
Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

author:Onigiri says things

Presumably, the question of why Zhu Bajie was not arrested as a mount in Journey to the West has been bothering many book fans. After all, in this world of gods, Buddhas and monsters, strength is everything. And Zhu Bajie, an authentic pig spirit, is naturally far inferior to those divine beasts who control the wind and clouds and are proud of the others. Could it be that even the lowest mount qualifications can't be obtained?

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

First of all, we have to admit that in the Journey to the West world, the immortals do value the strength of the mount. After all, no one wants to ride a strong and capable mount, and lose face by dropping the chain at a critical moment. Therefore, first-class gods such as Manjushri Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva will choose such powerful existences as lion spirits and golden retriever roars as mounts.

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

However, although strength is important, this alone is far from enough. A qualified mount must first have a sturdy and reliable physique in order to be able to carry the weight of the owner, and it is not a problem to run long distances. For example, Taishang Laojun rode a green ox, because in addition to his infinite strength, this guy's temper is also docile enough.

Moreover, as a means of transportation for the gods, the appearance and image of the mount naturally cannot be too messy. No one wants to ride an ugly mount out, so the white cranes and white horses with elegant postures and both form and spirit are more favored.

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

From this point of view, Zhu Bajie does not seem to have any advantages. A short, fat pig monster, ugly and stupid, and always loves to cause trouble, which is really hard to convince. No matter how strong the strength is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to enter the eyes of the gods, right?

But in fact, Zhu Bajie's ability is far higher than we imagined. Take demon slaying and demon eradication, this is his forte. From the Nian Pig Monster in Huaguo Mountain, to the Black Bear Monster in Gao Laozhuang, to the Red Boy in Flame Mountain, these ferocious monsters have all died under his rake.

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

Even Li Leilei, the twenty-eight beauty known as the "King of Ten Thousand Beasts", had to admit surrender in the end. Therefore, judging from the combat power alone, Zhu Bajie is definitely a middle-to-upper breed, far more powerful than those so-called "divine beasts".

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

But even so, he didn't get the glory of being a mount in the end. The reason for this may be related to his not very "serious" background. After all, other divine beasts are nothing more than successful cultivation, or born with different species, but Zhu Bajie used to be the marshal of Tianpeng, but because of a moment of confusion, he strayed into the pig's womb and finally became an animal.

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

And this previous conviction is too "embarrassing". Presumably, those great gods in the heavenly court were somewhat unimpressed with him. So, even if you have the ability to control it, no one wants to ride a pig monster that once ate a "relative" by mistake to go out, right?

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

Moreover, after all, the immortals represent the existence of the "righteous path", and it is inevitable that there will be some arrogant style. Of course, riding fierce beasts such as cheetahs and wolves, although they are neat and fierce, they are still in the stream. But once you ride a pig, it will inevitably seem a little too "improper".

Journey to the West: Zhu Bajie, whose strength is not as good as many immortal mounts, why was he not arrested as a mount?

Therefore, in a sense, Zhu Bajie's failure to obtain the mount qualification in the end is also a helpless move. After all, his combat power is too strong, once he is ridden, where do those great gods have any face to speak of? But having said that, although Zhu Bajie has not become a mount, he has long been the mainstay of the journey to the west, with outstanding achievements and transcendent status. Perhaps, he's the one who doesn't need any mounts, right? #头条首发大赛#