
Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

author:Talking about Xiao Li

In the long river of glorious history, there are always those heroes and heroes who have made brilliant achievements. They have fought a hundred battles, performed many miraculous feats, defended their home and country with wisdom and courage, and became immortal models for people. Who has the highest military achievements and the most outstanding achievements? Let's take a peek at the end and unravel the mystery of history.

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

When we mention military strategists, Mr. Bai Qi must be a well-known name. This famous general of the Qin State was resourceful and repeatedly accomplished miraculous feats, and his battles such as "crossing the river Yique", "being poor in the county", and "blocking the long flat road" are still recited by future generations. In his more than 40 years of conquest career, he has never tasted defeat, and has accumulated 1 million enemy troops and conquered more than 100 cities. Such an unprecedented victory, even in the era of cold weapons, is enough to make people unreachable. He is worthy of being the ancestor of the "War of Annihilation".

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

Speaking of Han Xin, this young general has been iron-clad all his life, and he can be described as a cadre. Since he was a child, he has suffered the "humiliation of the crotch" and experienced the taste of poverty and humiliation, but it is this bump in the road that has created his alert and wise mind. In the dispute between Chu and Han, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats, used tricks and wisdom, and used the east wind to fight, and finally helped Liu Bang dominate the world. It's just that Han Xin's record is not outstanding, but the influence of his strategy philosophy goes far beyond the battlefield itself.

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

The name Su Dingfang may not be as well-known as Bai Qi and Han Xin, but his military exploits should not be underestimated. At the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the first thing to bear the brunt of was the threat of the Eastern and Western Turks. After the destruction of the Eastern Turks, Su Gong turned to attack strong enemies such as the Western Turks, Baekje, and Goguryeo, and finally pacified the frontier. He went on expeditions to the east and west, covering Kashgar, Uzbekistan, the Korean Peninsula and other places, and could be called the general of the Hussars in Northern Cyprus.

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

Wei Qing, as the chief of the guard of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was an ordinary riding slave, but he ascended to the throne of the general step by step with extraordinary courage and resourcefulness. When the Han and Hungarian wars began, he defeated the Xiongnu army and recovered important areas such as Henan and Monan with the style of fighting steadily and seeking victory in stability. He went on seven expeditions and won more than 50,000 enemy troops, from a grass man to the pinnacle of his life, which shows his extraordinary.

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

Speaking of Yue Fei, this famous general is a household name, and the "Beiwei Army" led by him was thunderous and almost swept across the Central Plains. Although he was trapped in the whirlpool of the Huan Sea and was repeatedly slandered by traitors, he still worked hard and fought bloody battles against foreign warlords for decades. Chang Yuchun is also a famous general, with Zhu Yuanzhang opening the country, conquering Longyou Quzhou, great military exploits, and was later named marshal. In the battle of Poyang Lake, he bravely killed the enemy and annihilated Chen Youliang's troops, and his merits were high.

Bai Qi, Han Xin, Wei Qing, Su Ding, Fang Yue Fei, often meet spring, who has the highest military achievements? Not Han Shin

Looking at the exploits of military strategists, it can be described as a great military exploit, shocking the past and the present. Bai Qi is the most brilliant, he created a new model of "annihilation war"; Although Han Xin's record is slightly inferior, he is a master of strategy; Su Dingfang, Wei Qing, Yue Fei, Chang Yuchun, etc. have experienced a hundred battles and made great achievements. They defended their homeland with wisdom and courage, and made indelible contributions to the prosperity and development of the country and the nation, which is worthy of our eternal learning and remembering #Headline Premiere Contest#