
After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

author:Mimi said entertainment
After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Recently, a ridiculous incident happened on the Beijing subway.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Here's how it happened: One day, an old man and a young woman got on a bar on the subway.

The old man insisted on asking the young woman to give him his seat, but the woman refused, which ignited the old man's powder keg.

The reason for this is actually quite simple.

On that day, there were not many people in the subway, but the seats were also tight.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

As soon as the old man got into the car, he stared at the young woman sitting in front of him, probably thinking that he was too old to give up his seat.

He coughed twice, and the meaning was very clear: girl, give the old man a seat.

As a result, the young woman glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I've been standing for a day, and I need to rest." ”

Hearing this, the old man couldn't hold his face a little and felt that he had been given a cold reception.

He tried to say a few more words, saying that he was old, his legs were weak, and he needed a seat to rest.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

However, the woman still insisted on her opinion, saying that she also had her own reasons.

She didn't want to explain more, but said lightly that she also had difficulties.

Now the old man was really angry, his face was flushed, and he felt that he had been swept away in front of everyone.

He began to shout loudly, attracting the attention of the passengers around him.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

The old man's temper grew bigger and bigger, and his speech became more and more impulsive, even with a hint of threat.

However, the young woman remained calm, believing that she had done nothing wrong, and had no intention of backing down.

The old man was even more angry when he heard this, this was not ordinary anger, but the kind of anger that could be heard throughout the subway.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Not only did he refuse to give up, but he also wanted to make things bigger, and began to shout loudly in the carriage: "Look, this little girl dares to openly violate the law and not give up her seat to the old man, it is simply bold!" As soon as these words came out, the passengers in the carriage began to look sideways at the two confrontations, and some even took out their mobile phones to take videos.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was almost over, the old man actually made a move.

While waving the cane in his hand, he tried to grab the girl's arm, and even tried to take her to the police station.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

The girl was frightened, and struggled with her hands, shouting, "Let go of me!" There's a kind of don't do it! This scene really made the whole subway jump, and the surrounding passengers also stepped forward to stop the old man's behavior.

The police finally arrived at the scene, took the old man and the girl aside, and began to understand the situation.

The old man explained what he had done, claiming that the girl's actions had broken the law, and the girl cried and told her what had happened to her.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

After listening patiently, the police gave the old man some education and warned him not to be rude in public.

The girl was reassured and protected, and the police said they would investigate the matter further.

As soon as this incident spread, it quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Netizens expressed their opinions, some supported the elderly, believing that the rights of the elderly should be respected; There are also those who are on the side of young people, arguing that they should not be forced to give up their seats.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

More people commented from a humorous point of view, saying that the old man was a "warrior who pursued seats" and that the girl was "an anti-epidemic elf in the subway".

In any case, this incident shows us a phenomenon: public places, especially in the subway, are supposed to be places of mutual understanding, but sometimes a small thing can cause a big commotion.

I hope that in the future subway journey, everyone can stay calm and deal with similar situations rationally, so as to avoid small frictions from turning into big conflicts.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

After hearing the news, the Beijing traffic police rushed to the scene and "took away" the old man.

However, the old man was a little uncompetitive, and shouted in the process of arresting, saying that the girl had violated the law and had to go to the police station with her to settle accounts.

As a result, the traffic police did not be polite to him, and took him directly to the police station and threw him into the detention room.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Now the old man was dumbfounded, thinking that shouting a few words loudly could suppress the matter, but he didn't expect that he would make things worse and worse.

As soon as the whole incident spread, netizens began to discuss it again, some said that the old man deserved it, and some felt that this situation should not be rude.

What's more, they began to joke that the old man was "the metro version of the terminator", or that "the old man has a little devil hidden in his temple".

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

The police later issued a statement, saying that the old man's behavior was a serious violation of the law, and that if he made trouble in a public place, he would have to bear the consequences.

They investigated and educated the old man at the police station before finally releasing him.

The young girl was also protected and supported by the police, and although she experienced a shock, she was fortunately not hurt too much.

The old man's family is also at a loss, especially his daughter.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

She originally expected the old man to come out and reflect well, but she didn't expect the old man to be so stubborn, which simply added fuel to the fire.

The daughter persuaded him repeatedly, but the old man still refused to listen, feeling that he was wronged and had done nothing wrong.

As soon as this incident came out, not only the old man's family was uneasy, but even social media began to discuss it.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Some people support the old man and feel that the police have overhandled it; Some people think that the old man is not sensible and should admit his mistakes and correct them.

The comments of netizens are varied, some people say that the old man is "iron-hearted and does not admit it", "he is caught and dissatisfied"; Some people also joked that the old man "announced another 300 rounds of fighting as soon as he was released from prison".

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

In the end, the police could only give the old man a warning, hoping that he would change his attitude and not make trouble again.

But the old man remained unmoved, insisting that he was a victim, and felt that the balance of justice was in favor of the other party.

This kind of controversy, there is no conclusion for a while, it can only make people sigh, sometimes they are arguing, hot-headed, and they can really do anything.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

The whole incident was not only hotly discussed on social media, but also became a topic of conversation among colleagues after dinner.

Some people discussed the appropriateness of the police's handling of the situation, while others commented on the attitudes of the old men and young people.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

Someone else humorously said: "The old man's play is more exciting than the TV series, and I can't see our group of passers-by crying and laughing." ”

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

In short, this "old man wants a seat" incident is not only an individual case, but also a social topic.

It reflects people's perceptions and attitudes towards norms of behaviour in public places, and also provokes deep reflection on age, etiquette, and the enforcement of the law.

After being detained for 7 days with a cane and asking for a seat, the old man said with a fierce look in his eyes that I was not wrong

I hope that in the future, when we encounter similar situations, we can deal with them calmly, respect each other, and jointly maintain social harmony and order.

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