
Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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Uncle Wang, an experienced chef who had retired and enjoyed a leisurely life at home, felt a little unwell one day, so he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

In the corridor of the hospital, Uncle Wang waited in line for examination, and he saw the patients around him, some of them were pale and some of them looked anxious, which made him a little worried. Finally, it was his turn, and he entered the examination room.

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

The doctor looked at Uncle Wang's medical records, then asked with a smile, "Uncle Wang, how is your health lately?" ”

Uncle Wang frowned and said, "Recently, I always feel a little tired, my appetite is not good, and I sometimes feel bloated after eating." ”

The doctor nodded and said, "Let's do a full examination first and see what the situation is." ”

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

After a series of examinations, the results came out, and the doctor carefully looked at the report and found that Uncle Wang's blood lipids and uric acid were high. The doctor frowned slightly and said, "Uncle Wang, your blood lipids and uric acid are a little high, which may be a dietary problem." ”

Uncle Wang listened and was a little puzzled: "But I don't usually eat anything particularly bad." ”

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

The doctor explained: "In fact, many people don't know that some foods that we think are very common can actually have adverse health effects when the body's metabolic ability decreases as we get older, for example, duck meat is one of them. ”

Uncle Wang asked in surprise, "Duck meat?" I've always liked to eat duck and think it's healthier than pork. ”

The doctor smiled and said: "Many people have this misconception, duck meat is indeed delicious and nutritious, but it is high in fat, especially subcutaneous fat, if eaten regularly, it will lead to increased blood lipids and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease."

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

"Especially for people over 50 years old, the metabolic ability is reduced, and excessive intake of fat from duck meat is not easy to digest and metabolize."

Uncle Wang nodded, thoughtful. The doctor continued: "Not only duck meat, but also some offal foods, such as liver, which are also rich in cholesterol and fat.

If you consume too much, it can also have adverse effects on the body. ”

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

Uncle Wang asked with some concern: "Then what should I do?" These are all things that I usually like to eat. ”

The doctor comforted him and said: "Don't worry too much, it's not that you can't eat it at all, but you should eat it in moderation, and you can usually eat more white meat, such as chicken and fish, which are relatively low in fat and more beneficial to the body."

At the same time, eat more fruits and vegetables to maintain a balanced diet. ”

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

Uncle Wang nodded in agreement and decided to adjust his eating habits after returning home.

After returning home, Uncle Wang discussed with his wife and decided to adjust his diet from today. His wife was also very supportive, so they went to the market together and bought some fresh chicken, fish and various fruits and vegetables.

A few months later, Uncle Wang came to the hospital again for a follow-up. The doctor saw his examination report and said with satisfaction: "Uncle Wang, your blood lipids and uric acid have dropped, it seems that you have really adjusted your diet, and the effect is obvious." ”

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

Uncle Wang said happily: "Yes, thank you for your reminder, doctor, now I feel much more relaxed and my appetite is much better." ”

The doctor smiled and said, "That's good, keep this kind of eating habits, and your body will get healthier and healthier." ”

Uncle Wang left the hospital and felt a sense of relief in his heart. He understands that health is not only about what you eat, but also how you eat, and that moderation and balance are the key.

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

This story tells us that as we age, our body's metabolic capacity gradually declines, and many foods may not be harmful to the body when we are young, but when we are older, excessive intake can have a negative impact on health.

Although duck meat and some offal foods are delicious and nutritious, for people over 50 years old, they need to be consumed in moderation to avoid health problems caused by improper diet.

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

In our lives, in addition to duck meat and offal, some other high-fat, high-cholesterol foods also need to be paid attention to.

For example, fatty meats, cream cakes, fried foods, etc., although these foods are delicious, if consumed in excess, can increase blood lipid and cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Maintaining a healthy diet is not only to prevent disease, but also to keep our bodies in good shape in old age.

Should you stay away from duck over 50? The doctor said bluntly: If you don't want to be sent to the hospital, don't eat 2 kinds of meat easily

Eating more fruits and vegetables, eating a moderate amount of high-quality protein, and reducing the intake of high-fat foods are all important principles of a healthy diet.

Through Uncle Wang's story, we can see that timely adjustment of dietary habits has a positive impact on health.

In daily life, we must also learn to eat scientifically, pay attention to our body changes, and make timely adjustments in order to have a healthy body and a happy life.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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