
Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, there has been an evocative royal feud. The two brothers, the eighth elder brother Yinzheng and the fourth elder brother Yongzheng, have started a protracted competition for the throne since they were children. One is suave and elusive; A cold and composed, the city is very deep. They fought wits and courage, and fought openly and secretly for decades. Just after Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, Yinzheng left a suicide note, which seemed to cause Yongzheng to fall into fear and finally died. What exactly does the letter say? Let's find out!

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

To say that the most eye-catching in the Qing Dynasty royal family are the two brothers Yongzheng and Yinxi. As the eldest son of the emperor Kangxi of the current dynasty, Yinxi has always been optimistic about inheriting the unification. But who would have expected that Kangxi gave up the throne to the younger Yongzheng at the moment before he died. This undoubtedly gave Yinxi a huge blow.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

After taking the throne, Yongzheng continued to implement the new policy and rectify the rule of officials. In order to consolidate his imperial power, he had to confine himself to dissidents. Among them alone, there are several princes, including Yinxi. But even if he was imprisoned, Yinxi never gave up his ambition to seize the throne. In 1722, he joined forces with other princes to launch the famous "Eight Kings Rebellion", intending to support the new monarch, but was finally suppressed by Yongzheng.

Seeing that defeat was imminent, Yinxi wrote a letter before his death and delivered it to Yongzheng, who had been in power for more than ten years at that time. The letter interrogated word by word, poking at the heart, asking what price Yongzheng paid to win the throne. Not only did the heirs rebel and kill each other, but even the ministers with high achievements were also given a cold reception, and Yongzheng, who was alone, probably didn't expect all this.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

After reading this letter, Yongzheng was greatly moved. Long-term psychological pressure and political exertion have made him the end of his power. After reading the letter, he was even more anxious, hallucinated, and finally took a large amount of pills to seek relief, never thinking that he would be poisoned to death due to the too strong nature of the medicine.

Yongzheng fell in front of the bookcase, a mouthful of blood splattered on the fold in his hand, which showed how painful his heart was at that time. In fact, as the monarch of the dynasty, Yongzheng is undoubtedly a great figure. He used his strong skills to curb the decline of the dynasty and make the country prosperous again. It's a pity that in his short life, he has always lacked the support of sincere friendship.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

It wasn't until the last moment of his life that Yongzheng found that he was already physically and mentally exhausted. There is only an ethereal trace of brotherhood, and political achievements and feats cannot escape the terrible slander of people. Fortunately, there are two confidants by his side, the old servant Li Wei and his henchman Tian Wenjing, otherwise he is afraid that he would have collapsed a long time ago.

Interestingly, the last words of Yinxi, a political enemy at that time, seemed to be humiliating Yongzheng, but in fact they implied admiration. Because he really admired this wise emperor who could make a man named Hanako sit on the throne of a great man. Perhaps it was precisely because of the almost paranoid nature of the power struggle for many years that Yongzheng couldn't see Yinxi's kindness after all, but was provoked for a while.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

History ironically shows the complexity of human nature. In the face of power, family affection is often vulnerable. However, even if he won the throne through disgraceful means, Yongzheng was still a generation of Ming monarchs. However, the emptiness and loneliness in his heart also seem to show from one side that real success must be built on the basis of harmony with close relatives.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

Through this thought-provoking history, we see the internal rivalry and power struggles within the Qing royal family. The two brothers Yongzheng and Yinzheng fought for the throne for decades, and in the end, although Yongzheng won the throne, he also paid a heavy price.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

The heirs have rebelled, the party has returned to their hometowns, how many loyal people can be? Former allies have also become new political enemies. Even the brothers had to see each other in fear, which was undoubtedly a big blow and trauma for Yongzheng.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

After the vicissitudes of life, Yongzheng finally almost collapsed mentally, took medicine and died, becoming a pathetic emperor. Yinxi's last words not only became the fuse, but also put the hardships all the way in front of Yongzheng's eyes, which was bound to remind him of the heavy price he paid for it. Perhaps it is this kind of pressure that makes a generation of Ming Jun die violently and end up with regrets.

Yongzheng Dynasty: Why did Yinzheng leave a letter to Yongzheng before he died? Why is Yongzheng afraid?

This story teaches us that it is futile to be overly paranoid in the pursuit of power. Because in this process, even if you can win fame and fortune, the price you pay will often be exhausted and your family will be ruined. If Yongzheng can have more respect and tolerance for Yinxi, the two brothers may be able to turn their rivalry into jade silk, work together to govern the world, and go to a peaceful and prosperous era together. Life is short, power is illusory, only the beginning of human beings, the nature of goodness, mutual understanding and tolerance, is the real road to a happy life. Let's encourage it! #头条首发大赛#