing people. Although he was violent for a while, he also knew how to reuse talents and cherish elites. Perhaps it was because of this that the Qin Dynasty was able to dominate the world and maintain its rule for fifty years.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

Wang Jian, who has been obscure for decades, reappeared in the rivers and lakes and finally became a miracle. Seeing that this veteran general has made many meritorious deeds, Ying Zheng must be amazed. On the other hand, he recklessly listened to arrogant remarks before, and almost buried the combat strength of the Qin army, and the lesson of that miscalculation should be firmly engraved in his heart.

Therefore, in the battle against Chu, Ying Zheng had both the decision to appoint young generals and the humility of humbly asking old generals for advice. It embodies the wisdom and wisdom of the king, and the character of listening and brainstorming. In the near future, it is precisely with such wisdom and self-cultivation that Yingzheng was able to complete the great cause of reunification and shoulder the heavy responsibility of creating an imperial system.

Wild History: Wang Jian knew that his merits were high, and he told the emperor to return to his hometown, Yingzheng: I won't kill you, stay

The history books have their own public opinions, which record in detail the great achievements of Wang Jianzhi in saving the Qin State from danger. However, even in such a magnificent war background, this wise and brave veteran finally chose to retreat to the mountains and forests and live a leisurely life. Perhaps, as his attitude towards life is shown by his attitude of being poor and happy: there is the humility of great wisdom and foolishness, and the indifference of staying away from right and wrong.

Life has an end, and sometimes retreat is a kind of realm. Wang Jian interpreted this philosophy with his actions, leaving a remarkable wisdom of life for future generations. In the course of a person's life, success is valuable, but in the end, it must be dull and content. Taking a step back and thinking about it, even if it is a mastermind like Wang Qian, he finally returned to this wise saying. #头条首发大赛#