
Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

Shenzhen, a city famous for its food, has recently attracted a veteran gourmet. He specially went to Wang Xiaofei's new restaurant, the first store of Ma Liuji, to explore the celebrity's new catering work. After 90 minutes of waiting in line, he finally got his wish. However, his assessment was a big surprise. "But to be honest, I don't think there's really any need to wait in line for 90 minutes for this meal." He said that this sentence immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

In the restaurant, the gourmand first tasted a dish of Mao Xuewang. However, the performance of this dish disappointed him. "Mao Xuewang, it is a pre-made dish, not too fresh and authentic." He commented helplessly. As a gourmand with a wealth of culinary experience, he is obviously very sensitive to pre-made dishes, and this has become one of the main reasons for his dissatisfaction with Ma Liu Kee.

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

Next, he tasted the boiled fish. Although the dish is a classic in many Sichuan restaurants, Ma Liuji's boiled fish failed to capture his taste buds. "Boiled fish, well... How to say it, the taste is average, and the more you eat it, the more salty it feels, and there are a lot of bean sprouts. This comment makes people wonder, is Wang Xiaofei really building his restaurant with heart?

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

In the end, this gourmand couldn't help but compare Ma Liuji with the beautiful Jiangnan that Zhang Lan once ran. "To be honest, I don't think Wang Xiaofei's Ma Liuji really can't compare with the beautiful Jiangnan that his mother Zhang Lan once opened.

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

The taste and quality of South Beauty are first-class, and in comparison, Ma Liuji is a little inferior. These words undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Ma Liuji. South Beauty once won the love of diners with its high quality and unique flavor, but Ma Liuji's performance was disappointing.

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

Regarding the evaluation of the gourmet, netizens also expressed their opinions. Some netizens agreed, believing that Ma Liuji's dishes really need to be improved. Netizen "Snack Goods" commented: "I also tried it, and I feel that the taste is really average, especially Mao Xuewang, which is not very fresh." Another netizen "food expert" added: "The boiled fish is indeed too salty, and there are too many bean sprouts, and I don't feel careful enough." ”

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

However, there are also some netizens who defended Ma Liuji. Netizen "Food Explorer" said: "It may be that the taste of the gourmets is too picky, I think the environment and service of Ma Liuji are very good, although the taste is not top-notch, but it is also good." Another netizen "Sichuan cuisine lover" believes: "Pre-made dishes are already very common in modern catering, as long as the taste is good, there is no need to be demanding." ”

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

For the future development of Ma Liuji, experts in the catering industry also gave suggestions. "The core of the catering industry is the quality and taste of the dishes. As a public figure, Wang Xiaofei should pay more attention to the details of the restaurant and improve the freshness and authenticity of the dishes. He also suggested: "In the process of operation, you can listen to the opinions of diners and make continuous improvements, so as to be invincible in the highly competitive catering market." ”

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

In general, this senior gourmet's evaluation of Ma Liuji undoubtedly gave Wang Xiaofei a warning. Although Ma Liuji has attracted many diners with the help of Wang Xiaofei's fame, in order to gain a foothold in the catering industry, it is also necessary to work the quality and taste of the dishes. For consumers, they are more willing to pay for a truly delicious meal than to wait 90 minutes for a disappointing experience.

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

Have you ever been to the first store of Ma Liuji? What about your experience? Feel free to share your views and suggestions in the comment area, let's discuss this topic together and contribute ideas to improve the quality of catering!

Senior gourmand detective Ma Liuji gave an evaluation: The taste is average, and there are many prefabricated dishes, which are not as good as Xiaochuan restaurants

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