
Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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Li Ming is a middle-level manager who works in a large company, and usually has a high level of work pressure and a fast pace of life.

Although he has been doing well at work, in recent months, he has been experiencing heart palpitations and chest tightness. At first, he thought it was due to too much work pressure and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, once during a meeting, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, accompanied by difficulty breathing, which frightened his colleagues and immediately rushed him to the hospital.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

At the hospital, Li Ming was scheduled to have a series of tests, including an electrocardiogram, blood tests and a coronary CT scan. After some nervous waiting, the doctor, Director Wang, walked into Li Ming's ward with the report sheet.

"Mr. Li, we have a preliminary understanding of your situation, you have coronary heart disease, and this time the heart pain is caused by acute angina." Director Wang said with a serious face.

When Li Ming heard this, his face instantly turned pale: "Doctor, is my illness serious?" What treatment is needed? ”

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

"Coronary heart disease is a relatively common cardiovascular disease, especially in people like you who are stressed and have an unhealthy lifestyle."

Director Wang explained, "Treatment needs to start from many aspects, including medication, lifestyle changes, and interventional therapy if necessary. ”

Li Ming nodded, he knew he needed to take this matter seriously. He continued, "So what should I pay attention to?" Especially when it comes to diet? ”

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

Director Wang smiled and said, "Diet is very important for heart patients.

You should avoid foods high in salt and fat and eat more fruits and vegetables. Another point that is particularly important and overlooked by many people is the choice of drinks. ”

Li Ming was a little puzzled: "Drinks? I usually drink some honey water, that's fine, right? Director Wang shook his head: "Actually, although honey water is generally good for health.

But for heart patients, especially in the summer, it is still necessary to be cautious.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

Honey is high in sugar, which increases the burden on the heart.

Especially for patients with pre-existing heart disease, excessive sugar intake may cause blood sugar fluctuations, which can affect heart health. ”

Li Ming listened carefully, he remembered that he usually not only drank honey water, but also liked to drink iced drinks and coffee, is there a problem with these?

"That's right," Director Wang saw Li Ming's thoughts, "In addition to honey water, there are two drinks that you should pay special attention to.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

One is an iced drink and the other is a caffeinated drink. Iced drinks are refreshing to drink in the summer, but they can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, cause vasoconstriction, and increase the burden on the heart.

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and strong tea, increase the heart rate, which is a high risk for people with heart disease. ”

Hearing this, Li Ming felt a little depressed, but he also understood that it was all for his own health. He was determined to change his diet and lifestyle habits from today onwards.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

In the next few days, under the guidance of his doctor, Li Ming began a series of lifestyle adjustments.

Start keeping a daily diary of your diet and strictly control your sugar and fat intake. I also joined a support group for people with heart disease, where we shared experiences and encouraged each other.

A month later, Li Ming came to the hospital again for a follow-up. Director Wang was very satisfied with his examination results: "Mr. Li, your condition has improved significantly, and if you keep up, your heart will become healthier and healthier." ”

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

Li Ming said gratefully, "Thank you, Dr. Wang. Through this period of adjustment, I feel that I am not only physically better, but also mentally better. ”

"That's right, the treatment of heart disease does not only depend on medication, but more importantly, lifestyle changes and mindset adjustments." Director Wang encouraged.

Li Ming knows that his health road has just begun, and he no longer takes health for granted, but works hard for it every day.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

Through this experience, he learned how to take better care of himself, and hopes to share these experiences with his friends and colleagues to benefit more people.

Here, we would also like to remind the majority of heart patients, especially in summer, to pay special attention to the choice of drinks.

Honey water, iced beverages and caffeinated beverages, which may be harmless or even beneficial under normal circumstances, can be a health hazard for people with heart disease.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!

I hope that everyone can pay attention to health like Li Ming, start from a little bit of living habits, and protect their hearts. Only in this way can we have a long and healthy future.

It shows you the diet and drink choices that heart patients need to pay attention to in their daily lives.

We hope that through this sharing, more heart disease patients can understand the importance of lifestyle in disease management.

Do you still drink honey water for heart disease? Warning: Heart disease patients, especially in summer, should not drink 3 kinds of drinks!
[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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