
Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

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Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

The 17-year-old rising star Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and fainted during the game, and eventually passed away.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

The news not only left his family and friends devastated, but also shocked the entire sports world.

Do you remember Zhang Zhijie? The young man who did his best on the field and sweated it.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

He has shown extraordinary talent in badminton since he was a child, and after years of hard training, he finally had the opportunity to show his strength at this tournament.

Who would have thought that all this would come to an abrupt end in an instant?

Zhang Zhijie, a young athlete full of potential, his story was supposed to be an inspirational legend, but fate gave him and us an incomparably heavy blow at his most glorious moment.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Zhang Zhijie's sudden death is not only his personal tragedy,

His parents are also badminton fans, so Xiao Zhijie picked up a racket from a very young age and started his badminton journey.

At that time, who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary child would become a rising star in the future?

Zhang Zhijie's talent was shown early.

On the school's badminton team, he was always the fastest runner and the tallest jumper.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

The coaches also praised him and felt that he had a special hard work.

So, Zhang Zhijie began more systematic training.

In order to realize his badminton dream, he gave up almost all his entertainment time and soaked in the training gym all day.

For him, playing is not only a sport, but also a belief.

However, fate always likes to play jokes.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Just when everyone thought he would win, he suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness.

The paramedics at the scene immediately rushed to give first aid, but, despite the silent prayers of everyone, he did not survive and finally left us forever.

As soon as this news came out, the entire network instantly exploded.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Everyone can't believe it, how could this young and promising young player suddenly die in the game? After the doctor's initial diagnosis, it may be due to heart problems caused by overwork.

Thinking about it, it is true that athletes like Zhang Zhijie train with great intensity and pressure, and if they are not careful, their bodies may not be able to bear it.

Zhang Zhijie's death has aroused widespread concern about the health of young athletes.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

In fact, not only Zhang Zhijie, but also many young athletes have made unimaginable efforts and sweat in order to realize their dreams.

They spend every day training intensively in order to shine on the field.

But shouldn't we pay more attention to their health? Dreams are important, but the body is the capital!

Zhang Zhijie's family is of course in a heavy mood.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

They looked at the young Zhang Zhijie, who should have been a sunny future, but died suddenly, and they must have been very sad in their hearts.

Not only do they grieve the loss of their loved ones, but they are also angry because they can't accept such an outcome.

This makes one wonder if medical protection could have been different.

This incident has also sparked widespread discussion in society.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Everyone began to pay attention to the medical security issue in the event, and believed that the first-aid facilities and rescue measures on the site should be improved.

For example, is there a sufficient number of first responders and equipment on the field? Are they fast enough? These are very important questions.

Some people believe that if Zhang Zhijie could have been given CPR or other emergency measures more quickly when he fell to the ground, perhaps he would have had a chance of life.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

However, there are also those who disagree.

They believe that although it is always easy to say "what if" afterwards, in the face of unexpected situations at the competition site, the medical staff have done their best.

After all, on-site medical coverage, although inevitably has some limitations, is still basically in line with international standards.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

These opinions were divided into different opinions, and for a time public opinion was in an uproar.

Let's analyze how important CPR and AED are to emergency treatment.

CPR is like a life-saving straw, which can maintain cardiopulmonary function by compressing the chest and performing artificial respiration in the absence of a pulse or breathing, so that the rescued person has a better chance of survival.

The AED is a miracle of modern medical equipment, which can restore the normal beating of the heart through electric shock in cardiac arrest.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Although the medical staff arrived in time, the CPR or AED was not administered immediately, which also greatly reduced the effectiveness of the treatment.

This situation has sparked widespread questions and discussions about the medical coverage of the event.

Of course, some people also believe that healthcare workers may also be affected by various restrictions and conditions when faced with unexpected situations.

After all, dealing with emergencies on the spot requires making correct judgments and responses in a short period of time, which is by no means an easy task.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

But in any case, we always want to do the best we can in terms of medical care, especially for the athletes who are struggling on the field.

It is generally believed that the on-site emergency response is not timely and effective.

The lack of necessary first aid measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) at critical moments has led to the loss of golden time for treatment.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

On social media, many netizens bluntly said: "This is not scientific! Didn't even use CPR and AED? "How could you miss the best time to save people? These remarks reflect the public's strong concern and dissatisfaction with the event's medical coverage.

What's more, netizens began to call for someone to take responsibility for this tragedy.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

They believe that both the event organizers and the medical team should deeply reflect and investigate the incident, find out the problem, and take effective measures to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again.

This public outcry has also prompted relevant departments and organizations to put forward higher requirements for medical emergency preparedness for the event.

Behind this sadness and controversy, we have also seen progress and increased attention in society.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

More and more people are paying attention to the health and safety of athletes in sporting events, not only as a sign of respect for the athletes themselves, but also as a reflection of the overall sportsmanship.

In the future, we hope to see stricter safety management regulations, more professional medical teams and facilities, and more timely and effective first aid and treatment measures.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death! The Badminton Association responded that the Asian Badminton Federation will face huge compensation, and the Olympic champion spoke out

Only in this way can we truly protect every young person who struggles and struggles in the competition, so that they can show their talents and dreams in a safe and healthy environment.

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