
actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

author:Quack quack to see the world

In 1991, while Yu Hewei was working in the Fushun Repertory Theatre, fate arranged a life-changing encounter for him. One day, he happened to see a beautiful girl rehearsing a dance through the window, that is, Song Linjing, who would become his life partner in the future.

Yu Hewei was instantly attracted by her beauty, and secretly made up his mind to pursue this girl. From that day on, Yu Hewei began his "Wait for the Rabbit" plan. Every day after work, he would rush to the bus platform where Song Linjing was taking the bus, hoping to take a second look at her and attract her attention.

However, at first, Song Linjing was not interested in this relentless young man, and always turned a blind eye. But Yu Hewei was not discouraged, but became more and more energetic. By chance, he learned that the juniors of Song Linjing's family wanted to enter the Children's Palace to study and needed to hire a tutor.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

Yu Hewei immediately seized this rare opportunity and took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as a tutor, so as to gain more time to contact Song Linjing. In this way, Yu Hewei and Song Linjing entered into a sweet love.

This love, which began with love at first sight and went through a sincere pursuit, laid a solid emotional foundation for them to spend their lives together in the future. In 1994, in order to stay with Yu Hewei for a long time, Song Linjing made a decision to change the fate of the two.

She resolutely took the exam and was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy's directing class. This choice not only reflects her deep love for Hewei, but also paves the way for the future of the two.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

In the days when they were studying in dramas, although Yu Hewei and Song Linjing could not always be by each other's side, they maintained this long-distance relationship with sincere feelings. Song Linjing became Yu Hewei's most solid backing, giving him unlimited support and encouragement when he encountered setbacks, and constantly injecting positive energy into him when he was depressed.

And Yu Hewei did not live up to Song Linjing's expectations. He repaid his lover's dedication and waiting with excellent academic performance. During his time at school, Yu Hewei worked hard to enrich himself, and carefully prepared for the future of the two with the sweat of youth and his dedication to love.

He knows very well that only by making himself better can he be worthy of Song Linjing's love. Whenever they come home from vacation, the two will snuggle up tightly together, telling how much they miss each other.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

Yu Hewei would gaze affectionately into Song Linjing's eyes and say to her sincerely: "We will eventually walk side by side to the pinnacle of life." This sentence is not only a vision for the future, but also a commitment to each other.

During this period of study, Song Linjing not only had to take care of her studies, but also tried her best to support Yu Hewei's studies. She was frugal, and selflessly dedicated most of her monthly income to Yu Hewei, leaving only a few dozen yuan of living expenses for herself.

This kind of selfless dedication deeply moved Yu Hewei and made their feelings deeper. Two years later, in 1996, Yu Hewei and Song Linjing finally graduated from the show.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

With a vision for the future and trust in each other, they stepped on the stage of chasing their dreams hand in hand. This period of common struggle not only made their love stronger and stronger through the test, but also laid a solid foundation for them to face the ups and downs of life together in the future.

In 1996, Yu Hewei graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy with enthusiasm and immediately joined the Nanjing Military Region Frontline Repertory Troupe. He was full of longing, thinking that his acting career would be smooth sailing from now on.

However, reality gave him a slap in the face. Once during the period of studying in dramas, Yu Hewei often played the leading role in dramas, and his income was considerable, and he could earn a high salary of 1,500 yuan in one episode.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

But after graduating, he could only take on some small roles with a meager salary, and even fell into the dilemma of only playing a trick. His income plummeted, and sometimes he was paid a measly 200 yuan for a role.

Such a huge gap is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the arrogant Yu Hewei. He felt more lost and anxious than ever, and his mood became gloomy and heavy.

Once upon a time, he was still a popular figure in the play, attracting the attention of thousands of people, but now he has plummeted and is depressed all day long. This huge contrast made Yu Hewei have the idea of giving up his acting career.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

In these difficult days, Song Linjing became Yu Hewei's strongest backing. Not only does she have to bear the financial burden of the family on her own, but she also has to soothe her husband's gloomy mood from time to time.

In the face of Hewei's self-doubt and loss, Song Linjing never complained. She tolerates and supports her husband with warm and pure love, and understands that his inner self-esteem has been hit multiple times.

Song Linjing always tried her best to encourage Yu Hewei to regain his confidence. She firmly believes that her husband's talent will eventually be recognized, but it just takes time and opportunity. Whenever Yu Hewei wanted to give up, Song Linjing would tell him gently but firmly: "I believe in you, you will definitely succeed."

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

This trust and support has become the biggest motivation for Yu Hewei to persevere in the trough. At the same time, Song Linjing also took on the responsibility of taking care of Yu Hewei's family. She selflessly dedicated most of her income to her family, leaving only a pitiful living allowance for herself.

She knows that Yu Hewei attaches great importance to his family, so she silently shares this burden for him, so that he can focus on his career without worries. It is with the solid city of Song Linjing that Yu Hewei was able to maintain his love and pursuit of acting in the most difficult period.

Later, recalling these difficult years, Yu Hewei often said with emotion that it was his wife's simple love and selfless tolerance that gave him the courage to start again.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

Although this trough period was difficult, it also made Yu Hewei cherish the efforts of the people around him more, and also made his relationship with Song Linjing deeper in the grinding. This lays a solid emotional foundation for them to face life's challenges together in the future.

During the trough of their careers, Yu Hewei and Song Linjing's lives were not easy. Despite his meager income, Yu Hewei still insists on saving part of it every month and sending it back to his rural hometown to support his elderly mother and eight older siblings who love him.

Every time he sent money home, Yu Hewei would attach a letter full of concern, sincerely asking about his mother's physical condition and recent life, and wishing those brothers and sisters all the best.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

For this family, even if Yu Hewei only sent back a few hundred yuan, it condensed all his filial piety and concern. Song Linjing fully understood her husband's filial piety, not only did she not complain, but took the initiative to contribute most of her income to her family.

She only left a meager living allowance for herself, and the rest was used to support her husband's filial piety. Song Linjing understands Yu Hewei's good intentions and how much he cares about his huge family, so she is considerate and tries to share this burden for him.

This kind of selfless dedication deeply touched Yu Hewei and made him cherish this relationship even more. Whenever he saw Song Lin silently supporting his actions, Yu Hewei would be deeply moved, and his love for her became stronger and stronger.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

During these difficult years, the two supported each other and got through the most difficult period. Although life is tight, they have never doubted their love for each other.

On the contrary, this experience made their relationship deeper, and also made Yu Hewei more grateful for his wife's dedication and understanding. In Hewei's eyes, Song Linjing is the most intimate intimate lover in the world.

She was not only his wife, but also the most reliable partner in his life. It is with Song Linjing's understanding and support that Yu Hewei can still maintain his sense of responsibility for his family and hope for the future in the most difficult period.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

This period of common struggle and mutual support not only made the love between Yu Hewei and Song Linjing stand the test, but also laid a solid emotional foundation for them to face the ups and downs of life together in the future.

Around 2008, Yu Hewei's career finally ushered in a turning point. He starred in many excellent film and television dramas such as "Drunk Gold Fans" and "Three Kingdoms" one after another, and his career began to get on the right track and entered a peak period.

At this critical moment, Song Linjing once again showed her selflessness and wisdom. She resolutely withdrew from the spotlight of the entertainment industry and took the initiative to transform into an unknown "housewife", taking care of the housework wholeheartedly and caring for her daughter's growth.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

Although she is far away from the stage of the entertainment industry, Song Linjing has not been idle. She is still as "filial" to her husband as she did in the past, taking good care of her mother-in-law who is over the age of age, and being considerate.

Every morning, she prepares a nutritious breakfast for the elderly, and at noon, she prepares a table of delicious hometown dishes. This kind of meticulous care made Yu Hewei deeply gratified, and also allowed him to devote himself to his career.

Not only that, Song Linjing also generously helped all the 8 brothers and sisters of her in-law's family to buy real estate, so that the two elderly people could enjoy their old age without worry.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

She interprets her persistent love for her family with practical actions, and will never let this huge family have the slightest crack. This kind of generosity and kindness not only won the praise of Yu's family, but also made Yu Hewei more grateful and cherished this virtuous helper.

And Yu Hewei's gratitude to her is from the heart. He understands that it is with the solid support of Song Linjing in the rear that he can devote himself to his career wholeheartedly, and finally won the well-deserved honor of "actor".

Without her silent dedication, there would be no brilliant achievements today. Whenever he mentioned his wife, Yu Hewei said in a sincere and respectful tone: "She is my half, my hero."

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

This sentence is not only an affirmation of Song Linjing's dedication, but also a cherishment of this deep feeling. It is Song Linjing's silent dedication and firm support over the years that has enabled Yu Hewei to focus on his acting career, constantly break through himself, and finally gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and become a high-profile powerful actor.

This achievement embodies the joint efforts and dedication of the husband and wife, and is the crystallization of their love that they never give up. In 2021, Yu Hewei ushered in the peak moment of his acting career.

With the release of the tribute drama "Awakening Age", he won the heavyweight award of "Magnolia Award for Best Actor" for his outstanding interpretation of the role of "Chen Duxiu" in the play.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

When the host read out the names of the winners, the audience burst into thunderous applause. Yu Hewei's eyes flashed with joy, his face was full of pride and sincerity, and he slowly walked onto the podium and took the heavy trophy.

At this glorious moment, Yu Hewei's mind couldn't help but recall the difficult years he had gone through with Song Linjing. He is deeply grateful to his wife for her silent dedication and unwavering support over the years, and it is her love and tolerance that has supported him through the trough of his life and finally climbed to the peak of his career.

Yu Hewei couldn't help but think that he would like to thank his wife and his brave self. Standing on the podium, Yu Hewei tried his best to stand up straight, humbly and sincerely thanked the audience, and his heart was full of endless happiness and gratitude.

actor Yu Hewei's wife: Paying for her husband's tuition, fulfilling her filial piety for him, and buying a house for her husband's 8 brothers and sisters

He looked at Song Linjing in the audience with the most sincere eyes, and solemnly promised: "No matter what happens in the future, we will love each other and walk hand in hand for the rest of our lives."

This moment is not only Yu Hewei's personal achievement, but also a testimony of the couple's joint efforts, and the crystallization of their love that they never give up. Yu Hewei knows that only by experiencing the low tide of life can he cherish the glory in his hands now and cherish the person around him who has been silently supporting him.

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