
Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In ancient officialdom, a small whistleblower could seriously change a person's fate. Just like Song Jiang inscribed a poem on the Xunyang Tower in the Water Margin, it was originally just a drunken gaffe, but he just complained a little, but he was framed by Huang Wenbing, a sycophant, for no reason, and almost took his life. Song Jiang scolded Huang Wenbing as a "despicable villain", which is really understandable. Why is a small report so stiff? Let's take a look at this whale ballad about Song Jiang's life and death.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

Everyone knows that during Song Jiang's imprisonment in Jiangzhou, due to homesickness, he drank a few glasses of wine on a whim and went to Xunyang Tower. At that time, he was at a low point in his life, in his thirties he achieved nothing, and his former ambitions gradually drifted away. After a few glasses of wine, he couldn't help but inscribe a poem on the wall of the restaurant. This poem is full of Top Gun pride and a hint of murder, but it is just drunken nonsense, and there is nothing else.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

Who knew that this poem actually caused trouble and gave Huang Wenbing, a villain with wolf ambitions, an opportunity. Huang Wenbing is flattering and dark-hearted, and he befriended his boss Cai Jiu all day long, relying on trivial things to attract merit and promotion. When he saw Song Jiang's poem, his eyes rolled, and he immediately made up rumors and slandered Song Jiang as a murderer who wanted to rebel.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

He linked Song Jiang's poems with folk rumors, saying that "the country is consumed because of the family's wood, and the sword and soldiers are ordered to work in the water", which is to imply that Song Jiang wants to make trouble in Shandong at the age of 36. even pulled a so-called "Gangxing Vision", which means that Song Jiang will rebel in the Wuchu area. Huang Wenbing took these fabricated reasons and repeatedly slandered the prefect of Cai Jiu, forcing Song Jiang to confess to the charge of rebellion.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

In the face of people like Huang Wenbing, Song Jiang was also desperate and angry. He repeatedly explained his unintentional mistakes, but Huang Wenbing was narrow-minded and stubborn, and he wanted to impose the most serious crimes on Song Jiang. In order to extract a confession, Song Jiang was tortured countless times and suffered a lot. These tortures all stem from Huang Wenbing's shameless false accusations. No wonder Song Jiang wanted to scold Huang Wenbing and call him a "despicable villain".

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

In fact, from ancient times to the present, the art of poetry has always had the talent of expressing one's heart directly. Li Shangyin's poems satirized Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, Chen Ziang lamented the ignorance of the times, and even the gentle and generous Li Qingzhao once wrote poems satirizing the Southern Song Dynasty court. All these show the freedom of poetic art. However, Huang Wenbing overinterpreted Song Jiang's poem, and arbitrarily pressured and misinterpreted it, completely destroying the freedom of artistic creation.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

If a small report can turn things around, wouldn't the artists in the world work hard in vain? Today, although freedom of speech is restricted by law, we should support the free development of artistic creation, and understand artworks with an open and inclusive mind, instead of distorting words like Wong Man Ping.

Song Jiang wrote an anti-poem first, and Huang Wenbing reported it later, why did he scold the whistleblower for being a despicable villain?

The reason why Huang Wenbing unreasonably slandered one of Song Jiang's poems was because he was greedy for fame and fortune, and he was worried about gaining the appreciation and promotion of Cai Jiu's prefect by reporting Song Jiang. However, his wanton framing and unwarranted distortion not only desecrated the sacred freedom of poetry, but also seriously harmed the personal safety and integrity of innocent people. Although Huang Wenbing successfully extorted a confession and made Song Jiang admit the charge of "rebellion", these dirty deeds he did had already completely degraded him into a real "despicable villain". Let us jointly condemn Huang Wenping's opportunistic behavior, slander and false accusations against innocents, and establish a tolerant understanding of artistic creation and a basic respect for freedom of speech. #头条首发大赛#

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