
actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

author:Quack quack to see the world

Xu Yajun's acting career began in Handan, Hebei. Influenced by his parents, he showed extraordinary intelligence from an early age. At the age of 12, Xu Yajun was admitted to the children's drama performance class of the Central Academy of Drama, laying the foundation for his acting career.

Before the age of 20, he graduated from school and successfully entered the Beijing Children's Art Theater. The young, handsome and talented Xu Yajun soon became a "male god" in the theater, attracting the attention of many girls.

The turning point of his acting career was when he starred in "Looking for the World Back" under the recommendation of his colleague Song Dandan. With his handsome appearance, Xu Yajun appeared on the cover of "Popular Movie" in one fell swoop and won the title of "National Male God".

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

His popularity has risen sharply, his mailbox is filled with love letters from fans, and he will be surrounded by fans every time he goes out, which shows how charming he was at that time. During this period, Xu Yajun's career can be said to be thriving, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Xu Yajun's first marriage began at the Beijing Children's Art Theatre. Here, he met his first love wife, Huang Jianping, an actor who was born as a dancer. Huang Jianping has a good temperament, especially a pair of long legs that directly attracted Xu Yajun's attention.

The two are about the same age, they are colleagues and friends, and they naturally came together. In those days, marriage was mostly urged by the family. So, with the help of both parents, the two soon got married.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

After marriage, they were both busy with their respective careers, and Huang Jianping had some physical conditions, so they were not in a hurry to have children. However, just as Xu Yajun's career was booming, a bad news broke the happiness of the family.

Huang Jianping was found to have cancer. Although Xu Yajun took out all his net worth and stayed by his wife's side every day, he still failed to save his wife's life in the end. Huang Jianping's death plunged Xu Yajun into deep grief, which once affected his work status, and he couldn't even enter the role.

Although this marriage was short-lived, it left a deep mark on Xu Yajun. Xu Yajun's second marriage began with an actress named Zhang Ya. Zhang Si is not only beautiful, but also very gentle.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

After learning about the love story of Xu Yajun and Huang Jianping, she was moved by Xu Yajun's infatuation, and took the initiative to come together with him despite the opposition of her family. The two are both actors and have a common topic, and their married life was once happy.

However, the good times were short-lived. separated from each other due to their respective filming, and the long-term separation led to the gradual fading of the relationship. At this time, Xu Yajun met He Qing, who was known as "Jiangnan American", while filming "Wind and Lotus Resentment".

Xu Yajun was deeply attracted to He Qing, and the two soon fell in love because of the play. In the end, Xu Yajun's marriage with Zhang Wei came to an end. Immediately afterwards, Xu Yajun and He Qing quickly got married.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

Soon after marriage, the two had the crystallization of love, and in order to commemorate this love, they named the child "Xu He". Although his son Xu He is smart and sensible, this marriage has not lasted long.

Similar to their previous marriage, the two got together less and separated more due to filming, and their relationship gradually drifted apart. In the end, this marriage also ended in divorce, becoming Xu Yajun's third marriage. The experience of these two marriages made Xu Yajun think more deeply about love and marriage, and also prepared him to meet true love in the future.

Xu Yajun's fourth and last marriage began on the filming site of "Our Educated Youth Era". Here, he met Zhang Shu, who was 12 years younger than him.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

The young and beautiful Zhang Shu quickly won Xu Yajun's heart, but the age gap and his own child Xu He made him hesitate. However, the sensible Xu He did not object to his father's new relationship, but sincerely wished his father to find happiness.

After getting the support of his son, Xu Yajun began to pursue Zhang Shu with all his might. He even used flower petals to put a crooked heart in one night, although the method was old-fashioned, but it successfully touched Zhang Shu's heart.

After getting married, Xu Yajun seems to have found his true home. He began to pay his wages on time and became a "model of male virtue". Soon after their marriage, the two welcomed another son.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

After 14 years, their relationship is still as loving as ever. Xu Yajun is filming outside to make money, Zhang Shu is at home with his husband and children, and the family lives a happy life. Xu Yajun obeyed his wife's words, bought a house and a car for her, and constantly created small surprises.

This marriage allowed Xu Yajun to finally find the harbor of his soul, and it also proved that true love is worth waiting for. Although Xu Yajun's marriage experience has been tortuous, he has always maintained a sincere attitude towards every relationship.

Whether it is his first love wife Huang Jianping, or later Zhang Na and He Qing, Xu Yajun has paid sincerely. Even if the marriage did not last in the end, he did not become entangled or hated by his ex-wives.

actor Xu Yajun, who has failed to settle in 3 marriages, is willing to stay with his 12-year-old beautiful wife for life

This attitude reflects Xu Yajun's unique views on marriage and relationships. He believes that if it is suitable, it will be together, if it is not suitable, it will be separated, and if you meet the right person, you will stay together for life.

This chic and open-minded attitude towards life allowed him to face his past marriage calmly, and also paved the way for him to finally find true love.

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