
A great way to make a woman love you deeply: catch her little thoughts

A great way to make a woman love you deeply: catch her little thoughts


If you like it, act first and then think about it, even if it doesn't work, you have to try.

I saw this sentence on Zhihu: If you like a person, you have to act, don't hesitate. Maybe the moment you hesitate, the girl you like becomes someone else's girlfriend.

However, some men will say that they hesitate because they cannot grasp the heart of a woman and do not know how to win her heart.

If you want a girl to fall in love with you, it's actually very simple, you have to learn to take care of her carefully, know what she wants, and in daily life, grasp her careful thoughts, and gradually make her like you.


The woman tells you to go, and you must stay

Nowadays, when many lovers are arguing, the woman often says, "You go to the side, don't let me see you, don't bother me anymore", and the man usually evacuates as soon as he hears this.

In fact, what the girls say is impulsive, maybe because we are so loud that their thinking stops, so they say what you think is indecent.

A great way to make a woman love you deeply: catch her little thoughts

But if a woman has something to say, you'd better listen and not ignore it, but don't think that her words are the truth, and at the same time, don't leave the woman yourself, stay by her side all the time, be considerate of her, comfort her, and if you really need to leave, wait until she calms down before coming back and coaxing her.

This will make the girl like you more, and after she has calmed down, you can discuss how to get along in the future and avoid further quarrels.

If you leave and don't tell me, I'll be cranky and think that you don't love me anymore, and the good things we used to be in the past are becoming more and more distant.


The woman says no, you must satisfy her as much as you can

Shin Shin's boyfriend is not very rich, and both of them are still in school, have no financial resources, and their usual expenses are paid by the family, so Shin Shin rarely asks her boyfriend to buy her things.

Once Shin Shin was shopping with her boyfriend, she saw a super good lipstick, but the price was a little high. She smiled and said to her boyfriend, "Maybe it's not so good-looking, let's see something else." So she took her boyfriend and went shopping.

In fact, her boyfriend knew that Xinxin liked this lipstick very much, so he secretly bought one and secretly gave it to her. When Shin Shin saw this gift, although she verbally showed that she was unhappy, she was actually very touched and happy in her heart.

A great way to make a woman love you deeply: catch her little thoughts

Many girls are a little shy, and sometimes they silently hope that their boyfriends can give them something, but they are too embarrassed to say it. In fact, they already like those gifts in their hearts, but they can't express them in person.


Women love to listen to men say sweet things

Many women like to listen to men talk about love because it makes them feel especially happy. While women may not admit it on their lips, they will say that men are big fools and say these things to please them.

However, a man should understand a woman's mind, and he can't stop talking sweetly to a woman just because she said a word to you. This will only make the woman feel lost, and your relationship will become more and more distant.

Why do most girls like to watch idol dramas now? Because the male protagonists in idol dramas can satisfy all their desires for the perfect boyfriend: smart and wise, handsome and dashing, rich and promising.

Men should learn to be gentle and often say a few sweet words in the ear of their beloved woman to make her happy, so that she will like you more, your relationship will be better, and the future will be more promising.

A great way to make a woman love you deeply: catch her little thoughts

In fact, girls are not as difficult to understand as you think, they are also very simple, they just want the person they like to be good to them, take care of them, and pamper them, this is what they really want.

I hope that men can appreciate these points well in private, and then find a way to apply them in life to make their girlfriends happy.

Emotional Quotes:

When in a relationship, the guy should be careful not to ask the girl directly what she wants as a gift, which will make her think that you lack creativity and thinking. If you look closely in your daily life, you can easily understand the preferences and thoughts of girls.