
Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling
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Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

In Happy Valley, Hong Kong in 2020, a seemingly ordinary couple attracted the attention of passers-by. 60-year-old Lo Kang-rui and 50-year-old Zhu Lingling walked hand in hand, elegant but unassuming.

They were dressed understated and tasteful, with Lo wearing a black suit and Zhu Lingling opting for a gray suit with a blue plaid scarf.

After a meal at the tea restaurant, the couple decided to go their separate ways. Zhu Lingling went to a ham shop, while Lo Kangrui chose a pastry shop. After the reunion, they continued to stroll the streets, stopping in front of a real estate company.

Luo Kangrui stared at the advertisements on the wall, lost in thought, while Zhu Lingling quietly accompanied him.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

Behind this ordinary scene, there is a legendary love story that spans 30 years. Why did Luo Kangrui, who was in the age of sixties, abandon his original partner and children, and insisted on marrying Zhu Lingling? What kind of twists and turns has this long-overdue love experienced? Let's uncover this touching love saga together.

In 1977, the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant was in full swing and attracted countless attention. This night is destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Hong Kong's entertainment.

On the stage, a young and beautiful woman shines brightly, she is Zhu Lingling.

Zhu Lingling conquered the audience with her stunning attitude. She wears a sparkling silver crystal crown and stylish wavy curls that flutter lightly with her movements. Dressed in a red robe of honor, it sets off her noble and elegant temperament.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

When she smiled with her white teeth, it was as if the whole venue was lit up. Without any suspense, Zhu Lingling won the laurels of the night.

The audience was full of celebrities from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Among them, two young rich sons are particularly eye-catching: Luo Kangrui and Huo Zhenting.

Luo Hongrui came from a prominent background and was the fourth son of Luo Yingshi, one of the "Ten Richest People in Hong Kong". Although he was at the bottom of the family, he did not give up on himself.

On the contrary, with his tenacious character, Luo Kangrui went to Australia to study, and completed his studies while working and studying. After returning from his studies, he borrowed money from his father to found the Shui On Group and began his own entrepreneurial path.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

At this moment, his eyes followed closely on the radiant Zhu Lingling on the stage, and an indescribable throbbing surged in his heart.

However, fate seems to have played a joke on Lo. Also attracted to Zhu Lingling is Huo Zhenting, the eldest son of the Huo family. As the core figure of the family, Huo Zhenting has unique advantages.

Not only does he attract the attention of his family, but the whole family helps him pursue the woman he wants.

In this silent competition, Luo Kangrui felt powerless. Although he is also a rich second generation, his position in the family is far less important than that of Huo Zhenting. He even needs to borrow money from his father to start a business, let alone compete with Huo Zhenting.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

In the end, Zhu Lingling chose Huo Zhenting, who knew how to pursue her with heart and money. Luo Kangrui could only silently withdraw from this love competition, and embarked on his own life path with his admiration for Zhu Lingling.

However, this miss is not the end, but the beginning of a long story. The gears of fate quietly turned, laying the groundwork for a reunion in the future.

In 1978, Hong Kong's high society was boiling. The wedding of Zhu Lingling and Fok Zhenting was grandly held, and 360 tables of guests gathered together to witness the union of the couple.

At the wedding scene, Zhu Lingling was radiant, wearing a delicate bridal garland on her head, white lace gloves on her hands, and a charming smile on the corner of her mouth. Huo Zhenting was dressed in a straight black suit, although it was slightly dim under Zhu Lingling's dazzling light, but the status of "son of a wealthy businessman" added a bit of dignity to him.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

However, a careful observer may notice some subtle dissonances. Although Zhu Lingling's smile is perfect, it has a hint of professionalism, as if she deliberately maintains an expression in front of the camera.

Huo Zhenting always maintained a serious expression, and his expression was restrained and deep. Behind this seemingly perfect wedding, there seems to be a hidden mystery.

There are even some indecent speculations in the market: some people say that Zhu Lingling agreed to this family affair because of the 10 million Hong Kong dollars dowry provided by Huo Zhenting; Some people also speculate that Huo Zhenting married Zhu Lingling just to pursue the honor of Sister Hong Kong and fulfill the responsibility of continuing the incense for the family.

These gossips surged in the social circle, casting a veil of mystery over the marriage.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

At the same time, another marriage also quietly unfolded. The lovelorn Luo Kangrui met He Jingjie at a low point in his life. He Jingjie's appearance was like a good medicine, soothing Luo Kangrui's injured heart.

Accompanied by He Jingjie, Luo Kangrui gradually walked out of the haze of broken love. Soon after, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

After getting married, Lo Kangrui devoted all his energy to his career and worked hard to expand the territory of Shui On Group. He seems to want to prove himself through the success of his career, and he may also want to fill the unfinished love in his heart.

He Jingjie silently supported her husband and created a warm family atmosphere for him.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

However, the years washed over the married life of the two couples, gradually revealing cracks. In 1991, the relationship between Luo Kangrui and He Jingjie was in crisis.

Lo began to wonder if he should end the marriage. At the same time, Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting's marriage also had problems in July 2000, which aroused widespread concern in the society.

Fate seems to be arranged in the dark, when the two marriages are facing crisis at the same time, the long-buried seed in Luo Kangrui's heart begins to sprout. He realized that maybe this was a second chance given to him by God to pursue the woman he had once loved but missed.

However, in the face of their imminent broken marriage, both Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling fell into a painful struggle. They have to weigh family responsibilities against personal well-being, and face the pressure of public opinion.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

This period became the most difficult time of their lives.

The fates of the two couples are wonderfully intertwined, laying the groundwork for the rest of the story. Where will this game of fate take them? The answer is still waiting to be revealed in the fog of the future.

In July 2000, an ordinary summer day became an important turning point in the lives of Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling. On this day, the news of the rift in the marriage between Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting was like a thunderbolt, causing an uproar in Hong Kong's high society.

This news is also like a key, opening the door to Luo Kangrui's long-sealed memory.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

When Luo Kangrui heard the news, his heart was stirred. The past came flooding back, and he recalled that bright night in 1977, Zhu Lingling's radiant appearance on the stage of the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, and the unforgettable love he had to give up.

Now, fate seems to have opened a door of opportunity for him once again.

However, the shackles of reality still tightly bind Lo Kangrui. He was caught in a deep conflict. On the one hand, he felt guilty about He Jingjie, after all, she accompanied him through the trough of her life and gave unlimited support; On the other hand, her feelings for Zhu Lingling are like a sleeping volcano, ready to move and may erupt at any time.

This year, Luo Kangrui began to appear frequently in various social occasions and secretly inquired about Zhu Lingling's news. He carefully kept his distance, not wanting to disturb Zhu Lingling's life, but also hoping to re-enter her life at the right time.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

Every time I hear a few words about Zhu Lingling, Luo Kangrui's heart beats faster, as if he has returned to the throbbing of his youth.

The gears of fate turned again, and the life trajectories of Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling began to slowly approach. This turning point became the starting point for them to redefine their lives.

Luo Kangrui began to seriously think about his marriage and future, and Zhu Lingling was also looking for a new way out of the predicament of marriage.

2000, a seemingly ordinary year, opened a new chapter in the story of Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling. How will their fate continue to develop? Does love give them a second chance? The answers to these questions will be revealed in the coming years.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

In 2001, Hong Kong's business community was shaken. The marriage of well-known entrepreneur Luo Kangrui and his wife He Jingjie came to an end. Although parting is always painful, Lo Kangrui chose the most decent way to end the relationship.

He not only gave He Jingjie generous financial compensation, but also arranged for someone to take care of her daily life. This way of dealing with it not only shows Lo Kangrui's gentlemanly demeanor, but also clears the way for him to pursue a new life.

At the same time, the marital entanglement between Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting also came to an end in 2005. After 27 years of married life, Zhu Lingling finally took off her glamorous coat and faced her true desires.

The end of this marriage was like a heavy burden being lifted from her shoulders and allowing her to regain her freedom.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

The gears of fate turn again, pushing the two people who had missed out on each other. The news of Lo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling's reunion quickly spread throughout Hong Kong's high society, causing quite a stir.

Their story, like a romantic legend spanning nearly 30 years, has attracted the attention of countless people.

In November 2008, in a luxury hotel in Singapore, Loh and Zhu Lingling held a simple and warm wedding. This wedding was in stark contrast to their respective first weddings.

Zhu Lingling was dressed in an elegant lace dress, a white pearl necklace and a silver bracelet, and her face was filled with a happy smile from the heart. Luo Kangrui was dressed in a straight suit, and his eyes flashed with joy that could not be concealed, as if he had finally fulfilled a wish that had lasted for 30 years.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

Only a few close friends were invited to the wedding scene, which was in stark contrast to the 360 tables of guests at the wedding of Huo Zhenting and Zhu Lingling that year. However, it is this simplicity that can better reflect their cherishing of this relationship.

They don't need extravagant pomp, as long as they can hold hands, that's enough.

After the wedding, in the face of ridicule from reporters, Luo Kangrui gently resolved the embarrassment for Zhu Lingling, showing the deep tacit understanding between them. At this moment, they can finally let go of the baggage of the past, embrace each other wholeheartedly, and start a new chapter in their lives.

The reunion and remarriage of Lo and Chu Lingling is not only a major turning point in their personal lives, but also the focus of attention in Hong Kong society. Their story is like a realistic version of a love movie, interpreting the beautiful meaning of "true love is never late".

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

This long-overdue love finally came to fruition, writing a happy ending to their lives.

After getting married, Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling's life is like a harmonious pas de deux. They often go out shopping together and enjoy the quality time of the two of them. On the streets of Happy Valley in Hong Kong, this loving couple can often be seen.

They have lunch together in a tea restaurant or stroll through the streets, and although their demeanor is low-key, they still can't hide the light of happiness.

Zhu Lingling seems to have been born with "prosperous luck". With her company, Luo Kangrui's career has reached a higher level. The Shui On Group is thriving, and Lo's personal wealth has soared from about HK$5 billion to a staggering HK$14.1 billion.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

This huge increase in wealth is undoubtedly a highlight of their married life.

However, the real wealth is not money, but the growing affection between them. Their love story began in their youth, went through the vicissitudes of life, and finally came to fruition.

This belated love makes them cherish every moment of the moment even more.

Looking back, Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling often sigh at the wonder of fate. Perhaps it is precisely because of the trials and tribulations of their respective marriages that they can face this relationship more maturely.

Luo Kangrui: At the age of 60, why did he abandon his original children and have to marry 50-year-old Zhu Lingling

In their story, we see the power of love, which transcends the barriers of time and finally connects two hearts that love each other.

Luo Kangrui and Zhu Lingling's later life has become a model that many people envy. They interpret the true meaning of "true love has no age" with practical actions, and also bring hope to those who are still looking for true love.

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