
The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

author:exploded and purple chased a good drama

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It is said that on that sunny morning, Yellow Rose was born in a loving family.

Her name, like her life, is delicate and delicate, with a bit of thorns.

Yellow Rose, a girl who has been spoiled to the sky, her life is simply a living "darling diary".

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

From the moment she fell to the ground, her brother Huang Zhenhua doted on her, and he was simply her superhero.

Huang Zhenhua, the eldest brother, is a full fifteen years older than Rose, and he is simply her patron saint.

In Rose's eyes, her brother is the omnipotent being, no matter what she wants, her brother is always the first to satisfy her.

Rose's childhood is simply a fairy tale.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

She is beautiful, studies well, and is simply someone else's child.

In kindergarten, she is the brightest star, and teachers and classmates revolve around her.

Her life was simply smooth sailing, without any setbacks and difficulties.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

After the adaptation of the TV series, Huang Yimei's image is closer to the public's aesthetics, and the fairy spirit is still the same, but the sense of intimacy is not lost.

The audience has different interpretations and opinions on Huang Yimei's emotional entanglement, which has also become a hot topic of discussion.

While simplifying the plot and characters, the screenwriter cleverly retains the core emotional clues in the original novel, allowing the audience to enjoy the plot while involuntarily devoting themselves to thinking about love, family and personal growth.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

Through this work, we see the multifaceted and complex nature of modern women, who, like yellow roses, grope and grow in the whirlpool of feelings, and every ups and downs is a kind of self-exploration and persistence.

This is not only an entertaining work, but also a mirror that allows us to reflect and think about the love and affection in life.

Yellow Rose, the lucky one, is simply the "first sister" in the darling world.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

Her life is like a hanging, which is so enviable that people don't want it.

Rose doesn't need to run for life, doesn't need to worry about money, it is simply a typical representative of "lying down and getting shot".

In love, she is able to choose according to her own wishes, and she is simply the spokesperson of "whatever she wants".

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

However, this pampered life also made her lose her judgment of right and wrong.

Rose's behavior, although acquiesced in by her family, was selfish and irresponsible in the eyes of outsiders.

This is like "the emperor's new clothes", although she herself thinks it is beautiful, but in the eyes of others, it is a kind of blind arrogance.

Rose's life is like a game without rules, she can press every button as she wants, without worrying about the consequences.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

However, life is not a game, and every choice has its price.

The life of the darling of roses, although enviable, is also thought-provoking.

The life of the darling of roses shows us how free and free a pampered life can be.

However, this freedom is based on the sacrifice and suffering of others.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

We can't help but ask, is such a life really worthy of our envy?

We need to learn to find a balance between rules and freedom, to choose between responsibility and desire.

We cannot blindly pursue freedom at the expense of responsibility and morality.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

We need to learn to be independent, learn to take responsibility, learn to find a balance between reality and ideals.

The story of roses also allows us to see the transformation of the darling.

From her carefree beginning, to her later reflection and growth, this process, although full of challenges, has also made her more mature and rational.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

The growth of roses allows us to see the transformation of a darling, and also allows us to see the awakening of a darling.

Yellow Rose's life is simply a realistic version of "The Sims", she can press every button as she wants, and it seems that she never has to worry about "game over".

Rose's life is like playing a game without rules, and she can come as she wants, which is simply synonymous with "willfulness".

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

For example, Rose fell in love with a limited-edition bag, and without blinking her eyes, she swiped her card to pay for it.

In the eyes of us ordinary people, this is simply a "local tyrant" behavior, but in the world of roses, this is just a daily operation.

Her life is simply "rich and capricious", which is enviable.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

However, life is not a game after all, and every choice has its price.

Although Rose's freewheeling allowed her to live an enviable life, it also made her lose her judgment of right and wrong.

Some of her actions, although acquiesced by her family, were selfish and irresponsible in the eyes of outsiders.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

Huang Rose's life, if you use a painting as a metaphor, then her life is a colorful picture, every stroke is full of passion and vitality.

This painting is gorgeous and dazzling from a distance, but it is rich in detail up close, and every color jumps with sparks of life.

On the picture scroll of Rose, there is her carefree childhood, her youthful school time, and every bold attempt after she entered the society.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

But don't think that this painting is only on the glamorous side.

Behind these brilliant colors, there are some hidden shadows.

These shadows, like a part of Rose Life, are the price of her free choices, and the challenges she has to face on her way to growth.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

For example, Rose once did something jaw-dropping because of a spur of the moment.

These things, although they made her life more colorful, also brought her a lot of trouble.

These troubles, like shadows on a picture scroll, remind Rose that life cannot always be smooth sailing.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

On the picture scroll of roses, there is also her love story.

Her love, like a bright color on the picture scroll, brings sweetness and warmth to her life.

However, the road to love is not always smooth, and Rose has also experienced some twists and turns and ups and downs in love.

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

These experiences, although they made her feel painful, also taught her to grow and be strong.

Rose's life is like a popular series, which makes people want to chase the next episode after watching one episode, but the development of the plot makes people love and hate.

Her life is undoubtedly what many people dream of - she doesn't have to bend her waist for five buckets of rice, she doesn't have to clock in from 9 to 5, she is simply a model of "winner in life".

The Story of Rose: The Original Ending: Huang Rose inherited the old mansion of the Huang family and became a rich man, how happy is it?

However, when we envy Rose's freedom, we cannot ignore the price she pays behind her.

Each of us has a different role to play in our own lives.

In our pursuit of freedom, we also have to take responsibility for it.

I hope that the story of Rose can inspire us to continue to grow and improve in the journey of life, and finally find our own balance.

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