
Surprisingly, the Ukrainian army created a precedent for destroying stealth fighters, and huge bombs appeared at the site of the destruction of the Su-57

author:Alpha looks at entertainment

The Ukrainian army set a record: the Su-57 stealth fighter was destroyed, and the crater shook the world

In the skies over war-torn Ukraine, an unprecedented showdown is quietly staged. In this fierce contest, the Ukrainian army, with amazing courage and wisdom, successfully destroyed one of Russia's most advanced fifth-generation stealth fighters, the Su-57, creating a miracle in military history.

1. Background and brewing

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has intensified as the international situation has become tense. The skies of Ukraine have become the main battlefield of fierce battles between the air forces of both sides. The Russian Air Force, with its advanced weaponry and tactical use, has always occupied air superiority. And the Ukrainian army, with its tenacious spirit of resistance and indomitable fighting spirit, constantly creates problems for the Russian Air Force.

In this conflict, the Russian Air Force relies most on its proud Su-57 stealth fighter. As the latest sharp force of the Russian Air Force, the Su-57 has become the main fighter of the Russian Air Force in the skies over Ukraine with its strong stealth performance and advanced avionics system. However, it was this fighter that was ambushed by the Ukrainian army during a mission.

Surprisingly, the Ukrainian army created a precedent for destroying stealth fighters, and huge bombs appeared at the site of the destruction of the Su-57

II. Intelligence and Preparation

The Ukrainian army, supported by intelligence, learned that the Russian Air Force plans to send Su-57 fighter jets to strike at important targets in Ukraine. In response to this threat, the Ukrainian army quickly deployed, mobilized elite air defense units and advanced air defense systems, and prepared to intercept the Su-57.

The Ukrainian army made full use of its intelligence network to conduct a detailed analysis of the Su-57's flight trajectory, operational plans, and possible targets for attack. At the same time, they also formulated a thorough interception plan for the stealth performance and combat characteristics of the Su-57. All this is well prepared for the upcoming battle.

3. Fierce battles and confrontations

When the Su-57 fighter entered Ukrainian airspace, the Ukrainian air defense forces immediately activated the interception procedure. The ground-based radar station carried out a precise location of the Su-57 and quickly transmitted target information to the anti-aircraft missile forces. The anti-aircraft missile forces then launched a fierce attack on the Su-57 with a number of anti-aircraft missiles.

In the heat of the battle, the Su-57 showed its great maneuverability and stealth performance. It nimbly shuttled between the clouds and successfully evaded Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile attacks on several occasions. However, just during a high-speed maneuver, the stealth coating of the Su-57 was destroyed by the blast wave of the anti-aircraft missile. This slight change has significantly reduced the stealth performance of the Su-57 and made it a target for Ukrainian air defenses.

Surprisingly, the Ukrainian army created a precedent for destroying stealth fighters, and huge bombs appeared at the site of the destruction of the Su-57

Fourth, the birth of a miracle

After the Su-57's stealth performance was damaged, the Ukrainian air defense forces quickly seized the fighter. They again fired anti-aircraft missiles, delivering a fatal blow to the Su-57. With the missile hit, the Su-57 exploded violently in the air. The explosion quickly filled the sky with a huge fireball and smoke, creating a huge crater. This scene was captured by the drones of the Ukrainian army and transmitted to the command center in real time.

When the commanders saw this scene, they were all shocked and excited. They realized that they had not only succeeded in intercepting an advanced stealth fighter, but had also set a historic precedent. This victory not only boosted the morale of the Ukrainian army, but also earned them respect in the international community.

5. Exploration of the crater scene

At the crater site, we can see a mess. The huge crater was like a bottomless cavern, engulfing the wreckage of the Su-57 fighter. The crater was littered with debris and debris, including parts of the fighter's wings, tail and engine. These fragments and wreckage bear witness to the fierce battle and also record the victory of the Ukrainian army.

Surprisingly, the Ukrainian army created a precedent for destroying stealth fighters, and huge bombs appeared at the site of the destruction of the Su-57

At the edge of the crater, we can clearly see the traces of the missile's hit. At that moment, the missile hit the Su-57 with a thunderbolt, tearing it into countless pieces. The fragments scattered under the blast wave of the explosion, creating the massive crater we see now.

In addition to the crater itself, we can also notice the charred trees and grass around it. These war-torn natural landscapes seem to tell the cruelty and ruthlessness of war. However, it is these brutal war scenes that inspire the fighting spirit and courage of the Ukrainian army, making them more determined to devote themselves to the fight to defend their homeland.

6. Global impact and reflection

The incident with the destruction of the Su-57 has attracted widespread attention in the global military community. Many military experts have commented on the effectiveness of stealth technology in modern warfare. They believe that while stealth technology is capable of significantly increasing the survivability of fighters, their stealth performance can be seriously affected in the face of advanced air defense systems. This incident also proves once again that in modern warfare, a single superiority in weapons and equipment is no longer the key factor determining victory or defeat.

At the same time, this incident also provoked people to think about the war itself. War is cruel and merciless, and it has brought great suffering and loss to humanity. We should cherish peace, stay away from war, and resolve differences and conflicts through dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can we work together to create a peaceful, stable and prosperous world.

7. Future prospects and enlightenment

The destruction of the Su-57, although a tragedy, also provides us with some useful lessons. First of all, it reminds us to be vigilant and calm in war, and to make full use of all resources and means to deal with the threat of the enemy. Secondly, it also tells us in modern times