
Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

author:Sophie talks about the world
Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

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Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

In the 90s of the last century, Feng Xiaoquan had already made a name for himself in the music world, and won the love of the audience with his outstanding musical talent. His popular classic songs such as "Rock Sugar Gourd", "Chinese Folk Song" and "Farewell My Concubine" have beautiful melodies, easy-to-understand lyrics, and a high degree of singing, making him a well-known singer.

His wife, Zeng Gege, is also a highly regarded performer, she used a unique technique to bring the long-lost jade flute and jade flute into the stage, and her performance of the ancient Dunhuang songs "Yizhou" and "Xiao Yun" won a warm response and was praised as "the first person to play the jade flute for a thousand years".

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

It turns out that Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege are a pair of childhood sweethearts with music dreams. They have been classmates and friends of the High School Affiliated to the China Conservatory of Music since they were 10 years old, and they have spent their years of study together.

Precious friendships slowly sublimate into sweet love over a long period of time. In December 1994, despite the poverty of their living environment, Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege decided to enter the palace of marriage and officially became husband and wife.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Newly married, the constraints of the living environment made it extremely difficult for the young couple. Due to financial constraints, they had to rent a cold, damp basement with only a double bed, a 9-inch black-and-white TV and a simple folding dining table.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

In the cold winter season, due to the lack of heating equipment, the two have to burn honeycomb coal in the house to keep warm, and leave gaps when sleeping to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, even if the living environment is so difficult, it cannot stop the footsteps of the music road. It was in this small and simple room that Feng Xiaoquan wrote and sang the touching "Chinese Folk Song", which became famous in one fell swoop and opened the door to his career.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Immediately afterwards, he created the well-known "Rock Sugar Gourd", which has a beautiful melody and is widely popular.

Welcome to a new life

In 2003, Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege's careers finally achieved a small success, and they had the financial strength to buy their own homes. This year, the couple bought a spacious and comfortable new home for their family in Beijing.

The following year, in 2004, their long-awaited crystallization of love, their son Feng Tianyi, was born.

Because both of them are quite busy with their work, they can't take care of the daily life of the children in person, Feng Xiaoquan's father

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

His mother, Feng Yongxing, his mother, and Zeng Gege's parents traveled thousands of miles from their hometown to Beijing, and the four elderly people formed a special "421 family" to take on the heavy responsibility of raising this newborn grandson.

At the beginning, the four old men all had infinite expectations and love for this new life. The mother of the Zeng family and the mother of the Feng family are responsible for taking care of the children's daily food and daily life, while the two fathers are responsible for purchasing daily necessities and undertaking household chores.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Everyone hates to see each other late, and they are happy, a warm family picture.

As children, they know that if the conflict continues to ferment, it will inevitably affect the harmony of the whole extended family. So after discussion, the two decided to take the initiative to resolve the conflict between the two sides.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

They treat both parents equally, regardless of each other. Whenever his parents' birthday came, Feng Xiaoquan would carefully select expensive gifts and ask his wife to pass them on to the other party's parents, and Zeng Gege did the same to his in-laws, in order to show respect for his elders.

In addition, every year they organize a family trip together to strengthen their bond.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Seeing the good intentions of their children, the four old people were extremely moved in their hearts, and they were also ashamed of their momentary confusion. They took the initiative to sit together and open up to each other.

Everyone said that for the sake of their children and families, they are willing to put aside the mustard and work together to tide over the difficulties of life. Since then, the "421 Family" has regained its harmonious atmosphere.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Every morning, the two grandmothers would come to Feng's house on time to take care of their grandson's daily life; In the afternoon, the two grandfathers would come over to take over and help with the housework. In the evening, a family of seven sat together and enjoyed themselves.

Feng Tianyi's growth and musical path

Inheriting his parents' excellent musical talent, Feng Tianyi has shown extraordinary artistic talent since he was a child. Nurtured by his parents and grandparents, he gradually embarked on the challenging but extremely glorious path of music.

As he grew older, Feng Tianyi participated in various large and small performances, blooming his brilliance on the stage. In 2014, the song "Book Rhyme and Tea Fragrance" sung by him was widely popular upon its release, and his popularity is increasing day by day.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Two years later, in 2016, this talented child was also invited to participate in the "New Year's Children's Voice Party" held by Jiangsu Nantong TV Station, and his wonderful performance won the applause of the audience.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Feng Tianyi has grown up. In 2022, when the torch of the Winter Olympics was finally passed to Beijing, he ushered in one of the great challenges and opportunities of his life.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

As soon as the theme song "Together, More Wonderful", which was tailored for this grand event, was released, it aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

Soon after, another ice and snow theme song "Flame of Hope" co-composed by his parents Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege also met the world and was successfully selected as the torch theme song for the Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

This is undoubtedly a high affirmation and recognition of the musical attainments of the three generations of the entire Feng family.

Feng Tianyi, who is in the prime of life, has initially shown the potential to surpass his parents. His growth path will carry the expectations of his parents and the testimony of his grandparents, and he will move towards the peak of music step by step.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

I believe that in the future, this outstanding young musician will definitely create more wonderful works.

Three generations of musical encounters

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege have entered the peak of their careers. Through years of hard work, the couple has made remarkable achievements in the Chinese music scene and made outstanding contributions to the development of the music industry.

Many popular classics created by them, such as "Rock Sugar Gourd", "Chinese Folk Song", "Farewell My Concubine", etc., all demonstrate superb musical talent and have won the love and pursuit of countless music fans at home and abroad.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

Whenever they perform on the same stage together, they always attract a large number of enthusiastic fans. Feng Xiaoquan sang affectionately, Zeng Gege played melodiously, the two had a tacit understanding and complemented each other, bringing a new audio-visual experience to the audience.

They have performed on the contract stage of the Spring Festival Gala and other important venues many times, and have won warm praise from audiences across the country with their exquisite skills and affectionate interpretation.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

What's more valuable is that despite the great success of their careers, Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege are not burdened by fame and fortune, but always remember the importance of family. Under their careful cultivation, their son Feng Tianyi, who inherited his musical talent, gradually grew into a new generation of musical talents.

Mr. and Mrs. Feng Xiaoquan and their son have cooperated many times and performed many popular music works, such as "Tumbler", which have won enthusiastic responses and high praise from the audience.

Feng Xiaoquan and Zeng Gege: The four elderly people of both parents are surrounded by happiness, and the son has a high musical talent

In 2022, when the torch of the Winter Olympics was finally passed to Beijing, the three generations of the Feng family ushered in the big stage of life. Feng Tianyi's theme song "More Wonderful Together" composed for this grand event alone aroused enthusiastic responses; The "Flame of Hope" by his parents became the theme song of the Winter Olympic torch relay, marking the highest achievement of the three generations of the Feng family's musical talent.

Behind them, several elderly elders have retired from the stage, but they have been supporting and witnessing the musical dreams of the couple and their son in their own way.

In those years, it was the four old people who resolutely went to Beijing from their distant hometown to form the "421 Family" to selflessly raise their grandchildren, so that Feng Xiaoquan and his wife were able to devote themselves to their careers.

Now, although they have entered the final stage of their lives, they must be sincerely pleased and proud of the musical achievements of their children and grandchildren.

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