
The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back

author:Chuangyi is important

This matter has to start with Xiufen returning to her parents' house, she has been back and forth, which is really disturbing. Da Zhu, that's an honest man, he gets up early every day and is greedy for darkness, just for the sake of fishing. Xiufen is busy at home, and the two of them have a very good life. But the good times didn't last long, and the two had an awkward quarrel because of some trivial things, and Xiufen went back to her parents' house in a fit of anger. The mother's family looked distressed and persuaded again and again, but Xiufen's tone just couldn't go along with it, so she stayed for a few more days.

When she returned to the village, she felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. Usually the people in the village are happy to see her, but this time they dodge one by one, as if there is some secret hidden. Xiufen beat the drum in her heart, but she didn't think much about it and went straight home. When I arrived at the door of the house, the door was closed, and my heart was tight, so I quickly pushed the door to see that the house was empty, and the fishing guy of the big pillar was still at the door, but the person did not know where to go. Xiufen panicked and asked around for news of Dazhu.

After inquiring, I learned that Dazhu had an accident when she went out to sea to fish a few days after she returned to her parents' home. said that Dazhu went to sea as usual that day, but he ran into a strange fish, and the fish didn't look special, but it always circled around Dazhu's boat, and he couldn't catch it away. Dazhu felt that something was wrong in his heart, but he didn't think much about it and continued to work. But a few days later, Dazhu never returned. The people of the village went out to sea to look for it, but they only found the boat of the big pillar, but the people were gone. Some people say that the big pillar was eaten by a strange fish, and some people say that the sea ghost did something strange and dragged the big pillar to the bottom of the sea. The more this matter spread, the more evil it became, and the people in the village panicked.

The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back

When Xiufen heard this, her heart was half cold. She didn't believe that Dazhu was gone, so she decided to go to sea to find it herself. She found some old fishermen in the village, brought dry food and water, and set sail for the sea. This sea is really as far as the eye can see, and the wind and waves are still very strong. Xiufen and they searched for a day and a night, but they didn't see the shadow of the big pillar. Just when everyone was about to give up, Xiufen suddenly saw a fish swimming in front of her. The fish was exactly the same as the strange fish that the people in the village said. Xiufen's heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked the fishermen to lean over.

When the strange fish saw someone coming, it did not hide, but swam more happily. Xiufen thought to herself, "Could it be that Dazhu really has something to do with this strange fish?" She gritted her teeth and decided to go down to the sea to chase the strange fish. Xiufen plunged headlong into the sea and swam with the strange fish. After swimming for a while, I finally caught up. If you look closely, isn't what the strange fish is holding in its mouth the fishing net of the big pillar? Xiufen was overjoyed, and reached out to grab it. But the strange fish suddenly opened its mouth and bit it, Xiufen only felt a pain in her hand, and was dragged to the bottom of the sea by the strange fish. Oh my god, what's going on? Isn't our eldest sister Xiufen going to be planted in the hands of this strange fish? Everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and at this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly appeared from the sea, and then a black shadow swooped out of the water. Look at the black shadow, tall and big, dressed in black, holding a big knife in his hand, that momentum, it really is not covered. As soon as he swung his knife, the strange fish screamed, and quickly loosened the net of our Xiufen and Dazhu. Xiufen and Dazhu gasped for breath and surfaced. The black shadow rescued the two of them on the boat, and then said: "I am the sea god of this sea, and the strange fish is raised by me. Now that I have taught it a lesson, you can go home with peace of mind. "After that, the sea god is like a gust of wind, and it disappears in a flash. As soon as Xiufen and Dazhu went home, the people in the village knew that there was really a person like the god of the sea in the sea. Since then, the people of the village have to worship the god of the sea before going to sea to ask for peace.

Besides, the head of our eldest sister Xiufen, although she has become a widow, the days are getting more and more prosperous, she knows that as long as her heart is good, the sea god will bless her. One evening, when the sun was setting and the sky was golden, Xiufen came to the beach again, looking at the boundless sea, feeling a little uncomfortable. At this moment, she saw a small black dot on the sea in the distance, which grew bigger and bigger, and slowly came towards her. Xiufen's heart tightened, thinking, this can't be the strange fish again, right? She took a few steps back, her eyes fixed on the black dot. The black dot is getting closer and closer, and finally reveals its true body - it turned out to be a small boat! As soon as the boat landed, a familiar figure came down, tall and big, dressed in black, and holding the big knife in his hand. Xiufen took a look, wasn't this the sea god who saved her and Dazhu that day? The sea god walked up to Xiufen and said with a smile, "Xiufen, I'm here to see you." Xiufen was so excited that she couldn't speak, but just nodded vigorously. The sea god said, "I know that you feel uncomfortable, but the pillar is gone, and you have to learn to let go." You and Dazhu are kind-hearted, and I will bless you. When Xiufen heard this, tears filled her eyes, and she choked up and said, "Lord Poseidon, thank you for saving us." But the big pillar is gone, and my heart is empty, and I don't know what to do. The sea god sighed and said, "Life, there are gains and losses. Although Dazhu is gone, you still have to live your own life. You have to be strong and live your life to the fullest. Xiufen nodded and said, "I understand." I'll do my best. The sea god said, "I came this time, in addition to seeing you, I also want to give you something." As he spoke, he took out a shiny bead from his arms, "This is the Poseidon Pearl, which can bless you with safety and success." Xiufen took the Poseidon Pearl, which was as clear as crystal and exuded a soft glow. She said gratefully, "Thank you, Lord Poseidon, I will cherish this gift. Poseidon smiled, nodded slightly, and then turned and walked towards the boat docked on the shore. Xiufen hurriedly chased after her and asked, "Lord Seagod, are you ready to leave?" The sea god stopped, looked back at Xiufen, and said seriously, "Yes, I will leave." But don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you. If you encounter any difficulties, just call me to the Poseidon Bead and I will come to your aid. Xiufen's heart swelled with deep gratitude, and she expressed her gratitude to the god of the sea again, and then watched the god of the sea's boat gradually disappear into the vast sea.

The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back

Since that day, Xiufen seems to have a new look. She no longer dwells in the sorrows of the past, but faces each day positively. She worked diligently and kept her home in order. Her acts of kindness, such as helping the elderly and orphans in the village, have earned her the respect and love of the villagers. And that Poseidon bead has also become her talisman, whenever she faces difficulties or dangers, just call softly, and Poseidon will appear in time to help her tide over difficulties.

Time flies, and years pass in the blink of an eye. Xiufen has grown from a young widow to a strong and capable woman. She opened a small restaurant in the village, and the business was thriving with a steady stream of customers. She also found a new partner, a kind and hard-working carpenter, and the two fell in love with each other and ran the small restaurant together.

One night, the restaurant welcomes a mysterious guest. The guest was a burly man with a handsome face, dressed in a black robe, exuding an aura of majesty and mystery. As soon as Xiufen saw this guest, she felt a little familiar, and after a closer look, she realized that it was actually the sea god. Lord Poseidon smiled and said to Xiufen, "I'll see how your life is." Xiufen responded excitedly: "Lord Poseidon, you are finally here!" I'm doing well now, with this little restaurant and with a new partner. Thank you for your continued protection and help. Lord Poseidon nodded in approval and told her the good news: "Dazhu didn't actually die, I saved him, and now he is in a safe place and is living well." When Xiufen heard the news, she was incredulous for a while: "Really? Is Dazhu really alive? Lord Poseidon nodded again, confirming this fact: "Indeed. Although Dazhu was seriously injured, he has recovered with my help, and now he lives a peaceful and happy life. Xiufen was so excited that she burst into tears and thanked her repeatedly. Lord Poseidon continued, "However, the place where the Great Pillar is located now is very far away, and you can't go there directly. But I can help you pass on the message and let him know how you're doing. Xiufen nodded, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and said to Lord Poseidon: "Thank you, Lord Poseidon." You have to tell Dazhu that I'm fine here, and tell him not to worry about it. Lord Poseidon nodded happily, and as soon as he turned around, he turned into a gust of wind, and disappeared with a whoosh. Xiufen stood there, her heart surging, and she couldn't calm down for a long time...... Since then, Xiufen's life has been like a hanging, full of hope and happiness. Although she and Dazhu can't see each other, the concern in her heart is more solid than anything else. The sea god bead has also become the most precious bond and memory between the two of them......

The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back

After leaving the Poseidon that night, Xiufen's life is like turning a new chapter. Although she and Dazhu are still far apart, the hope and concern that emerge from the bottom of her heart make her days sunny. Poseidon Pearl has become her treasure every day, as if with it, Dazhu is by her side, guarding this warm home. Her small restaurant has also become more and more popular, and has become the best choice for people in the village to gather. Every night, the brightly lit restaurant is always full of laughter and excitement.

One day, Xiufen was busy when she suddenly heard a commotion outside. She hurriedly ran out to take a look, yo, a fresh face stood at the door, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and was happy at her. "Sister Xiufen, I'm coming to see you!" The man shouted. Xiufen was stunned for a moment, took a closer look, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "You are ...... Da Zhu's younger brother, Xiao Hai? When Xiaohai heard this, his joy blossomed: "Sister Xiufen, you still remember me!" I'm Xiaohai, the younger brother of Brother Dazhu. I'm here to see you and Poseidon. Xiufen hurriedly welcomed Xiaohai into the store, and as soon as the two sat down, they chatted about family life.

Xiao Hai told Xiufen that he had been working hard in other places, and he had only recently heard about Dazhu, so he hurried back. He also said that Dazhu didn't actually die, but was saved by Lord Poseidon, and now he is living well in a distant place. When Xiufen heard this, she was so excited that she burst into tears. She grabbed Xiao Hai's hand tightly and asked, "Really?" Is Dazhu really alive? Xiao Hai nodded vigorously and said, "Really! Brother Dazhu is doing well now, and he asked me to bring you a letter. As he spoke, Xiaohai took out a letter and handed it to Xiufen. Xiufen took the letter, and her name was written on the envelope, as well as the four big characters "Dazhu handwriting". She opened the envelope with trembling hands and read Dazhu's letter. In the letter, Dazhu told her that after he was rescued by the sea god, he had been living a peaceful and happy life in a small fishing village. He also said that he missed Xiufen and the villagers very much, and hoped to come back one day to see everyone.

The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back

"You'll have to live well when he comes back." As soon as Xiaohai left, Xiufen's heart blossomed. She looked forward to Dazhu's return every day, thinking about how beautiful it would be when the two of them met. The Poseidon Pearl also seems to be much brighter, and it looks like silently guarding Xiufen's careful thoughts. In a flash, several years have passed, the small restaurant business is very popular, Xiufen is getting more and more beautiful, the young men in the village are red-eyed, Xiufen is not only prosperous at home and everything, but also beautiful in life.

But on a sunny afternoon, Xiufen was busy in the store, and a familiar face suddenly appeared in front of her. The man was tall, handsome, and dressed in a black robe, none other than the pillar she talked about every day! "Xiufen!" Dazhu shouted excitedly. As soon as Xiufen raised her head, she was stunned, she rubbed her eyes, and looked at it again, it was really not a dream, it was really a big pillar! She threw herself into Dazhu's arms with excitement and cried profusely. "Dazhu, you're back!" Xiufen choked up. Dazhu hugged Xiufen tightly, "Well, I'm back, I've been thinking about coming back to you all these years, but Lord Seagod said that the time has not come, so I have to wait." Now, we can finally be reunited! The two of them hugged their heads and cried, and that scene made people's hearts warm. The customers in the store were also moved by this sudden reunion and came forward to congratulate them.

Since then, Xiufen and Dazhu have lived a sweet little life. The two of them take care of the small restaurant together, take care of the family together, and enjoy this hard-won happiness. Poseidon beads have also been guarding them and making their lives more fulfilling. In the dead of night, Xiufen and Dazhu sat on the beach, looking at the starry sky, reminiscing about the past. They are grateful for the kindness of Lord Poseidon and for the fate that allowed them to meet and fall in love. The happiness and satisfaction that welled up from the bottom of their hearts made them cherish their current life even more.

The beautiful woman and her husband went back to their parents' house angrily, but they didn't expect to become widows after they came back