
I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

author:The Spring and Autumn of History
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The Spring and Autumn of History

Edited by the Spring and Autumn of History

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?


In 2010, Beijing's 56-year-old aunt Guo Min saw that her 36-year-old son still refused to get married and have children, so she resolutely decided to inherit her family lineage.

For this reason, despite the jokes and dissuasion of relatives and friends, she was pregnant with a pair of dragon and phoenix twins at the age of 56.

The family was afraid that they would not be able to support it, so they strongly asked her to kill the child, but Guo Min was unwilling to live or die, claiming that the child was her life.

However, after giving birth to a child, her husband was paralyzed due to cerebral infarction, and the responsibility of raising the child fell on her shoulders alone......

This mother wants to go on the field herself just because her son is not married? Or is there something unspeakable behind this?

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

——Lost a beloved daughter——

Guo Min and her current husband Ren Dahua had a marriage before they got married, and they had a daughter with their ex-husband.

However, the first marriage was not happy, and finally Guo Min and her ex-husband ended in divorce.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

After a difficult life as a single mother, Guo Min met Ren Dahua.

Ren Dahua is a mature and stable middle-aged man with a good career.

He was also married and had a son.

Although both have experienced the failure of their marriages, they find warmth in each other and have new hope.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

They decide to start a new family together and start a new chapter in their lives.

Just when life was happy and happy, fate hit the family mercilessly.

In the winter of 2005, a sudden car accident took the life of Guo Min's 24-year-old daughter.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

When the bad news came, Guo Min almost collapsed, and she couldn't accept that her daughter, who had been with her since her divorce, passed away like this.

The grief-stricken Guo Min washed his face with tears all day long, and even had the idea of suicide for a while.

In the face of his wife's grief, Ren Dahua stayed by Guo Min's side every day and night, taking care of her carefully, hoping that Guo Min could regain the courage to live.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Although Guo Min's spirit has recovered since then, the pain of losing her only daughter is still with me.

At the same time, Ren Dahua's son is also 36 years old and has reached the age of marriage, but their son has never planned to get married.

This made Guo Min even more anxious, worried that he would have no one to take care of him when he was old.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

The traditional concept of inheritance also sprouted in her heart, hoping to leave a bloodline for the Ren family.

All kinds of factors are intertwined, and Guo Min came up with the idea of having another child.

However, Guo Min was 56 years old at that time, and Ren Dahua was also 61 years old, which had already passed the best childbearing age, and advanced maternal age could be life-threatening.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

However, a news of IVF on TV successfully caught Guo Min's attention.

The news gave her hope and made her believe that she too could become a mother again.

She told her husband that she wanted to use this technique to get pregnant again, but Ren Dahua disagreed, which would not only increase the burden on the family but also have certain risks.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

But Guo Min didn't listen to the advice, but insisted on going his own way, and from then on, Guo Min began to seriously study the knowledge of advanced age and childbirth.

And Guo Min began to actively regulate her body, improve her diet, and keep exercising to prepare for a possible pregnancy.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?
I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

——Giving birth at an advanced age——

In this regard, Guo Min also consulted a number of obstetrics and gynecology experts, but no hospital was willing to accept a 56-year-old mother.

And the doctors also told her that even if she uses IVF technology, the probability of successful conception is not high.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Moreover, advanced maternal age does face many risks, which not only pose a threat to maternal health, but may also adversely affect the development of the fetus.

In the face of many difficulties, Guo Min did not give up, she believes that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, it is worth trying.

After unremitting efforts, they finally got help at the First People's Hospital of Changsha.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Dr. Lu in the hospital saw Guo Min's request for help on the Internet and chose to help her make her wish come true.

It didn't take long for Guo Min to successfully get pregnant using IVF technology, but unfortunately Guo Min's physical condition was not very good, and it didn't take long for her to miscarry.

In 2010, Guo Min did IVF again, but fortunately, she was successfully pregnant, and there was no sign of miscarriage after that.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

What's even more surprising is that she was pregnant with twins at one time.

However, the joy was followed by new challenges.

Considering Guo Min's age and physical condition, the doctor recommended that Guo Min undergo selective fetal reduction to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

This suggestion made Guo Min fall into a difficult choice, and Ren Dahua also persuaded her to have a child.

However, Guo Min finally chose to keep the twins, and during pregnancy, Guo Min strictly followed the doctor's advice and carried out strict pregnancy care.

Ren Dahua also took care of his wife wholeheartedly and created a good environment for her to get pregnant.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Under the careful care of the medical team, Guo Min successfully passed the high-risk pregnancy and finally gave birth to a pair of healthy dragon and phoenix fetuses

The arrival of this hard-won dragon and phoenix fetus brought great joy to Guo Min and his wife.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

——Life after the birth of the dragon and phoenix fetus——

However, the life of Guo Min's family has also undergone earth-shaking changes due to the birth of this pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses.

Guo Min's family's expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and Guo Min's pension of 2,000 per month can't support their living expenses at all, which can only be maintained by Ren Hansheng's salary.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

In 2013, Ren Dahua had a cerebral infarction due to the burden of life.

Although he was rushed to the hospital, he eventually suffered from hemiplegia.

This sudden change not only brought huge financial pressure to the family, but also completely changed the structure and role division of the family.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Ren Dahua's treatment costs were like a bottomless pit, quickly depleting the family's savings.

This is followed by long-term rehabilitation and care costs, which require ongoing financial investment.

At the same time, families lost their main source of income and their incomes plummeted.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Guo Min has to shoulder the burden of the whole family, taking care of her sick husband, raising young children, and finding ways to maintain the family's income and expenditure.

Guo Min began to look for job opportunities everywhere, and began to work part-time non-stop, doing accounting work for different engineering companies, working eight jobs a day at most.

I go out early and return late every day, go back and forth between different workplaces, and come home at night to take care of my husband and children.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

This intense work-life stress has had a negative impact on Guo Min's health.

But she didn't go to the hospital for a check-up, and the situation at home really couldn't bear her illness.

In order to save money, Guo Min adjusted the family's lifestyle to the extent of extreme frugality.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

The children's clothes are bought from the second-hand market, and the diet can be saved, with the most basic food and clothing as the goal.

Despite this, the family's financial situation is still very tight, and they are struggling to make ends meet every month.

However, this can also reflect the greatness of Guo Min's maternal love, and she uses practical actions to interpret what unconditional love and sacrifice are.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

Even in the most difficult moments, she never gave up on her children and always put their interests first.

Her strength and courage not only touched the people around her, but also set a good example for the children.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?


Guo Min's persistence and dedication show the greatness of maternal love, which is one of the greatest forces in the world.

Her story is not only a personal legend, but also a revelation to all.

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?

There may be unforeseen hardships in life, but with hope and love, we can find the strength to keep going.

Guo Min's story will always inspire us, reminding us to cherish life, cherish family affection, and maintain courage and hope in the face of difficulties.

Information sources:

Looking for love - Hunan Satellite TV

I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?
The only mother gave birth to twins at the age of 56: for 2 children, she worked 7 jobs a month and wanted to live to be 100 years old - CCTV
I accidentally gave birth to twins at the age of 56, and now I am raising them alone, what happened?