
Why did most dynasties in Chinese history live less than 300 years? Because history has these three laws

author:Talking about Xiao Li

The long river of history is always magnificent and full of ups and downs. The rise and fall of a dynasty often contains some unwritten laws. Since the Qin Dynasty, China has entered a period of unified feudal dynasties, but even if it is the first brother of the dynasty, it is difficult to exceed 300 years. Could it be that there are some unspoken rules at work? Come and show me what to do!

Have you ever heard the old saying "you can't be rich for three generations"? It is also appropriate to use it on the dynasty. Although the Qin Dynasty ruled the world, it was short-lived, and Guozuo was wiped out by the Han Dynasty in just 14 years. Why?

Why did most dynasties in Chinese history live less than 300 years? Because history has these three laws

First of all, Mingjun can't just meet it casually. Although the emperor has lived a life of fine clothes and food since he was a child, once he ascends the throne, he can't tell right from wrong. For example, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, was an understanding person, and the three dynasties of Wenjingwu could be described as the peak of national strength. But later Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty were a little suspected of being too deeply involved in the play, and they simply became mediocre and incompetent children.

Once the emperor is on the throne, the court has to be cautious. If there is even the slightest speculation, the left and right ministers may make a gorgeous tampering at any time, so that the imperial power has turned over by 804, what Wang Mang and Cao Pi are all classic examples of "ancestors".

Why did most dynasties in Chinese history live less than 300 years? Because history has these three laws

In addition to the trouble of a confused monarch, land annexation is also a big bane. I was born as a farmer, and my ancestors were just fertile fields. But in the later period of the dynasty, more and more peasants were oppressed by the rich, and they had no land, so they could only eat in heaven and earth. In desperation, the prisoners had little choice, either to vent their anger in the green forest heroic guerrillas, or to infiltrate the Red Turban Army and other peasant rebel armies to slaughter the rich class.

By the way, when it comes to the army, this is also a bane! At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Eight Banners Army was powerful, and they were all elite divisions. It's a pity that one generation is not as good as the next, and in the later period, all of them have become idle bloated regiments, and fighting a war is as loose as a joke. Why? It is precisely because they have not encountered a strong enemy for too long and too long that the officers and soldiers have long lost their fighting spirit in the long-term corruption and degeneration, and they only have those copper, palladium, cymbals, and franciums in their eyes, just thinking about squeezing out the hard-earned money of the common people.

Why did most dynasties in Chinese history live less than 300 years? Because history has these three laws

Don't look at our heroes everywhere in China, there is a steady stream of national heroes. It's a pity that when these traitors and dog bureaucrats occupy the fortress, they will only witness the long-lost Hulu slaughter into the Central Plains, so that the former male lord will become a servant of others. Let me ask you, what kind of hero is Sima Rui's escape? What kind of fierce general is Zhao Gou who slipped away? By the time they "took refuge cautiously", the disaster of being beheaded would have already befallen them.

But what is even more terrifying is that when the cunning rich sensationalize and push the poor into the fire pit, it often marks the end of the old dynasty. The last years of the Qing Dynasty were such virtues, and so was the Ming Dynasty. I remember a poet wrote: "Heaven and earth are like opening, stepping on dogskin sandals." This poem describes the tragic situation when Li Zicheng's rebels broke into the door. How many of those powerful people came forward to save the driver? He avoided it for fear of it, and only cared about fleeing with his family. From this behavior, it can be seen that what they did has long lost the benevolence of the dynasty, and they are doomed to the disaster of Ming and death.

Why did most dynasties in Chinese history live less than 300 years? Because history has these three laws

Through the rise and fall of the Qin and Han dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is not difficult to see the three deadly unspoken rules: the Ming monarch cannot be controlled from generation to generation, the land annexation cannot be eradicated, and the bureaucratic corruption cannot be self-restrained. Once intricately intertwined, it's hard to avoid being pushed into the abyss. In a sense, 300 years of life is the limit. After all, no dynasty is immortal.

People are not plants, and so are dynasties. Let us continue to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation today, be diligent and diligent, and re-create the glory of the new era with the foundation of perseverance and perseverance#Headline Premiere Contest#

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