
It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

author:Running Xiao Liang

I never expected that the scenes in the previous martial arts fantasy TV series could be seen in reality.

- Wear a human skin mask and become another person!


Recently, the police arrested a man in Nanjing, who was wearing a lifelike old man's mask and trying to evade pursuit. It is reported that he has successfully stolen more than 100,000 yuan from the homes of four residents by wearing this old man's mask.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

This silicone mask, which can be faked and real, has become a tool of criminals and has attracted widespread attention.

The realistic effect of silicone masks makes people sigh at the progress of science and technology, but at the same time, it also brings social safety risks.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

The rise of silicone masks

Silicone masks were originally designed for film and television make-up and theatrical performances, and through a high-precision manufacturing process, these masks can very realistically mimic human facial features. Nowadays, with the improvement of production technology, these masks are becoming more and more common in the market, and the price is becoming more affordable. On some e-commerce platforms, many merchants are already serving under the slogan of "private customization" that can provide masks and hoods, and the core selling point is "ultra-realistic" and "simulated customization", and even face masks can be made according to the appearance of celebrities. Depending on the complexity and difficulty of the mask, the price varies from 3,000 to tens of thousands of yuan.

However, some criminals have taken a fancy to this and used it to evade the law and commit crimes.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

This ultra-realistic silicone mask was used in the Japanese TV series "Noble Detective", which not only has vivid details and textures, but also has no sense of disobedience after being applied to the face.

This is another wake-up call for legal security.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish
It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Case Analysis

During an operation, the Nanjing police found an elderly man with abnormal behavior. Upon further examination, the police were shocked to discover that the "old man" was actually a young man who was wearing an extremely realistic silicone mask. Not only is it almost impossible to distinguish between real and fake appearances, but even facial expressions can be imitated. Similar cases have occurred in other places, where people have used silicone masks to impersonate others to carry out criminal activities such as fraud and theft. Similar cases have occurred long ago.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Expert opinion

Regarding the use of silicone masks, security experts said: "If these masks are not controlled, they will pose a great threat to social security." Experts suggest that the relevant authorities should strengthen the supervision of silicone masks, especially the sales channels of masks. At the same time, the public should also be vigilant and report to the police in time when encountering suspicious situations.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

The dilemma of Taobao merchants

With the exposure of this problem, silicone mask merchants on Taobao and other e-commerce platforms have also been impacted. Some merchants say that their products are mainly used for legitimate entertainment and artistic purposes, but they also have to admit that some customers do buy masks and use them for illegal purposes. In the face of this situation, merchants said that they would cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen the review of buyers to ensure that the products are not abused. Experts also said that it is recommended that buyers of such trading centers strengthen identity verification, purpose of use verification, etc., and report and review to the public security organs for realistic silicone masks.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

How to prevent silicone mask crimes

For ordinary citizens, how to identify and prevent silicone mask crimes has become particularly important.

First of all, be vigilant, especially in public places, such as banks, shopping malls, etc., and pay attention to the people around you. If you find that someone behaves abnormally, especially if their appearance and actions do not match, you can call the police in time.

Secondly, the government and relevant departments should strengthen publicity to raise the public's awareness and prevention awareness of silicone mask crimes.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish
It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Nowadays, ordinary people are generally skeptical of such face masks, not only believing that they are dangerous, but also easy to disturb the otherwise peaceful social environment.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Therefore, this hidden danger must be cut off at the beginning.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish
It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish
It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Finally, the development of science and technology has brought us convenience and new challenges.

Although the emergence of silicone masks has a positive effect in the field of entertainment and art, its potential threat to criminal activities cannot be ignored. Each and every one of us should be vigilant and work together to maintain the security and stability of society.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

Through the analysis of this phenomenon, we not only see the two sides of technology, but also realize the importance of strengthening supervision and prevention. I hope that in the future, we will be able to enjoy the convenience brought by technology while building a safer social environment.

It can be confused with the real! Silicone face masks have become a criminal tool, experts have qualified, and e-commerce sellers have to finish

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