
Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

author:Talking about Xiao Li

On the stage of Qing Dynasty history, many sons of Emperor Kangxi fought fiercely for the throne. Among them, the most learned third elder brother Yinzhi, although on the surface it seems to stay out of the matter and concentrate on researching knowledge, but in fact, he is also secretly arranging and has sophisticated means. Kangxi appreciated this son very much and named him a prince. But the successor was finally determined to be Yinzhi's younger brother Yongzheng. Just when everyone thought that Yinzhi had spent his old age safely, Yongzheng suddenly ordered him to be imprisoned until he died. What is the reason why Yongzheng is so cruel and ruthless to his brother?

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

If you want to talk about this story of the Qing Dynasty royal family fighting for the throne, it is really ups and downs and magnificent! Watching the whole process, it looks like a well-choreographed court drama.

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

First of all, let's take a look at what kind of character the protagonist Yinzhi is. This guy can be said to be a combination of learning and wealth, whether it is literature or martial arts, all of them are outstanding. It stands to reason that this kind of talented person who learns to be rich and has no desires or desires, but Yinzhi is not like that. In the battle for the throne, he is an unfathomable old fox! That's how high that city is!

It is said that when the crown prince Yinren was deposed by Kangxi Lao'er, it was Yinzhi who single-handedly stabbed the hornet's nest of the eldest brother Yinren. Don't look at the fact that he has always had no desire for the throne on the surface, but in fact, he is not soft on the secret. The eldest brother was rectified in one sentence, and Kangxi doted on this son again, so he simply banned Yinhe. Look, this method is too ruthless, right?

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

Later, the crown prince Yinren was reinstated, ostensibly thanks to Yinzhi to stand up for him. But the old uncle Kangxi is actually a shrewd old fox, can he not see Yinzhi's little Jiujiu? This hand is clearly to win over Yinren and prepare for the future succession. Sure enough, Kangxi became more and more uneasy about Yinzhi, and finally chose a complete iron-fisted Yongzheng to inherit the unification.

Yongzheng after taking the throne is not so easy to mess with. Don't look at Yinzhi who has always pretended to support him, Yongzheng doesn't have a good impression of him at all. After all, in that era, learned literati were all bigwigs who controlled public opinion. Yongzheng implemented the new policy and offended a large number of literati, didn't this fall into the hands of Yinzhi? If he stabs him in the back, then Yongzheng's emperor dream will be yellow.

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

So Yongzheng was the first to treat Yinzhi, first deprived him of his title and put him under house arrest at home. Later, when his younger brother died, Yinzhi didn't even have a mourning expression, and Yongzheng finally turned his face completely. directly threw the word brother out of the clouds, imprisoned Yinzhi in Jingshan Yong'an Pavilion, and was finally imprisoned to death there.

Hey, this Yongzheng is really ruthless when he starts to deal with it! Even his own brother did not let go. As a person in power, it is probably reasonable. It can only be said that Yinzhi can be said to be a chess master in his life, but in the end he lost to his younger brother Yongzheng's ruthlessness.

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

In fact, looking back on the whole story, I think both sides have something remarkable. As an elder brother, Yinzhi wants to seek greater benefits for the family after all. He thinks that he is rich and rich, and he is more qualified to inherit the throne than Yongzheng. As a qualified monarch, Yongzheng is adhering to his own principles and maintaining centralized power. The contradiction between the two people intensified, and in the end they could only lead to a rupture.

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

However, judging from the results alone, Yongzheng did treat Yinzhi too much. After all, brotherhood still has to be talked about, even if Yinzhi is selfish, he won't be imprisoned to death, right? At this point, we still have to criticize Yongzheng's approach for being too cruel. But then again, if Yinzhi is more aware of current affairs, wouldn't he be able to protect himself? When people reach middle age, they should still have some future and vision, and don't be greedy too much.

Yinzhi only does learning and does not fight for the reserve, Kangxi is very satisfied with him, why did Yongzheng imprison him to death?

Overall, this story of the Qing Dynasty's royal struggle for the crown is a vivid lesson in political history. Power struggles are often brutal and unforgiving, with both sides fighting for their best interests. We all understand the truth, but when it comes to individuals, it's a different story. Let us ponder the lessons of history while studying them conscientiously. #头条首发大赛#