
After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

author:Talking about Xiao Li

During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Chan, the monarch of Shu Han, has always been regarded as a mediocre and incompetent person like "Adou". However, the truth is that he pretended to be crazy and stupid, secretly strategized, and finally preserved the peace and prosperity of Shu Han for decades. When Zhuge Liang was on his deathbed, he actually gave Liu Chan a very high praise, bluntly saying that he cared about the people and had hills and valleys in his heart, no wonder Liu Bei entrusted him with great things. But in the end, is Liu Chan really incompetent, or is he pretending to be weak and inactive? Let's clear the fog and see who this "can't help Adou" is!

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

If you want to talk about Liu Chan's life experience, it is really a rather tortuous and bizarre experience. His ancestral home was originally from Youzhou, and his father Liu Bei was a son of a prominent family, but later suffered a family breakdown and became a cloth cloth, wandering around with his mother's remains on his back. Fortunately, he later met Zhuge Liang, a master, and only then did he rise to the top, and he fought hard to build a territory in the troubled times step by step, and finally established the Shu Han Dynasty.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

Liu Chan was born at the time when Liu Bei started his foundation, and he fell into a life and death crisis several times, but he was rescued from the horse's hooves by Zhao Zilong again and again, and it can be said that his life was given by this fierce general. When he grew up, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were ready to teach Liu Chan the knowledge of governing the country in person, hoping to cultivate him into a generation of Ming monarchs. It's a pity that Liu Chan is really not a too outstanding material, and he has been classified as "dull and dull" by teachers since he was a child.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

However, Liu Chan knew that his qualifications were mediocre, and during his reign, he basically handed over the power to Zhuge Liang, and he only focused on the duty of sacrifice. Thanks to the good governance of the "Xiang Father", the national strength of Shu Han has gradually strengthened, and every family lives and works in peace and contentment. Seeing the good times, who would have thought that Zhuge Liang would suddenly leave the west. In this regard, Liu Chan was heartbroken, and together with hundreds of civil and military officials, he helped his soul, which was moving.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

When Zhuge Liang was dying, Liu Chan was still alert and sent his henchmen to ask Zhuge Liang about Zhuge Liang's last words about the successor. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Liang gave Liu Chan a very high evaluation, and the implication was that Liu Chan no longer needed him to worry about it.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

Sure enough, since then, Liu Chan seems to have abandoned the laziness of the past, changed the image of "Adou", and made several important decisions one after another, which really surprised everyone. He executed the ministers who slandered and slandered Zhuge Liang; Separate military power from civil power to prevent monopoly; did not start the war lightly, and enjoyed the peace. The voice of verbal criticism and writing was suddenly no longer mentioned, and Shu Han went through nearly 30 years of peace and prosperity in this way.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

Who knew that the good times would not last long, and in 263, Cao Wei's army arrived unexpectedly and came to the city. As the lord of a country, Liu Chan panicked at this time, and chose to surrender without resistance. As everyone knows, it was this decision that made him completely lose the hearts of the people of Shu Han and ended his fame. Before parting, the general Jiang Wei still glared at him angrily, which made people sigh.

After Zhuge Liang died of illness, Adou got rid of 3 important ministers, and everyone understood: his stupidity was pretended

In Liu Chan's life, in the first half of his life, he pretended to be crazy and stupid, secretly strategized, and kept the health of Shu Han for decades; In the second half, due to mediocrity and incompetence, Shu Han eventually fell. But in any case, he can be regarded as enjoying his life, and he did not end up as miserable as other kings of the dead country. Perhaps, this is the unexpected gift of his way of "wise self-preservation". However, since he has lost the support of the people, even if he spares his life, he can only be said to be a "mediocre and incompetent king of the country". #头条首发大赛#