
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives

author:Linxia County Rong Media Center

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on "Measures to Create New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivate New Growth Points for Consumption".

Notification Essentials

● Accelerate the formulation and improvement of relevant standards for the prefabricated food and dairy industry, standardize the labeling of reconstituted milk, and encourage the production of liquid milk from fresh milk.

● Promote the intelligent upgrade of food and beverage takeaway ordering and delivery, encourage personalized recommendations based on historical orders, dietary restrictions and preferences, and promote unmanned delivery in places where conditions permit.

● Continue to optimize entry and exit policies and measures, and actively study the increase in the number of countries with visa-free transit policies.

● Promote the construction of fitness venues such as sports parks and fitness centers for the whole people, create a number of high-quality outdoor sports destinations, and guide and expand sports and leisure consumption.

● Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to relax restrictions on vehicle purchases and issue additional vehicle purchase targets.

● Steadily promote the commercial operation of autonomous driving, and create new scenarios for high-level intelligent driving.

● Carry out the pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for smart vehicles.

● Focusing on facilitating the replacement of urban and rural residents, improve the recycling system of waste household appliances, promote the trade-in of household appliances, and encourage local and enterprise organizations to carry out a series of activities such as preferential promotions to promote the renewal of household appliances.

● Encourage the provision of full-day care, hourly care and other types of childcare services.

The full text is as follows:

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on measures to create new consumption scenarios and cultivate new growth points for consumption

Development and Reform Employment [2024] No. 840

To all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan, the Development and Reform Commission of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Agriculture and Rural (Agriculture and Animal Husbandry) Departments (Bureaus, Commissions), the competent departments of commerce, the Departments (Bureaus) of Culture and Tourism, and the Market Supervision Bureaus (Departments and Commissions):

In order to cultivate and expand new growth points of consumption and promote the steady growth of consumption, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and units, has studied and formulated the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points of Consumption". It is hereby issued to you, and you are requested to conscientiously implement it in the light of reality.

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs


Ministry of Culture and Tourism

State Administration for Market Regulation

June 13, 2024

Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives
Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives

A picture to understand丨Measures to create new consumption scenarios and cultivate new growth points for consumption

Encourage cities with purchase restrictions to increase the issuance of car purchase indicators, and accelerate the formulation and improvement of prefabricated food standards...... 17 latest initiatives

Source: National Development and Reform Commission website

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