
The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

author:Dharma Academy Dragon Gate Array

Absurd! The recultivated land becomes a "sea of stones".

In Shanbian Village, Dongfu Street, Haicang District, Xiamen, a land restoration operation that should have been full of hope turned into a ridiculous "stone battle". The villagers were full of anticipation to take over the recultivated land, only to find that where the fertile fields were, it was clearly a "sea of stones".


Agricultural machinery was also injured.

In the video, the boulders stand in the field, some are too big for adults to shake, agricultural machinery and equipment here seem helpless, and the slightest carelessness when plowing the ground is the tragic situation of the knife head being broken.

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

The village committee threw the pot: weather problems, rain washing.

Faced with such a scene, the incomprehension and helplessness in the hearts of the villagers were overflowing. They can't help but wonder how such land can support the dream of growing crops. And the explanation of the village committee is even more laughable - all this is the "pot" of the weather.

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.
The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

Most likely it is the previous construction site.

Visual analysis, these stones are likely to be left over from earthwork and construction waste, although they have been cleaned up, but some of the stones are buried deep underground, coupled with the recent continuous rain, they have been washed to the surface, this cauldron is naturally thrown to the innocent "weather".

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

Such a resumption of cultivation has become an absurd play.

However, such an explanation is clearly unconvincing. The villagers thought to themselves: if this is true, then how can the lack of supervision and perfunctory attitude be explained? Could it be that the acceptance work is just a matter of sightseeing, and even the land has not really set foot on it? Some netizens joked: "Where is this recultivation, it is simply a new agricultural spectacle of 'growing crops in stone fields'!" ”

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

The problems left over from history have thrown out the pot again.

What is even more embarrassing is that this land with high hopes was originally planned to develop a new type of agriculture, but it encountered such an embarrassing situation in the first step of recultivation. The new type of agriculture, which should be the perfect combination of scientific and technological innovation and agricultural production, has now become an absurd drama of "stones and crops dancing together".

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

Recultivation: Take pictures and receive subsidies?

I can't help but reflect on whether behind those seemingly glamorous recultivation, is it just planting crops and taking pictures, and then the subsidies are in place, regardless of the harvest?

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.
The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

As bold as man is, the earth is as productive as it is.

There are concerns that a similar situation is playing out elsewhere? Cultivating land and reclamation is a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people, but if it degenerates into formalism, it will not only waste precious land resources, but also chill the hearts of the peasants.

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

Land is the lifeblood of farmers and the cornerstone of national food security.

In this "sea of stones", we see not only the hardness of the stones, but also the villagers' desire and pursuit of a better life. It is hoped that the relevant departments can take this as a reference, truly proceed from reality, solve problems, and make reclamation a practical matter that truly benefits people's livelihood, rather than a superficial formality.

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

After all, land is the lifeblood of farmers and the cornerstone of national food security.

The recultivated land has become a "sea of stones", and the "new agriculture" has become an absurd drama, and the village committee has thrown the blame on the weather.

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