
I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

author:Magic Xiaoyang
I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

Text: Entertainment Xiaojing

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According to a report by the Beijing News on July 2, there is a serious chaos in tanker transportation.


Source: Beijing News

On May 21, a tanker truck loaded with more than 30 tons of soybean oil drove out of a grain and oil company in Yanjiao, Hebei Province, after three days of transporting coal-to-liquid from Ningxia to Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, without cleaning the storage tanks.

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

The reporter's investigation found that many general cargo tankers in China not only carry edible liquids such as syrup and soybean oil.

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

It also transports chemical liquids such as coal-to-liquid, and some edible oil manufacturers do not strictly check the oil drain port or do not inspect the tank at all, and the food safety hazards are significant.

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

Netizen: Finally explained, for many years, I have eaten fried food with the smell of diesel

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

I eat rapeseed oil now, I haven't eaten salad oil for a long time, and when I eat it, I vomit and I can't smell that smell

It is recommended to strictly inspect the grain reserves

The bottom of the granary is already full of rats

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

In summer, the temperature is high and fires are prone to occur

Netizen: China Grain Storage is also like this, hurry up in the third season

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

The most pitiful thing is that I don't know how good it is for foreigners, and I just don't die for foreigners

Netizen: It's the same as garbage classification, watching us sort four garbage cans, and the result is that the four garbage cans are loaded into one car

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

That's costly, and it's not something that everyone consciously classifies. But the food has to be separated

There is Jinding edible oil under the grain storage, everyone pay attention to distinguish, do not buy!

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

Someone asked: Is the grain storage in China COFCO?????

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

COFCO is blessed


I was really surprised to see the Beijing News's report on the chaos of tanker transportation. The mixed transportation of food and chemical liquids is not a trivial matter, and it is related to the health and safety of our people. With such a deal, who would dare to eat with confidence? Today I want to talk about this and share my opinion.

First of all, the problem of mixing food and chemical liquids in tankers is simply too big. Think about it, a tanker truck has just finished unloading coal-to-liquid, and it is directly loaded with edible soybean oil without even cleaning. Can you still eat this oil? Coal-to-liquid is a chemical product, and if the residues in it are mixed into soybean oil, it will be terrible for us to eat it. It can also lead to poisoning or even more serious health problems. This kind of thing is simply joking about the safety of people's lives, which is really infuriating.

Look at those edible oil manufacturers, there are many of them who don't inspect the cans, or just look at the oil drain. That's irresponsible, isn't it? As a food manufacturer, the most basic thing is to ensure the safety and hygiene of products. Whether the tanker is clean or not is directly related to food safety, this link is not good, what kind of food safety is discussed? In order to save trouble and money, some manufacturers ignore these important inspection steps, which is simply forgetful.

However, now that the problem has been exposed, we have to find a way to solve it. First of all, the relevant departments must strengthen supervision. Severe penalties will be imposed on those non-compliant tanker transport companies and food manufacturers. You can't make them think it's not a big deal to do this kind of thing. Regulatory authorities should regularly check the cleaning records of tankers and the inspection process of food manufacturers, and immediately rectify any problems to ensure that every step of the way meets the standards.

Secondly, enterprises themselves should also improve their sense of responsibility. Tanker truckers should strictly implement cleaning and disinfection procedures, and these steps should not be omitted because of time constraints and high costs. Food manufacturers should also strengthen self-inspection and self-inspection, and cannot rely only on other links in the supply chain. After all, food safety is ultimately the responsibility of their own enterprises, and the first thing consumers will look for when there is a problem is the manufacturer.

In addition, as consumers, we also need to enhance our awareness of food safety. Usually pay more attention to some food safety news and knowledge, and pay attention to check the production date, manufacturer and other information when buying food. For those brands that have had food safety issues, try to avoid them. A small step for each of us, when it comes together, is a big step to move the entire industry forward.

In fact, this incident also allows us to see some positive aspects. Media supervision and exposure have played a very important role. It is because of these reports that the issue has been exposed to the light of day and has attracted public attention and discussion. It is hoped that the media will continue to play a monitoring role and help us safeguard food safety.

Finally, I would like to say that ensuring food safety is not only a matter for companies and regulators, but also for each and every one of us. Only by working together can we make our dining table safer and more secure. I hope that those irresponsible enterprises can wake up as soon as possible, keep the bottom line, and stop taking the health of the people as a child's play. It is hoped that the regulatory authorities can increase their efforts, strictly investigate and control, and make violators pay the due price. I hope that each of us can raise awareness of food safety and take responsibility for the health of ourselves and our families.

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good

In short, food safety is no trivial matter, and it is related to the happiness of thousands of households. Let's work together to protect our health and safety, so that every bite of what we eat can be safely and securely.

Thank you for reading, those who have money hold a money field, those who don't have money hold a personal field, I wish you all a day in the gold, happy every day

I couldn't laugh anymore, there was a tanker truck that unloaded the coal-to-oil and directly shipped the cooking oil, and the fried chicken suddenly didn't smell good


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