
"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

author:Carbon Chief Entertainment
"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

On June 30 this year, He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming suddenly became the focus of public attention, and he publicly admitted that he had remarried, and the news quickly became a hot search.

In the face of public attention, He Ziming posted a response on social platforms, saying that he was just an ordinary person, and he was not as glamorous as everyone imagined. He said that in fact, he is an ordinary actor, and he has to face all kinds of trivial matters and family pressure every day, and life is not as simple as the outside world imagines.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens commented: "This is too real, celebrities also have an ordinary side, it's not easy." Someone else joked: "It turns out that celebrities also have to support their families, and their lives are not easier than ours." ”

Some fans who care about him have left messages to express their support and understanding, and some netizens left a message saying: "He Ziming is right, everyone has their own lives and difficulties, and I hope he can live a happy life." Another fan wrote: "Seeing him so candid, I feel closer to him." ”

"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations about this, believing that the life of celebrities should be glamorous and glamorous, and they should not complain about the difficulty of life like ordinary people. Someone commented: "As public figures, they should make a difference, not appeal on social platforms." ”

He Ziming also specially added in the comment area: "The original intention of me to post this original video is to share my recent life with people who care about me, and I hope you don't take it out of context and don't bother others." He stressed that he wants to share his real life with his fans in this way, rather than chasing vanity and hype.

On the whole, He Ziming's remarks sparked extensive discussions and repercussions, and many people praised his sincerity and frankness, believing that this kind of true attitude could move people's hearts more. And his cherishing of his family and attitude towards ordinary life have also made more people see the real side behind the stars.

Looking back on 2004, He Ziming made his debut as the host in Chongqing TV's variety show "Natural Pair", which quickly attracted the attention of the audience. He showed a variety of artistic talents in the show, both in terms of humor and professional handling of the show, which impressed the audience.

"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

After the show was broadcast, He Ziming's performance immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens commented: "His hosting style at that time was really unique and refreshing. Another netizen said: "He Ziming's sense of humor and affinity make the show look more lively and interesting." ”

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations about his performance. One viewer believed: "As a rookie host, although his performance is good, there is still room for improvement." Another person mentioned: "His hosting style is more lively and suitable for certain types of shows, but it may not be quite suitable for the tastes of all audiences." ”

He Ziming mentioned in an interview: ""Natural Pair" is an important starting point for my hosting career, and that experience has taught me a lot and laid the foundation for my career. He recalls the highlights of the show and says, "The audience at the time reacted unexpectedly, which made me more motivated to explore more ways to express myself." ”

This experience not only showcased He Ziming's hosting potential, but also laid a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry. His unique charm and professional attitude have won the love and recognition of many audiences, and at the same time, he has also inspired him to continue to improve and innovate in his career.

"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

In a released video, He Ziming confessed that he is not only an actor, but also an ordinary person who must face various challenges and family responsibilities in real life. In the video, he showed a warm and happy life scene with his current wife and children, allowing netizens to see his ordinary and real side in private.

After the video was released, many netizens left messages to express their support and gratitude to He Ziming. Someone commented: "Seeing the way he lives his life, I feel that he is no different from us ordinary people, and he has the same family responsibilities." Another netizen said: "He Ziming's true attitude is very admirable, and celebrities also have their own families and troubles." ”

However, there are also some netizens who have different opinions on He Ziming's remarks. A netizen believes: "As a public figure, he should show more success and glamorous side, rather than telling about the difficulties of life on a public platform." Others expressed concern: "Is this kind of exposure to private life appropriate?" Will it put unnecessary stress on his family? ”

He Ziming further explained in the video comment section: "I hope that in this way, everyone can see my real life, instead of pursuing vanity and superficial glamour. Family is the most important support for me, and I am willing to share this happiness. He emphasized that he is not trying to show off, but wants to build a closer connection with fans through sharing.

Overall, this video of He Ziming has sparked a deep reflection and discussion among the public about the authenticity behind the lives of celebrities. His frankness and sincerity have won the recognition and respect of many people, and have also sparked discussions about celebrity privacy protection and public transparency. Such a revelation of his private life made He Ziming more affinity among fans and showed a unique star image.

"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

He Ziming affectionately described his current wife as an ordinary person, especially in the most difficult moments of his life, she accompanied and supported him, and even quit her job to take care of him. He has a deep affection for his wife, promising to love her with all his heart and mind, and emphasizing the respect, trust, and joint efforts between the two.

Looking back at He Ziming's relationship with He Jie, it began in 2012, when the two met because they participated in a show together. In 2013, they got married and held a grand wedding in Beijing, when their happy family became the focus of public attention. They have a son and a daughter, the son is named "Qibao", and the daughter is called "Baomei", and the small family life seems to be happy.

However, at the end of 2016, the sudden news surprised fans - He Ziming and He Jie announced their official divorce. The news sparked widespread discussion and lamentation on social media. Some netizens sighed: "They looked so sweet at the beginning, but I didn't expect to separate in the end." Another netizen said: "Marriage is not easy, they may have their own difficulties and considerations." ”

When facing the decision to divorce, He Ziming revealed: "This is our common choice, we respect each other's decision, and continue to support each other as friends." Although this failed marriage is embarrassing, it also allows them to move on to a new life.

He Ziming hopes that the public can understand his life choices, and calls for not taking quotes out of context and interfering with the lives of others. He emphasized the importance of family to him and the fact that he was also pursuing his own happiness and stability in the lives of ordinary people.

"He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admits to remarriage" is on the hot search! My response: Don't disturb others......

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